Northumbria Heritage
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Broadcasts to promote, restore and safeguard the ancient and rich heritage of Northumbria and its people.

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Forwarded from WHITE WELL-BEING
If you haven't figured it out by now, our entire government is a huge mafia who launders our taxpayer money right back to themselves through foreign aid and endless wars.
They all hate you and could care less if you suffer and die horrible deaths, as long as they got rich!
Media is too big
"The task is surely to break up such groupings..."

Community Growing Groups are growing! 🤩 We need more!

We know food shortages and food price hikes are incoming and it’s time WE ALL do what we can to mitigate the impact!

Please connect with your community and start growing!

Forwarded from The Frithstead (Folcweard)
Easter, a Dawn Goddess Honored

In times of yore, Easter month (April) & Three Milks month (May) marked the onset of summer for the Saxons; both those dwelling in Britain or Germany. They celebrated Baleday (Bældæġ). It’s believed the origins of the May Pole involved the spear dancing reenacting the fatal game that led to his death.

Conversely, the Angles of Northumbria & Mercia, heralded summer's arrival by honoring Éastre, a goddess of the dawn. Originating from what we now know as Denmark, they revered their homeland, as their national anthem sings, a land graced by ancient beech trees and salty shores, deemed “Frejas” hall. Today, the May Pole in likely includes her honorings, such as white-clad dancing maidens stringing colorful ribbons.

As the Angles & Saxons became one folk over times, many of their traditions entwined.

On this full moon evening of Éastreblót, we blót for peace, prosperity, fertility, & abundance, as safeguards against the perils of war, strife, and hardship.
“Ironically, while children are often ‘under-exposed’ to certain aspects of childhood, they are also being overexposed to aspects of the adult world. Check out, for example the Creative Scotland funded ‘Secret Cave Sex Party’ for kids. Here we find that the idea of ‘taking risks’ or being ‘experimental’ includes experimenting with kids […]

Scottish government education’s purpose is to develop our children into ‘global citizens’. In my opinion, this is the moral equivalent of sitting a child down to watch snuff films every day ad infinitum. One has to wonder if they even like children.”
Forwarded from Not Shirley
Anyone involved with action against fake fluoride in drinking water.. it's three poisons ..not the earth element fluoride fraud to is a reportable poison doing great harm..cancer one in two and Dr Burke who was head of cancer research USA said fluoride caused cancer quicker than anything else..bone cancers in kids etc..
I discovered during research on council minutes etc that only writing to secretary of state can work. He alone can grant permission to councils to stop fluoridation. I understand people not corporations can be held personally liable..whether this applies to secretary of state I don't know. An affidavit can prevent non answers.
I am heartily sick of people going on talk shows etc and doing everything but the one thing that can work. A large group would have some clout
Govt wants to totally poison the water which again is an experiment banned under Nuremberg laws with a death penalty for experimenting without informed consent. Private companies fluoridating will not divulge what's in the water .
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Well it's an old story of evil being perpetrated on our kind. But the impetus, aside from the portents and lunatic ravings of imbalanced religionists, is about where technological development is at and headed. And the divide between the average person's knowledge of where technological development is at and where technological development is actually at is an incredible gulf I'm afraid to say.

It's a last dash to steal the sum of human ingenuity and claim ownership of life on Earth. And so, for us, it's crunch time it seems.

Will we allow it to happen?
Forwarded from Ooga Booga 🐒
Forwarded from Celtic Europe
Pictish symbol stone depicting a battle against Anglo-Saxon invaders, from the churchyard of Aberlemno, in Angus; Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿⚔️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

The stone is thought to depict the Battle of Dún Nechtáin, fought on May 20 of the year AD 685, between the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria and the Pictish Kingdom of Foirtriu. Northumbria had been extending its power northward into northern Scotland, trying to subdue and annex the whole of northern Britain. Strong resistance seems to have coalesced around the Pictish king of Foirtriu, Bridei III, son of Beli. The Anglian king Ecgfrith, son of Oswiu, led an immense army into Scotland in hopes of finally crushing that resistance. According to the English historian Bede, the Picts lured the Anglo-Saxon army deep into Scotland to a pre-selected battlefield, where they were defeated and cut to pieces in one of the bloodiest battles of that entire period. Ecgfrith himself was killed —the stone seems to show him in the lower right, being eaten by a raven— along with his entire army. The Picts not only shook off Northumbrian domination, they permanently broke the kingdom’s power; Northumbria would never again achieve hegemony in Britain.

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!):
Forwarded from Æhtemen
A Germanic chieftain ritually deposits captured enemy armour and weaponry into the waters of the Thorsberg moor as a votive offering. The peat bog in northern Germany was the site of such ritual offerings by Germanic tribes for four centuries.

Art by Samson Goetze
Disgusting and childish language.

They absolutely can't stand the idea of homelands and a sense of belonging. It's jealousy foremost. But pride in one's homeland interferes with the ongoing program of total demoralisation (an act of war).

So building on a deeper sense of pride in our homeland would be good practice. Many billions of man-hours have gone into making it what it is afterall.
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content