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A Truly Pro-white Policy Perspective

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"The racial shift"

This phenomenon of Whites identifying with the local aboriginal group (known as racial shifting among leftist academics) is widespread and growing.

In the 2020 US census the population of Native Americans increased a staggering 87% and while some people tried to explain it away with a few examples of Mestizos in the US identifying as a "native" this is not the commonplace shift.

Entire books on the subject of Whites 'racially shifting' to identify as 'native' have been written.

Furthermore the number of non-Hispanic Whites in the US who identified as "White alone" decreased by 5.12 million in the 2020 census.

While the number non-Hispanic Whites who identified as White "in combination" with another racial identity increased by over 2 million.

Even the number of Hispanics who identify as "White alone" shrunk by 53% from 26.7 million to 12.58 million. Though, this is likely a more accurate figure according to the genetic studies.

Regardless, identifying and being viewed as White is a hobble in the modern liberal West. Whites with aspirational goals for participation in this system do not want to be chained to a denegrated race.

Many, even US senators, view it as advantageous to be as non-White as possible. This phenomenon alone disproves all theories of "privilege attached to Whiteness".

There are certainly more than 300,000 fake aborigines in Australia, just as there are many million fake Indians in the US.
Biden's State of the Union was unequivocally awful, packed with obfuscation and deliberate falsehoods.

But the GOP, in predictable fashion, responds by sending out the former blockhead of the Trump administration, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, to deliver a response.

A message which contained the following:

> Support for Latinos by banning the use of the term "Latinx"

> Praise for forced racial integration in schools, dedication to Black education

> A call to militate against Iran and North Korea

> Said the GOP "didn't start" and "doesn't want to fight" the 'culture' war

> About 10-15 references to "crazy wokes". No substantive promises to combat them.

> Appeals to small government and unfettered capitalism

> Apparent endorsement of Trump to run again

She only made one interesting statement:

> That the government is working with corporations to deliberately end freedom of speech.

The mainstream political exchange in the United States remains an exercise in appealing to corporations and to various non-White groups.

No mention of Whites, and no promises to help struggling Americans beyond "the market".

As nationalists one of the things that should concern us most is the self-sufficiency of our nations in the most basic necessities of life.

If a nation cannot feed itself, despite having the resources to do so, its ruling class have failed in their responsibilities.

The United Kingdom cannot currently feed itself, importing nearly half the food it eats.

Swedish agricultural self sufficiency is now below 50%.

Joining the European Union has strained much of Eastern European agriculture, as the nations were flooded with cheap food from France, Spain and Ireland.

It's commonly known that the quality of Western European products sold to Eastern European nations is much lower than in domestic western markets.

In some nations, such as Italy, countless hectares of farmland have been abandoned as the state has abandoned the sector to 'global markets'.

While some nations, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia or China have demographic and geographic constraints on their ability to feed populations, this is not the case in vast majority of White nations.

Policy choices, namely by the European Union and other global actors, have result in nations like Britain and Sweden being unable to feed themselves, despite having the ability and available land to be much more self sufficient.

White nations should cooprate on sharing best practices, and in pushing an entire new generation of men into living on the land and producing fruit from it.

If we cannot feed ourselves we cannot maintain secure nations.
"Damn Conservative Lies"

The new 'conservative' government in Sweden, which has decided to offer citizenship to 300,000 immigrants, also holds the rotating presidency of the EU.

As a result, Immigration reform at the European level is moving ahead, and while there are some calls for deportations of failed immigrants, the main focus is on "safe and legal pathways" for migrants to enter Europe.

There is constant talk about the "aging of Europe" and a lack of available workers on the continent.

Policymakers, in pretending to care about illegal immigration, are reaffirming their committment to the Enactment of Great Replacement related policies.

Rather than fixing the problem in a more permanent fashion, by promoting marriage and nuclear family formation, the elite will replace Whites in our own homelands.

Nationalists must continue to organize and present a coherent vision as an alternative to this project.

The Great Replacement must be replaced with a Great Restoration.
The residents of East Palestine, Ohio and nearby communities are likely to see little if any actual justice for the ecological and economic disaster which has just befallen their area.

The United States is one of the few countries in the world where rail infrastructure is largely owned by private companies, despite having been made possible by public land grants and tax dollars.

Yet this infrastructure is not used for a public good, and is controlled by oligopolies.

Amtrak is underinvested in, and sidelined by the major freight owners. Bypasses and dual track lines are ripped up, and workers are mistreated.

If, like most of the developed world, the United States had state ownership of railway lines and related infrastructure, the people of East Palestine would have somewhere to turn and people to hold accountable.

As it stands now there is no one to be held accountable, as the Federal and state courts are likely to shelter Norfolk Southern from responsiblity.

All 160,000 miles of US railways should be nationalized and placed under the oversight of the respective states. Passenger rail and affordable freight rail should become priorities.

Just as the recently scorned railway workers demanded, and to ensure that never again will a community like East Palestine be left without someone to hold accountable.
The balloons and other 'objects' being shot down by the United States Air Force have been of remarkably little interest to me, but the phenomenon we see developing is curious.

Afghanistan was a major embarassment for the United States.

America's performance as regards Ukraine has been another embarassment, with 'allies' from the Saudis to India refusing to join the liberal West in its crusade.

Now, with the Chinese balloon incident, the American public has been lambasting their own government for days on social media.

This Chinese communist song has been the third, and often first, most trending song on Tiktok for days.

All the clips are American citizens laughing at their own government.

The Pentagon has given a lot of justifications for why it did not shoot down the balloon over land, but absolutely none of them matter. DoD look like whimps incapable of defending American airspace.

900 billion dollars in military spending and the American empire is reduced to wildly scrambling jets to shoot down random balloons because Tiktok clips upset them.
These polls really say a lot about the state of modern political discourse in the United States and the West more broadly.

Younger men (of both political persuasions) and older women of a Conservative bent are both very displeased with the current social envrionment in the US. Especially as regards feminism.

Older men could, clearly, not care less. They have abundant resources, are generally married, they have Sunday night sportsball and a family.

Younger men are hated by this system, and have very little chance of career advancement or family formation.

Perhaps reasonably, older Conservative women are disturbed by this. Mothers care about their sons, and about having grandchildren.

This is a manifestation of the Grandmother hypothesis at work.

Simiarly, disaffected young men (of both camps), and older Conservative women who worry about their families, are concerned that the mentally ill we laughingly call 'Transgender' are a danger to children.

While older men and younger women don't view them as a threat to children to nearly the same degree. Though they are concerned about "gender ideology".

Young men have absolutely no reason to care about a system which treats them like second class citizens, and older Conservative women have every reason to view this anti-family neoliberal order as a threat to their children's futures.
It's further interesting to see that nearly everyone is concerned with "gender ideology" corrupting the cultural environment.

Everybody except left wing women and older left wing men.
"The Issues"

Jordan Peterson is emblematic of the Conservative movement, and sadly massively popular with young men, to whom he shows a great deal of outward sympathy.

In a civilization where family formation is collapsing in Europe (and all White countries).

Where young men are incredibly (and justifiably) unhappy about being treated as second class citizens.

Where women, particularly young women, have an incredibly low rate of satisfaction with their lives.

And where the state, even when it tries to do things like reshore manufacturing, cannot prevent its White workforce from being murdered by non-Whites.

The solution of these Conservative pillars of 'anti-wokeness' is to babble on about how it is evil that we should use less papertowels or want to be able to walk to the grocery store along a wooded path instead of an 8 lane highway.

Conservatism is a cul-de-sac designed to entrap the wayward soul, looking for solutions and a belief system, and keep him stuck in caring about the most nonsensical issues possible.
"Despair, Depression"

The neoliberal elite and their journalist mouthpieces are now providing us with 'rankings' of White nations by rates of depression and mental illness.

Suicides in Europe continue to increase at a rapid rate. In 2017 young men 15-25 had four times the rate of suicide as their female counterparts.

Prime age men 45-54 have shockingly high rates of death by suicide.

The numbers in America are far worse.

White men, young and old, are killing themselves in drastic and society destabilizing numbers.

White women, our mothers, wifes, sisters and daughters, have never been more miserable.

They are less happy, more stressed and less fulfilled with life than they were a century ago.

Neoliberal bread and circuses do not make people happy. They so not 'satiate' the great mass of disenfranchised and economically displaced Whites who cannot form families or find fulfillment.

Nationalists should push hard that this system is inhuman and dehumanizing.

And that only by replacing it with one centred on race,community, family and nation can we end the despair overtaking our people.
”British Built”

On his way into work today one of our UK based team members watched this France 24 report which focused on life in the UK a year after Brexit had been implemented. A notable segment in this predictably rancid piece of journalism was an attack on the native British population for all the jobs they are supposedly unwilling to do.

A Non-White construction director claimed he finds it impossible to get British workers and confidently stated that immigration was “good for this country”. A rather interesting claim considering that Non-White residents of the United Kingdom prefer jobs in the civil service and administrative areas of education or the NHS, not in the industries which actually keep the lights on and roof from leaking.

Only 4-7.4% of construction workers in the United Kingdom are of a non-White(BAME) background, and a further 5-7% originate from the EU. This means that 88% to 91% of all construction workers in Britain are native White Britons.

To put this into raw numbers: the British Parliament reports that there are some 2.4 million construction industry related jobs. This means that even if the highest projections from the aforementioned BAME and EU worker percentages are taken into account the native White British workers make up 2 million of the 2.4 million strong construction workforce.

Rather than attempting to tackle the construction worker gap and skilled trades gap with "diversity" initiatives, as is currently being done, the British government should be doing all it can to encourage native British men and boys to take up the hammer.

The British built Britain and the British continue to build Britain.

(Rerunning this post as a prelude to our next substack release!)
"Child Abuse"

According to the European Union the chemical and surgical castration of children is a "fundamental human right".

The EU even has a helpful website which seeks to inform mentally ill and desperately in-need children of the laws in their country around gender 'transitioning'.

The European Union is aiding and enabling the sexual abuse of children

The United States continues to refuse to issue visas for Russian diplomats wishing to attend United Nations functions in New York.

This issue, while focused on Russia, goes far far beyond it.

Having the world's foremost global institution headquartered in the heart of the neoliberal order was bound to lead to something like this.

As the liberal West is led further into decadence and ruin by its elites it will increasingly hobble the functionality of once "neutral" global institutions in pursuit of its aims.

Nations like Russia, China, India, Brazil, Saudia Arabia and others will abandon these institutions and begin to set up viable alternatives and which may tempt less integrated Western states to abandon the neoliberal order.

This may well be a good thing, as the United Nations is a postwar brainchild of the victorious liberal powers.
Imagine if nationalists spoke like the ADL.

"Jewish supremacists co-opt US government to silence voices of dissent"

"Jewish Treasury Secretary co-opts US budget to support Israeli weapons of death"

"ADL co-opts tragedy in Ohio town in order to disempower the White working class"
Today is International Women's Day.

We'd like to take a moment to give acknowledgment to the one group of women who will be left out today: White Women

Despite all the gender related strife of the modern era White women remain our closest partners. They are our mothers, sisters, daughters and wives.

The White women in our movement serve our people as educators, home makers, content creators, activists, in political parties and most importantly as our greatest cheerleaders and moral advocates.

Women such as Laura Towler, Cyan Quinn of Counter-Currents, Emily Youcis, and Evelina Hahne (among so many others) are leading the way and setting fantastic examples.
"Such a Man"

The European Union is at it again. Attacking the traditional family and attempting to impose upon all memberstates a degenerating culture.

This time the EU has targeted men. Putting up an entire webpage to attack the idea of a traditionally masculine European man.

Among other things it states:

men who adhere to traditional masculinity norms, including self-reliance, emotional control, anti-femininity and toughness, are more likely to avoid talking about and seeking help for mental health issues

Despite the fact we know men do well in environments reinforced by masculinity, the European Union wants men to be:

Feminine, reliant on others, emotionally distraught, and weak.

The Swedish state, currently run by a 'conservative' coalition and supported by a civic-nationalist party continues the demographic transformation of the nation.

Sweden issued the most new citizenships per capita in the entire European union. A rate more than double any other nation's save Luxembourg.

This is in keeping with the 'conservative' coalition's promise to grant some 300,000 ethnic foreigners Swedish citizenship.

This coalition, in an attempt to look tough, has reduced non-skilled migration from locations such as Turkey, while vastly increasing migration from India of 'qualified professionals'.

Swedes should not be replaced by Indian programmers any more than they should by Syrian refugees.

Conservatives cannot be trusted. They do not care for their nations in the manner which nationalists do.
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