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A Truly Pro-white Policy Perspective

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White Papers pinned «James (Director/Editor) and Cyan sat down for an lengthy hour and 45 minute chat starting with the major pieces of the week, from the mounting refugee Crisis in Germany and at the borders of Europe to the imposition of same-sex unions on Romania by the European…»
White-Papers would like to offer our tribute to hundreds of thousands of men who served and died for their countries on this Memorial day.

Unjust though the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries may have been, it is important to pay tribute to the many White Americans, who fought with such bravery and fervour on the soil of their ancestors.

Today Sweden celebrates Veterans Day, ceremonies for which the Director attended earlier in the day.

In two-three days time several Canadian provinces will celebrate Memorial/Decoration Days of their own, while earlier this month several US states, and other White nations paid tribute to their war dead in similar fashions.

These days of commemoration must serve as reminders about all we have lost and continue to lose in the service of powers which do not have our best interests at heart.

We must strive to win the current struggle in America, Europe and in all countries White people can call our own. Brother wars are not an inevitability, nor is rule by traitors, foreigners and those who only wish to abuse our civilization.
" Britain's Posterboys"

The British government has launched an ad campaign in Albania to attempt and disuade Albanians from crossing the English Channel and entering Britain.

Ad campaigns are useless when the British government has refused to change policies and the rate of immigration to the country only increases year-on-year.

Additionally, Albanians made up only 27% of those who crossed the English Channel in 2022, with thousands of Iranians, Afghans and Iraqis also making the trip.

If the British government wanted to stop the crossings, it could. The British state is one of the most well resourced in history and has more than enough vessels and manpower to tow these ships away from British shores.

Additionally Britain could simply deport the Albanians to Kosovo. Albania and Kosovo share an ethnic profile, as both are majority Albanian, and the two nations have a freedom of movement agreement.

Britain is active in KFOR and therefore has the right to fly military planes into Slatina Air Base. If Albania will not take its citizens back the British state could deport them on military flights.

Migration continues because the people running the British state want it to continue.

Read our full article, including up to date immigration statistics and more policy solutions, here on our substack.
"White Retreat is not Defeat"

Eleven states in the United States are minority White. 10 of them have made the transition from majority to minority White since the 1965 immigration act was passed, while Hawaii is likely to have always been a minority White state.

Red (11) = Minority White State

Orange (2) = Near Minority White State (Whites under 55% of the population)

Green (37) = Majority White state (Whites above 55% of the population)

In total 59.6 million, or 33.3% of all European Americans live in a minority White state.

In spite of this rapid demographic decline Whites still retain a voting majority in every state except for those of California and Hawaii.

In a state like Texas, where European Americans may only be 37.5% of the population, they are still over 55% of the eligible voters, and vote as a block. Much the same is also true in states such as Georgia.

White Americans own a majority of the property in the United States, make up the majority of skilled tradesmen, and remain the only group which pay a net positive share of the tax income to state and federal governments.

Whites have the money, resources and skill to organize politically and take their country back, it is only a matter of building the institutions and asserting their will.

Read our full piece, including a much more detailed demographic breakdown, here on our substack.
I would like to thank the wonderful Laura Towler, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative, for taking the time to guest-host the White-Papers Podcast with me!

Expect it to be released on Sunday!
The war in Ukraine has become so taxing on the rest of the world that the Africans are now sending a mission of 6 heads of state to attempt and mediate a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

The mission is the brainchild of a French businessman and para-diplomat, Jean-Yves Ollivier. Known as a "fixer" who networks between heads of state.

Both Putin and Zelensky have agreed to separate meetings with the African delegation.

While it is unlikely they will manage to broker a peace it is certainly remarkable that the developing world is now stepping up to attempt and mediate a conflict which the West is only interested in fueling.

Most states in the world are not ideologically committed to liberalism, and they cannot continue to operate in a global environment where the majority of nations and people kowtow to the insanity of the Western elite.
"Battered Isle"

Ireland has been rapidly transformed by neoliberal forces in the last several years.

First came the legalization of same sex marriage and a much more open policy on abortion.

Facebook and Google openly interfered with the free flow of information in relation to both referendums.

Then came the massive and ceasless flow of migrants.

Dublin remains the worst city in the world to find housing, has doubled its homeless population, and young Irish are completely unable to get onto the housing ladder.

Now the Irish government (and Stormont) want to cull both the national beef and national sheep herds.

From a relatively socially intact and socially conservative nation able to feed and cloth itself, to a neoliberal wasteland in about 6 years flat.

Lessons should have been learned from the EU forcing Ireland to vote numerous times until it agreed to give away its sovereignty and from the financial crisis which crippled the nation.

The Irish must keep organizing to bring an end to the new plantation of Ireland.

Be sure to read our Substack!
James (Director/Editor) and Laura Towler, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative, sit down to discuss all things Britain! The pair open the show with an appeal to support James Allchurch, AKA Sven Longshanks. Next is a bit of fun at the expensive of goofy feminists before moving onto topics as varied as immigration statistics, immigration fraud, electoral politics and the failures of the Tories.

Laura rounds out the show by describing the wonderful spirit of nationalist unity embodied at a recent meeting of UK nationalist groups and some general information about Patriotic Alterative’s ongoing efforts in defence of a Britain for Britons.

Less than 10 days have passed between the article we penned on the European Court of Human Rights forcing Romania to legalize same-sex unions and the ECHR now forcing Ukraine to do the same.

In the case against Romania, it was argued that Romania had a duty to legislate to recognize these unions under the European Convention of Human Rights.

Whereas in the case of Ukraine the ECHR has ruled that the Ukrainian constitution, which protects traditional marriage, is invalid insofar as it conflicts with the "human right" of homosexual couples to marry.

Post-war neoliberal institutions are now invalidating nation-state constitutions.

We predicted in the article that the Romania ruling would serve as a springboard for the ECHR to force every country under its jurisdiction to legalize homosexual unions.

It took less than 10 days for that prediction to become reality.

Poland, Turkey, Lithuania, Bulgaria and many more nations which protect the traditional family will be next.
"Whites are With Us"

Over 40% of Americans were willing to tell the Souther Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that the changing demographics of the United States “pose a threat to White Americans and their culture and values”.

In raw numbers that represents roughly 58.5 million adult Americans.

63% of young Republican men and 54% of young Democratic men, were willing to admit they viewed the demographic changes in the United States as a deliberate process to replace Whites.

A May 2022 Yougov poll demonstrated that nearly 48% of White Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe that discrimination against Whites is a serious problem.

Tens of millions of White Americans are fed up with a system which aduses them, abuses their children, abuses their nation and abuses their race.

We've won the minds of Whites, now we must win their support

Read our full article, including graphs, sources and much much more data, here on our Substack.
Pro-White Policies Remain Off the Table in 2024

When a nationalist reflects on 2016 they are able to take stock of a litany of positive policy proposals made by primary candidates, and later by mainline candidate Trump, during the election.

The 16+ million Whites with medical debt had hope in proposals ranging from universal healthcare (Sanders), to price transparency and drug price negotiation (Trump).

Immigration was a central plank of every platform on offer, except for that of Hillary Clinton.

Every candidate was making some form of promise to invest trillions in infrastructure and thereby industrial jobs.

Student loan forgiveness would have freed millions of working Whites from debt, and immigration controls would have risen their wages.

Now, as White America stares down the 2024 electoral cycle, none of these policy options are on offer.

There is no serious candidate on the immigration front, no candidate wants to tackle the ocean of debt everyday Americans find themselves in, and the White population faces continuing economic and social crisis.

Read our entire piece, including many more statistics on the dire situation of White Americans, here on our Substack.
In the third installment of our four-part landmark series, White-Papers continues its examination of the question of repatriation.

Could the United States repatriate a significant portion of its non-White population in order to ensure a perpetual White majority?

The answer is unquestionably that it can, should, and must.

In The Great Repatriation: Part Three, we explore Black immigration and African American repatriation as a method of self determination.

Please Enjoy!
The knife attack on four children in Annecy is heartbreaking and unacceptable.

Over 60% of the French believe the Great Replacement is happening, and it is.

over 70% of the French do not feel safe in their own country.

The murder of Lola sparked national outrage, and so too is this tragic event.

The French political class have a clear mandate from the population to begin ridding France of racial foreigners.

If the current political class won't take action (and they won't) then the situation will result in revolutionary political change.

Protecting our children, White children, is not an abstract. It's existential.
"France's Fight on the Western Front"

Yesterday, the 8th of June 2023, a Syrian migrant with asylum in Sweden, stabbed six people in the French town of Annecy. Of the six injured were four preschool aged children.

69% of the French believe that there are too many migrants in France, and 61% of the French public believe that the Great Replacement is not theory, but fact, and being carried out in their nation.

Conversation about the Great Replacement is common and even mainstream in France, as White-Papers has outlined in previous pieces.

The French political class has a clear mandate to rid the nation of its massive non-White population. There are some 3.5 million non-citizen non-White immigrants in France.

A further 3.5 million people in France are the underage children of this group.

As recently as 2009-2010 France was forcibly expelling and paying migrants (namely Roma) to leave the country.

The entire West is a battlefront, and the French have a battle to win.

Read our full article, including demographic breakdown and litany of policy proposals to rescue France, here on our Substack.
Forwarded from White Papers
In the third installment of our four-part landmark series, White-Papers continues its examination of the question of repatriation.

Could the United States repatriate a significant portion of its non-White population in order to ensure a perpetual White majority?

The answer is unquestionably that it can, should, and must.

In The Great Repatriation: Part Three, we explore Black immigration and African American repatriation as a method of self determination.

Please Enjoy!
The Physical Decline of America is a Policy Choice

Americans live not only with an increasingly precarious personal financial and saftey situations, but in a country where physical infrastructure is failing on a massive and ever-worsening scale. As evidenced by the recent I-95 collapse in Pennsylvania.

Each year the American Society of Civil Engineers puts together a ‘report card’ on the nation’s infrastructure. The cumulative grade in the most recent report was a terrible C-, while roadways received an even lower grade of D.

According to the report, over 43% of the American roadway system is in poor or mediocre condition.

Yet, the American state gives tens of billions of dollars to Israel, Ukraine and Mexico, among others, for their domestic infrastructure projects.

States make policy based on their immediate priorities, and the American state’s last priority is for safe high quality infrastructure for its population, particularly it's White population which receives deliberate underinvestment.

Learn more about America's crumbling infrastructure and the anti-White bias written into spending legislation, here on our substack.
There is a reason Greg Abbott and the Texas GOP did this,

White Texans are going to do whatever they can to prevent Blacks and other non-Whites from sharing space with them.

And why is that? Perhaps because non-Whites in Texas are insanely violent and mass migration is transforming Texas into a third-world state.

Hispanics and Blacks are responsible for:

71.4% of all rapes and 58% of all other sexual violence

76.5% of all murders and 72% of all Aggravated Assaults

Not to mention countless mass casuality events last month.

Instead of making policy to protect White Texans from crime and demographic disenfranchisement, the GOP is going to make sure Whites have not a single avenue left to defend themselves.

You can read more about the current state of Texas here on our substack.
"White Australia is in Crisis (1/2)"

In 1951 just 10.5% of the Australian population was born abroad according to Australian Bureau of Statistics. This number roughly doubled to 20% by the year 1970, by which time the White Australia policy had largely been done away with.

The total foreign born population now stands at a staggering 29%.

Nearly 500,000 Indians have entered Australia since just 2011. More than 200,000 Chinese and 120,000 Filipinos have arrived in that same timeframe.

These mass movements of people have put incredible strain on the Australian nation. Australia is experiencing a massive housing shortage and housing cost crisis.

Real wages in Australia have not grown in any significant form since the mid-1970s.

Mass migration is pricing White Australians out of their homes and reducing their quality of life in increasingly measurable ways. It is no wonder that some 40% of Australians between ages 19 and 29 are thinking about making a move abroad.

Some 71% of Australians believe their cities are too crowded, 70% of Australians want lower levels of immigration,

and 61% of Australians believe that Australia “has enough diversity” and needs to focus on encouraging Australian identity.

Read much more about the current demographic situation in Australia, and where the Australian people stand on the issues, here on our substack.
Study by the Australian Population Research Institute.

70% of Australians want less immigration, 42% want a lot less immigration.

61% believe Australia has 'enough' diversity and needs to encourage Australian identity.
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