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‼️🎬 On SATURDAY, 15th May at 6:00 pm, we’ll have a SPECIAL EDITION of our Narrative episode. There will be THE FIRST LIVE NARRATIVE IN ENGLISH with James Patrick as moderator. Don’t miss it!

CJ Hopkins
James Patrick with CJ Hopkins on the Covidian Cult

In this flagship episode of Narrative in English, we join James Patrick, investigator, economist, US filmmaker, and director of Planet Lockdown as he talks with CJ Hopkins about his series of essays on the 'New Normal'. CJ Hopkins is an award-winning playwright, novelist, and political satirist based in Berlin.

👉 You can watch the episode here:

Narrative Program Overview and Streaming links: https://linktr.ee/OVALnarrative
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‼️🎬 Today is the first ENGLISH Narrative Live with James Patrick and CJ Hopkins. It starts at 6 p.m.! Don't miss the livestream and tune in!

👉 You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs2tdch0PI4

Q&A on
Who knows who are these scientists? OVALmedia needs hints!


It is great if they do a critical judgement of their actions, it's bad that they cannot go public - what world we live in, if a scientist cannot criticize his/her own action?
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party.pdf
219.3 KB
Food for thought...

Here some revealing quotes of the attached study, published in 2012, about German doctors' strong relationship to Nazi ideology, during Hitler's reign...

"Medical professionals were highly influenced by Social Darwinist ideas. According to one estimate, over 90 per cent of the members of the medical profession at the highest level were involved in one way or another in work ... [involving] ... experiments ... carried out on human beings in which... the subject was either sacrificed or permanently wounded...in German hospitals, universities and concentration camps (Drobniewski, 1993)."
"the strength of certainty was celebrated by Nazis, while doubt, questioning, and awareness of uncertainty were disparaged as shameful, harmful, and worthy of marginalization as Jewish cultural artifacts, and so were punished and expunged."

"As a means of preventing illness and disability, the Nazi Party framed the extermination of the Jewish population as a health necessity in its own right, a sure way to ward off contamination (and death)."

"At the core of the psychological allure of the Nazi regime was the promise of a form of immortality."

"The Nazi Party motivated its objectives by drawing upon scientific theories that were popular at the time, lending Nazi philosophy the semblance of empirical exactitude."

"The potential elimination of remaining Jewish physicians carried strong financial incentives for non-Jewish German colleagues. (…) that may have contributed to a near doubling of physicians' salaries from 1926 to 1936..."

"the Party refined the war on agents of disease to a war on Jews — a framing to which physicians were especially sensitive."

"The experience of every WWI soldier who saw combat was exceptionally brutal, (…) when physicians returned to their research and practice following the Armistice they “turned into very practical and technical physicians, lacking in human compassion'."

"As Hitler's deputy, Rudolph Hess, claimed: “National socialism is nothing but applied biology”."
"The importance of biological research to the Nazi war effort provided a utilitarian justification for these atrocities, which were framed as necessary goods in the aim to create an immortal species of humans, “Übermenschen.”"

“Du bist nichts, dein Volk ist alles” (You are nothing; your people [nation] is everything). Hitler was advocating social unity at all costs, including dehumanization of internal minority citizens."

"Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, here at a political rally in 1938: Our starting-point is not the individual, and we do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty or clothe the naked—those are not our objectives. Our objectives are entirely different. They can be put most crisply in the sentence: we must have a healthy people in order to prevail in the world."

"Liek and Kotschau argued that commitments to care of individual sick persons had to give way to a preventative care that respected emerging needs of the entire society. (...) In short, the doctors believed that by destroying lives they were paradoxically saving the ones that most mattered amid the entire society."

"By attributing to Jewish physicians the ethical failings of early Nazi Party physician joiners, German Medical Society members could wrap themselves with the flag of moral and ethical purity while enthusiastically victimizing their Jewish physician colleagues. This was an important, perhaps essential, move in the process of rationalization, since a conception of ethics—of doing good—has animated the profession of medicine since antiquity."
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This week's COMMENTARY:
Willem Engel, microbiologist, dancer and founder of Viruswaarheid, reflects on what makes us humans!

#COVID-19 #Coronavirus #OVALmedia #COMMENTARY #Humanity #whatmakesushuman #lockdown #viruswaarheid
To all our French speaking friends, tonight is our first NARRATIVE in French.

Marc Moustacakis meets the director Christophe Cognet for a conversation about the film Á PAS AVEUGLES (FROM WHERE THEY STOOD) premiering tonight at 21:30 pm at the BERLINALE.

Témoigner avec des images

La BERLINALE présente en première mondiale le film A PAS AVEUGLES le 14 Juin. Christophe Cognet, auteur et réalisateur du documentaire, rencontre Marc Moustacakis pour parler de son travail. Sa patiente archéologie pour faire revivre les photos clandestines prises au péril de leur vie par des détenus des camps nazis nous confronte à une des formes les plus hautes de résistance. Témoigner là où le témoignage est interdit, figurer l’irreprésentable, l’acte de résistance de ces photographes clandestins est la preuve que l’humanité, au sein même de l’entreprise la plus élaborée et la plus massive de sa destruction, demeure toujours en nous.
TODAY at 20:15 we present the new Narrative chapter in french!

Click in the link:



OVALmedia est heureux de vous annoncer le lancement de sa série Narrative en français animée par Marc Moustacakis. Il y reçoit le réalisateur Christophe Cognet à l'occasion de la présentation en première mondiale de son film A pas aveugles accueilli au festival du film de Berlin.
"Témoigner avec les images", c'est ce soir, lundi 14 juin, à 20.15.

Cliquez sur le lien:


Media is too big
COMMENTARY #02 | Harald Walach

Psychologist Harald Walach comments on the correlation found between flu vaccination coverage rate and COVID-19 deaths, the ecology of pathogens and the possible effects of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

#UnderstandingTheWorld #OVALmedia #Commentary #HaraldWalach
#daretoquestion #Freedomofthepress #freedomofthought #spaceforthought #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #SARS-CoV-2 #Vaccine #COVID-19deaths #COVID-19deathrate
We are very happy to announce the upcoming launch of NARRATIVE by Nathalie Signorini in Italian language!

More information coming soon.
We are pleased to present "I misteri di Wuhan" (The mysteries of Wuhan), the first episode of Narrative by Nathalie Signorini. Joining us will be journalist and writer Franco Fracassi
An expert in geopolitics and communication, with over thirty years of career for both Italian and international newspapers, Franco has been recipient of several prestigious awards for investigative documentaries, and author of sixteen books, including "Zero-Inchiesta sull'11 settembre" and "La fabbrica delle rivoluzioni".

Tonight he will join us to discuss his latest project, "I misteri di Wuhan."

Tune in today, June 21 at 9 p.m. on:


Media is too big
COMMENTARY #03 | Raphael Bonelli

Neuroscientist, psychiatrist and systemic psychotherapist Raphael Bonelli, MD, about perfectionism, do-gooders and the current use of a moralised narrative.

#UnderstandingTheWorld #OVALmedia #Commentary #RaphaelBonelli
#daretoquestion #Freedomofthepress #freedomofthought #spaceforthought #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #SARS-CoV-2 #Do-Gooders #Perfectionism #Morality #Solidarity #Collective #Conformity
Media is too big
What happened to the traditional vaccination technologies? Steffen Rabe | COMMENTARY #04

Steffen Rabe, MD, about the push for experimental mRNA and vector-based technologies by Western European COVID-19 vaccination manifacturers leaving behind traditional approaches.

#UnderstandingTheWorld #OVALmedia #Commentary #RaphaelBonelli
#daretoquestion #Freedomofthepress #freedomofthought #spaceforthought #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #SARS-CoV-2 #Vaccination #mRNA #NewTechnologies #Experimental #Europe #China"
We are very happy to announce the publication of our first book!

Available for presale now on our very own website in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.


Find out more about the book below and watch Paul Schreyer discuss the crisis on NARRATIVE by Robert Cibis tonight (in German).


Politics of fear?

In the Corona crisis, thousands of companies are heading toward bankruptcy, restrictions on civil rights that were hardly thought possible are decided without discussion - for an indefinite period. Governments submit to recommendations from experts, and opposition is barely visible. What is actually happening here? Paul Schreyer places the events in an illuminating global context. This book, a bestseller in Germany for many months, makes it clear: Current policies have not been improvised spontaneously.
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content