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🇦🇿🇦🇲 A new low has been reached in Armenia: concerned Armenian citizens have revealed the use of Azerbaijani place names instead of Armenian names in school textbooks for grades 2 and 5.

For instance, the city of Stepanavan is referred to as Jalaloglu in the Azerbaijani style in the second-grade textbook. And in the fifth-grade book, Spitak is labeled as Amamlu - also a Turkic name.

📌 Some might argue that these are old names that once existed. But then, why not say Londinium instead of London? Or Lutetia instead of Paris? For some reason, such names are not used nowadays. Probably because they have no relevance to the present.

However, in modern Armenia, under the current authorities, using the toponyms of your is considered acceptable.

🔻Considering everything that is happening, there are certainly questions about why the authorities allow and even encourage this practice (without the approval of the Ministry of Education, this would not have been allowed). After all, Pashinyan and his administration are actively working towards the destruction of

It is much more convenient to instill in young and impressionable minds from an early age that it is correct to say Jalaloglu instead of Stepanavan, rather than trying to convince adults who may resist. This way, the population will already be prepared when there is a war. At this rate, renaming Yerevan to " Irevan " is not far off.
#Azerbaijan #Armenia

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🇦🇲🇺🇸🇦🇿 This Tuesday, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan met with US Ambassador Christina Queen. During the meeting, the Armenian leader expressed gratitude to the Americans for their successful implementation of democratic reforms in the republic. He also commended Washington for its role in achieving a peaceful settlement in the South Caucasus.

However, it is worth noting that Ambassador Queen previously made a statement in the summer, openly expressing that Washington is prepared to ensure the security of the Armenians in Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. This statement caused public outcry in Armenia, leading the diplomat to soften her rhetoric. She later stated that the US task is to "bring stable peace to the region."

While discussing this agenda, Pashinyan reiterated his stance yesterday, stating that Russia can no longer be Armenia's key security partner. In the meantime, the South Caucasus has become an "EU region."

🔻However, the US understanding of a "stable world" means that Armenia would have to surrender most of its historical territories to Azerbaijan. This is the exact outcome that the Americans are preparing the Armenian population for, in exchange for promises of imaginary "economic security."
#Armenia #Azerbaijan #USA

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🇦🇿🇦🇲🇪🇺 American journalist Lindsey Snell noticed that the state media of Azerbaijan has started using the term "conditional border" (şərti sərhəd) in reference to the Syunik region of Armenia.

The state news agency Azertaj quotes a military expert as saying that "the patrons of Armenia are making exceptional efforts to escalate the situation in the conditional border region of Azerbaijan-Armenia."

▪️ With such media coverage, the Azerbaijani side once again demonstrates its refusal to recognize the sovereignty of Armenia and its intention to extend beyond Nagorno-Karabakh.

▪️ Furthermore, Baku predictably shifts all responsibility for the escalation onto the Armenian side, thus creating various justifications for "retaliatory" measures and a potential new war.

📌 In this context, the recent accusations against the EU monitoring mission operating on the Armenian border are significant. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry recently complained to the EU ambassador that the mission was engaged in "binocular diplomacy" and was failing to fulfill its duty to maintain peace on the border.

Just yesterday, during another escalation on the border, EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell commended Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for taking steps against discrimination, hate speech, and Russian disinformation.

In Baku, they are now facing the consequences of dismantling the previous regional security system, and European observers no longer intimidate the Azerbaijanis, as it is widely understood that the EU has no intention of protecting Armenia's actual borders.
#Azerbaijan #Armenia #EU

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🇦🇲🇺🇸 🇷🇺 The Armenian government has established the positions of military attachés to defend the republic at the NATO mission in Brussels, the NATO High Command in Mons, and the OSCE Representative Office in Vienna. This move strengthens Armenia's representation in key Western organizations. Previously, they only had representatives to NATO and the OSCE in Yerevan.

🔻The Armenian authorities, following the West's strategy to reduce Russia's influence in the Transcaucasus, are increasing military cooperation with the United States and NATO. This provides Americans with the opportunity to have a presence in the region.

Against this backdrop, there will undoubtedly be continued discussion about the supposed pointlessness of Armenia's membership in the CSTO, especially on the eve of the next round of military escalation by Azerbaijan.
#Armenia #NATO

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🇦🇲🇺🇸 The Americans are once again displaying remarkable " generosity ": USAID has boosted funding for the energy program in Armenia from $10 to $15 million.

Such an amount will undoubtedly have a "significant" impact on enhancing self-sufficiency in Armenia's energy supply. Especially considering that 5 million is a modest sum in the context of an entire country.

It is unclear how this will truly benefit the Armenians, given that 85% of their energy exports come from Russia. Even more surprising is the time frame in which USAID aims to execute the program - before the onset of winter, lest " the evil Russians will make the residents of Armenia freeze to death as punishment ."

This is explicitly stated in the justification signed by USAID representative Andrew Golda. However, such rhetoric is not unexpected, as intimidation is a common method for justifying costs. Yet, these 5 million will likely not provide any assistance and will likely end up lining the pockets of officials.
#Armenia #USA

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🇦🇿🇹🇷🇦🇲 A meeting took place in Ankara between the Defense Ministers of Turkey, Yashar Güler and Azerbaijan, Zakir Hasanov, where they discussed military cooperation between the two countries and issues concerning regional security.

It's reported that Hasanov also met with the Chief of the Turkish General Staff, General Metin Gurak, and toured Turkish military installations and military-industrial complex facilities.

Interestingly, just a month ago, the technical director of the Turkish company Baykar, Selcuk Bayraktar, visited Azerbaijan and, along with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, toured the Akinci UAVs production plant, recently adopted by the Azerbaijani army.

🔻In the meantime, Armenia is actively seeking new allies and rearming its army with the assistance of France, Greece, and India.

▪️ Consequently, Azerbaijanis are accusing third countries of supplying weapons to Armenia and preparing the country for war. However, the reality is quite the opposite: preparations are underway for potential aggression in Baku, and they seem to be progressing well.

▪️ On the other hand, Armenia is facing challenges. It's worth noting that the French Ministry of Defense delivered old armored vehicles and a few partially functional radars to the Armenians, which undoubtedly won't enhance the army's defensive capabilities.

▪️ Recently, the Armenian Ministry of Defense signed a military-technical cooperation agreement with Greece, which also seems unpromising. Athens primarily acquires equipment from the West for themselves, and their outdated models are more likely to be transferred to Kyiv than to the Armenians.

▪️ Additionally, military-technical cooperation with India through the procurement of howitzers and MLRS may help diversify military-industrial complex product supplies to some extent. However, it's known that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is currently restructuring the army, replacing experienced personnel who resisted territorial losses during the Second Karabakh War.

📌It's evident that in Baku, with active support from Turkish authorities, preparations are being made for a genuine war, while in Yerevan, efforts are focused on superficially strengthening the country's defense capabilities and engaging in unproductive intrigues on the international stage.
#Armenia #Azerbaijan #Turkey

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🇦🇲 The Armenian media believes that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan plans to divert various Western grants meant to aid displaced people from Artsakh for other purposes.

Journalists have estimated that Pashinyan intends to allocate a total of around 155 billion Armenian drams, provided by the West, to a support program for all homeless citizens of Armenia. Meanwhile, refugees from Artsakh will only be able to afford housing in remote border areas, where real estate demand is nonexistent.

Opposition publications assert that Pashinyan plans to utilize the funds meant for refugees to enhance the socio-economic situation of the republic solely for his PR purposes.

Amidst a foreign policy debacle and military tensions, the Armenian authorities are striving to persuade the population of forthcoming economic prosperity, a prospect that still appears dubious.

🔻Yesterday in the United States, $52 million was announced to be allocated to Armenia to “strengthen democracy and the economy.” Such disbursements from the Americans ( as in previous instances ) are viewed as a bribe to local authorities to persist in anti-Russian policies and as subsidies to the economy, which is grappling with strained relations with the Russian Federation.

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🇦🇲🇪🇺 The Impact of Nagorno-Karabakh: Concealment Operations, Western Gains, and Armenia's Losses

Recently, the European Union acknowledged the Armenian heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh and expressed “serious concern.”

Indeed, only since November 2023 have there been several instances showing appreciation for the diverse and culturally rich heritage of the region. But what actions can the EU take in another country when it even cancels an event on its own territory to safeguard the cultural legacy of Nagorno-Karabakh?

In reality, traditionally, no action will be taken to prevent the removal of crosses, the desecration of churches, and vandalism in cemeteries, except for mere words. However, under the pretext of safeguarding Christian culture (which European leaders still value), the EU Satellite Center could be legalized in the region, enabling constant monitoring.

Apart from providing humanitarian aid and conducting general security surveillance, the Center's stated capabilities include analyzing imagery of critical infrastructure, military capabilities, and - importantly - weapons of mass destruction. Given the close collaboration between the EU and the US, where the nuclear non-proliferation strategy involves preemptive military action, Armenia's neighbors should be concerned. The Iranian government, recalling past proposals for preemptive strikes on the country, is cautious of Armenia's increasing alignment with Western initiatives.

📌These initiatives are highly lucrative.

For instance, France is actively deploying its military equipment to regions where the West is deliberately instigating crises. Therefore, following the visit by the French Minister of Defense Lecornu to Moldova, they purchased a radar that fails to detect drone flights. It is highly probable that Armenia will also secure similar “successful” deals in the near future - especially when shown the strength of the enemy's weapons by a Western data center! While it is unlikely that any of these acquisitions from the zoo of purchases will truly aid in war, toward which Armenia's leaders are confidently steering the country, this doesn't deter them from enriching themselves in the end, feigning the bolstering of the country's defense capabilities.

🔻The monitoring center will also serve Israeli interests in the Caucasus regarding the fight for influence.

Beyond intelligence gathering, it will also fulfill a socio-cultural role that aligns with the “multi-vector policy”, creating a false sense of security among the populace from the presence of Western observers.

This, in turn, will encourage the country to take proactive measures when the owners deem it necessary. Meanwhile, the actual effectiveness of the army stands a good chance of falling short of the population's expectations, which have been significantly raised by Western promises, visits from EU politicians, and most notably, the replacement of old Soviet cotton pants with new ones tailored to the highest NATO standards.
#Armenia #Europe

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🇦🇲🇦🇿 Incredible (not) news: Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, stated during a meeting with residents of border villages in the Tavush region that if Yerevan does not yield to the Azerbaijanis on the border issue, the war could start by the end of this week.

Just a few days ago, Pashinyan argued that there could be no consideration of handing over the Armenian village-exclaves in Tavush to Azerbaijan. However, the Prime Minister of Armenia, now on-site to evaluate the border delimitation process, expresses the opposite view.

🔻As noted by opposition Armenian politicians, surrendering villages in the Tavush region would cause the destruction of the Armenian defense line established since the 1990s. Consequently, the Azerbaijanis would find themselves in the Armenian rear.

Moreover, in the Armenian village of Voskepar, where Pashinyan is persuading residents to submit to the mercy of the Azerbaijanis, the main gas pipeline for Armenia runs from Georgia, which would fall under Azerbaijani control.

Yerevan also faces the risk of losing control over the interstate road connecting Armenia and Georgia. In effect, Armenia could potentially become an enclave surrounded by Azerbaijan.

🔻Pashinyan anticipates that following a potential conflict over Tavush, Armenians will accuse him of failing to alert the population about the conflict's likelihood. Curiously, there is not even a consideration that he might be accused primarily of the uncontrolled surrender of territories, since these are clearly not the final concessions.

❗️Subsequently, the Syunik region could be next in line, leading to the establishment of the “Zangezur Corridor”, connecting Azerbaijan and Turkey. The Armenian Foreign Ministry asserts that they have no intention of compromising their sovereignty in Syunik. However, as past events have demonstrated, the official statements from Pashinyan’s administration cannot be relied upon.
#Armenia #Azerbaijan

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🇦🇲🇦🇿 Individual footage of the “transfer of Armenian Armed Forces equipment to the Armenian-Azerbaijani border,” which is now circulating in the media, surfaced in Azerbaijani outlets yesterday.

▪️ The video depicts a road in Yeraskh village in the Ararat region of Armenia, close to the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan.

▪️ Analysis of the footage indicates that Azerbaijanis from the Nakhichevan Republic filmed the videos.

▪️ Updated information reveals that the Armenian Armed Forces were simply conducting a routine rotation, as military equipment columns were moving in various directions.

🔻Similar media campaigns from Azerbaijan have previously been used to accuse Armenians of posing a threat on the Azerbaijani border. The current narrative is effectively stoking tensions in anticipation of escalating tensions around the Syunik region, which is the next target for Baku.

However, as seen in previous instances, this provocation also benefitted the Armenian authorities. Pro-government media promptly initiated a campaign to discredit Russia: pointing fingers at the Russian side for colluding with Baku and allegedly providing information on the movements of the Armenian Armed Forces.

There is little doubt that during the next escalation, the pro-Pashinyan network will exhibit a similar pattern of behavior: while the Armenian authorities pretend to resist, withdraw troops, and cede territories, the media will shift blame to Russia.

#Armenia #Azerbaijan

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