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Messages and Information from Pleiadians of Taygeta. Telepathically received by Judith Lynn, shared by her son, Kab

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#MYSTERYBOOMS in Helsinki 🛸

“A loud explosion-like sound was heard across many neighbourhoods of Helsinki late on Saturday night, but the source of the bang remained a mystery on Monday.”

"Meteor, earthquake, war games ruled out"

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#MYSTERYBOOMS in Virginia - 9/17/21

"3 linemen near Front Royal witness a blue streak across the sky followed by a distant boom. There were also many that recorded the sound on their doorbell cameras such as the one below in Woodstock, Virginia."
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In Ohio 1994, witnesses heard the #MYSTERYBOOMS just before they saw the Crafts.

"I was in bed sound asleep and all of a sudden I heard Boom. Booming sounds... I opened up the door to look outside and there were so many intense lights..."

These things are connected.
#MYSTERYBOOMS in Virginia - 9/28/21

A few days later, the booms return to Virginia.
Blue meteors?
Rare thunder phenomenon?
Galactic Federation?

"It is unusual for such a localized lightning strike to induce thunder that resonates over such distances"

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#MYSTERYBOOMS felt across 40 cities in New Hampshire

- No signs of earthquakes
- No military flights, no sonic booms

The booms are 'audible' UFO sightings.

Revelation 10:3 "When he called out, the seven thunders sounded."

Who are the "Angels" associated with the number seven?

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These are "sky-quakes", not earthquakes.

No jet booms - Residents knows the difference
No earthquakes - Seismologist confirmed

There's a naval base nearby. Unexplained Booms are from Galactic Federation, who are often working with military.

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"Neighbors said these explosions have been going on for months"

This is a wake-up call.


"seismologists determined the cause to have been the result of a sound as opposed to movements in the ground"

Royal Air Force spokesperson says they'll look into it.

This is part of disclosure too. As the booms increase, people will ask more questions.

#MYSTERYBOOMS return to Bangalore, India

Loud explosion. Vibration everywhere. No seismic activity.

Previously in the same location: "While it was thought that the ‘sonic boom’ might have been created by any of their flights. HAL, however, said none of its flights made the sound"

"Inadvertent sonic booms" are increasing as the military's needs to explain #MYSTERYBOOMS 🛸 are increasing.
#MYSTERYBOOMS are cloaked Galactic Federation crafts making their presence known. It's the audible equivalent of a UFO sighting. The intent is for people to ask more questions, because this leads to awakening.

The sounds aren't D.U.M.B.s being destroyed. You only have to think about it logically. This has been happening consistently around the world for years. Saving children doesn't necessitate attracting everyone's attention. Underground explosions create seismic activity, and often none is found. The phenomenon is often described as 'sky quakes'. It happens in every kind terrain, including along coast lines.

The disclosure community is being lied to about many things by people pretending to be Pleiadian / GF contactees. Some of them know they are playing a game, and some of them are too delusional to tell the difference between their fantasy and reality.

Always remember, if the source isn't delivering way more spiritual teaching than 'trivia', it's not a legit Pleiadian or Arcturian connection. I don't recognize anyone speaking on behalf of Pleiadians or Galactic Federation, but Judith and the Family of Taygeta.

Full Disclosure and Open Contact will come after the Shift. There is no secret human Alliance waiting to hand out Nesara gold and medbeds. There is no imminent mass roundup of all the evil people in this 3D duality. There are no deals being made. There are no cabal dark fleets on standby. Galactic Federation is not fighting to liberate us from Reptilians. All lies. People saying these things lack the understanding of the complete transformation that is about to take place. The Shift transforms everything and all darkness is left behind.

Galactic Federation will trigger the Shift when the time is right, but in the meantime we have everything we need to save ourselves.

#MYSTERYBOOMS 🛸 in New Orleans

"similar loud bangs have been heard in the area for the past month or so."

Recurring #MYSTERYBOOMS 🛸 in San Diego, North Carolina and Indiana
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#MYSTERYBOOMS 🛸 in New Jersey

"Reports of a "loud boom or shaking sound" in parts of southern New Jersey on Tuesday afternoon were neither seismic activity nor of "meteorological origin" according to the National Weather Service"

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