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🇵🇱 🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Official statement of the RDK regarding the fighters of the Polish Volunteer Corps (PDK).

"Our comrades-in-arms from Poland have indeed been fighting with us shoulder to shoulder for the freedom and independence of Ukraine for several months. We have already managed to jointly carry out a number of operations in the Orekhovsky and Zaporozhye and Bakhmut areas. The guys showed themselves perfectly and showed a high level of motivation and preparation.

As for the hostilities on the territory of the Russian Federation, the PDK fighters provide a convoy of prisoners, military and medical logistics, but only within the state border of Ukraine. Despite such restrictions, we still sincerely thank them for their invaluable contribution to the common cause and always include them in our planning and share our trophies with them.

The RDK fighters are sincerely grateful to the people of Poland for their brave warriors in this war!"

🇷🇺 Prigozhin was asked if Wagner would come to protect the Belgorod region recently. His response:

"Once again, while we are all concentrated in the rear zones, if the MoD in the near future does not stop what is happening in the Belgorod region, does not stop the unrest that is taking in the territory of Russia, then, of course, we will come to the Belgorod region and protect our Russian people, all those who live there, Russians, Dagestanis, Chechens, anyone, ethnic Ukrainians included.

And we will not wait for someone's invitation and ask whether we can or not.

The only thing is that we will need ammunition, because it is useless to come without it, as they say, with a naked ass in the cold."

📎 Trollstoy88
🇵🇱 🇷🇺 A Polish Star 1466 truck can be seen in this Freedom of Russia Legion video

🇵🇱 🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Transcript of the now-deleted post from the Polish Volunteer Corps channel on their involvement in the raid on Belgorod region, Russia:

"Wszyscy zadają nam jedno pytanie,  czy braliśmy udział w operacji na terenie obwodu Biełgorodzkiego ...

English: Everyone asks us one question, whether we participated in the operation in the Belgorod region ...

Odpowiedź jest jednoznaczna,
oczywiście ze tak!

The answer is unequivocal,
of course I do!

Polski Korpus Ochotniczy brał udział w wypełnieniu zadania bojowego wraz z Rosyjskim Korpusem Ochotniczym.
Łączą nas nie tylko więzy braterstwa broni ale także osobiste przyjaźnie i koleżeństwo.

The Polish volunteer corps participated in the combat mission together with the Russian Volunteer Corps.
We share not only the bonds of the Brotherhood of arms, but also personal friendship and camaraderie.

W akcji wzięła pierwsza grupa szturmowa Korpusu. Wszyscy wrócili z zadania cali i zdrowi. Wyznaczone zadanie wykonano pomyślnie. Możemy wskazać że jako pierwsi, razem z jedną z grup bojowych RDK dotarliśmy do miejsca przeznaczenia.

In action took the first assault group of the Corps. They all returned from the mission safe and sound. The assigned task was completed successfully. We can point out that we were the first, together with one of the RDK combat groups, to reach our destination.

Dla naszego oddziału był to zaszczyt uczestniczyć w tego typu operacji, choćby ze względu na historyczne znaczenie tego typu działań.

It was an honor for our unit to participate in this type of operation, if only because of the historical significance of this type of operation.

Pozdrawiamy naszych przyjaciół z Rosyjskiego Korpusu za świetne przygotowanie do operacji, za udzieloną nam pomoc w przygotowaniu naszej grupy, profesjonalizm w działaniu i odwagę na polu walki!

We congratulate our friends from the Russian Corps for their excellent preparation for the operation, for their help in preparing our group, professionalism in action and courage on the battlefield!

Informacje o naszym uczestnictwie w operacji zostały specjalnie opublikowane z dużym opóźnieniem ze względów bezpieczeństwa.

Information about our participation in the operation was specially published with a long delay for security reasons."

⚖️🇺🇦 The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned Ukraine to pay 40k EUR in damages for refusing to register the marriage of a same-sex couple.

The verdict, in a case brought to the court by plaintiffs Andrii Maimulakhin and Andrii Markiv in 2014, adds to calls for increased protection for and recognition of LGBTQ rights in the country, whose constitution still describes marriage as between a man and a woman.

The couple's "sexual orientation had been the sole basis for the difference in treatment," the ECHR said.

"(Ukraine's) broadly worded aim of the protection of the traditional family could not in itself be accepted as a valid ground for justifying the denial" of equal rights, it added.

Legalisation is still opposed by conservative parts of Ukrainian society and the church, though President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is currently considering a petition and he could request that parliament draft a law.

Last year, Zelenskiy responded positively to a related petition but said it was not possible to alter the constitution, during wartime.

🔗 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/echr-rules-favour-rights-same-sex-couples-ukraine-2023-06-01/

🇸🇪 🇹🇷 Sweden has met all the requirements of Turkey and has the right to join NATO, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said after talks with Turkish President Erdogan.

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
⛈️ Scientists Find a Way to Harvest Clean Energy From Nothing But Air Engineers have demonstrated something marvelous. Almost any material can be used to create a device that continuously harvests energy from humid air. It's not a development that's ready…
☀️ Scientists Successfully Transmit Space-Based Solar Power to Earth for the First Time
Caltech's recent breakthrough has moved us closer to achieving the transformative potential of space-based solar power.

The experiment is a part of Caltech’s Space Solar Power Project, and the institute announced a successful transmission via press release yesterday. The researchers conducted the power transfer experiment using the Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment, or MAPLE, which is a small prototype aboard the in-orbit Space Solar Power Demonstrator (SSPD-1) that launched this past January.

“Through the experiments we have run so far, we received confirmation that MAPLE can transmit power successfully to receivers in space,” said Space Solar Power Project co-director Ali Hajimiri in the press release. “We have also been able to program the array to direct its energy toward Earth, which we detected here at Caltech. We had, of course, tested it on Earth, but now we know that it can survive the trip to space and operate there.”

“In the same way that the internet democratized access to information, we hope that wireless energy transfer democratizes access to energy,” Hajimiri said in the release. “No energy transmission infrastructure will be needed on the ground to receive this power. That means we can send energy to remote regions and areas devastated by war or natural disaster.”

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
🟦 🇩🇪 New Hydrogen Alliance Envisions Wilhelmshaven as Port Hub Seven companies in Germany’s energy sector said on Tuesday that they had formed an alliance to bring clean hydrogen from the seashore to centres of industrial consumption. Germany wants to build…
🟦 ✈️ Destinus Soars in Aerospace Innovation With Successful Hydrogen-Fueled Prototype Flight

The experimental flight involved an unmanned prototype with a special hypersonic aero shape design. Several flights were conducted with multiple firings of the hydrogen afterburner, reaching speeds of approximately 250 kilometers per hour. These flights demonstrated the functionality and efficiency of hydrogen afterburners under real-world conditions.

The use of hydrogen as a fuel source represents a significant advancement in sustainable aviation. Hydrogen is the key enabler of long-range and high-speed flights, with a much higher energy density compared to Jet A fuel. Additionally, hydrogen is known for its clean-burning properties, emitting only heat and water vapor as a byproduct, thereby minimizing carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, it has an energy density three times that of Jet A fuel, making it suitable for long ranges and high speeds. The successful integration of hydrogen afterburners in this prototype paves the way for a new era of cleaner and more efficient propulsion systems for aviation.

We aim to develop a hydrogen-powered hypersonic passenger aircraft to maintain Europe’s leadership in aeronautics. As the aviation industry continues to strive for greener solutions, the successful demonstration of hydrogen afterburners in the Jungfrau (Destinus-1) prototype is a significant achievement. The design of the afterburner has significant similarities to the combustion chamber of a ramjet, so the hydrogen afterburner test also serves as a stepping stone for the development of a hydrogen ramjet.

💥 🇺🇸 Annapolis Explosion: DC Air National Guard conducted air defense drills over the Chesapeake Bay and was cleared to go supersonic during an alert scramble exercise.

📎 Andrew Leyden
💥 ✈️ 🇺🇸 FAA confirms small jet crash in Virginia. This is likely what prompted fighter jets to scramble, as the plane appeared unresponsive as it flew over DC

📎 BNO News Live
/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
☀️ Scientists Successfully Transmit Space-Based Solar Power to Earth for the First Time Caltech's recent breakthrough has moved us closer to achieving the transformative potential of space-based solar power. The experiment is a part of Caltech’s Space Solar…
☀️ In 1960, visionary physicist Freeman Dyson proposed that an advanced alien civilization would someday quit fooling around with kindergarten-level stuff like wind turbines and nuclear reactors and finally go big, completely enclosing their home star to capture as much solar energy as they possibly could. They would then go on to use that enormous amount of energy to mine bitcoin, make funny videos on social media, delve into the deepest mysteries of the Universe, and enjoy the bounties of their energy-rich civilization.

But what if the alien civilization was… us? What if we decided to build a Dyson sphere around our sun? Could we do it? How much energy would it cost us to rearrange our solar system, and how long would it take to get our investment back? Before we put too much thought into whether humanity is capable of this amazing feat, even theoretically, we should decide if it’s worth the effort. Can we actually achieve a net gain in energy by building a Dyson sphere?

🔽 Continued

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