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#LaborExploitation of under-age #immigrants is up: The Labor Department says there’s been a 44 percent increase since the same time last year. Some of these minors are working dangerous jobs. The U.S. Hispanic Business Council’s founder and CEO, Javier Palomarez—himself a former child laborer in the United States—gave NTD his perspective on the issue, and explains how Congress can combat the exploitation of vulnerable immigrant children as child labor. https://www.ntd.com/bipartisan-dignity-act-could-combat-labor-exploitation-of-illegal-immigrant-minors-expert_934152.html
An appeals court has again blocked a Texas law allowing for the arrest and deportation of #immigrants caught entering the state illegally. NTD spoke to Andrew Arthur, a fellow in law and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies and a former immigration judge, who said the law only applies to immigrants caught in the act of illegally crossing—dispelling concerns that it could lead to racial profiling in Texas. https://buff.ly/3TrCQ6o
The President of #ElSalvador, Nayib Bukele, has announced his country will offer 5,000 free passports to skilled #immigrants coming to his country. The move was hailed by Alfonso Aguilar, the director of Hispanic engagement at the American Principles Project in an interview with NTD. Mr. Aguilar said the measure is a “smart” move, and he applauded Mr. Bukele for improving security in the Central American nation. https://www.ntd.com/smart-move-by-salvadoran-president-to-offer-passports-to-skilled-immigrants-director-of-hispanic-engagement_987744.html
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