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#MandyCohen #CDC #CovidBioWeaponInjections #Genocidee #Retribution #GITMO #GulfstreamG3 #Flight #PascalNajadi #PfizerLiedPeopleDie

⚡️🇺🇸 Mrs. #Cohen,

your #FederalHotel #Room with #NoView is ready for you on #Cuba at #GITMO, if you dare to illegally recommend a #Pfizer or #Moderna #mRNA #BidenAdministration 🇺🇸#BioWeappon to be injected into any #Human on #American soil.

I will personally fly you there on a
#G3 to #GITMO🇺🇸⚡️.

#For Delinquents that continue the #Genocide that #Fauci planned, initiated and executed there will be #SpecialConditions.

By the way, have you seen #DrFauci lately? I have not. Could very well be that he is already enjoying the new upgraded rooms.

And, no there are still no showers installed in the cells, sorry, showering is still communal and collective.

In short, you as the new
only have one and only one job to do. It is to #protect and #defend the #Lives and #Health of the #Humans living on #UnitedStates 🇺🇸Territory.⚡️ Hope that this is clear to you.

I for my part love flying the #G3 in and out of there with new #Guests like you for the #GITMO ⚡️ #FederalHotel and it's a great deal including 3 meals a day plus free of charge Sea Breeze from the #Cuban 🇨🇺 Seaside.

Do you still want to publicly defend the #Covid #BioWeapon #mRNA shots?

Something went wrong. Try reloading.

And remember the punishment during #MartialLaw under #Occupation, the law prevailing today in the .#UnitedStates. It's what we diplomatically call, #Capital.

#HumanityFirst Mrs. Cohen, #HumanityFirst, please never forget.

Pascal Najadi
Paris 🇫🇷🤝🇺🇸⚡️




Devons-nous poursuivre la #diplomatie#douce pour tenter de #réveiller la #population au sujet du #Genocide des injections de Covid-19 financé et parrainé par l'OMS et l'État, qui s'accélère depuis 2020? ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Non, il est maintenant presque trop tard, la belle discussion avec ces faibles crétins, ignorant les faits nus de la science.

#Franchement ils ont tous besoin d'un vrai coup ⚡️de pied au #cul. Et s'ils ne se lèvent toujours pas, alors qu'il en soit ainsi, c'est entre les mains de #Dieu et le triage suit son cours.

L'époque des belles discussions est révolue. La ligne rouge a été franchie par "it", eux. Il est temps de les réveiller à la #manière de #Poutine, en toute #clarté, dans l'intérêt de leur propre vie ou de ce qu'il reste à sauver.

"Je prie pour ne plus jamais revoir le désert. Entendez-moi, Dieu." - Thomas E. Lawrence "Lawrence of Arabia"

La rétribution est en route, mais nous devons unir tous les #Humains Divins qui en sont capables. Les âmes non spirituelles, matérialistes et perdues seront définitivement perdues.

Lisez l'intégralité de mon message sur Twitter - Cliquez ci-dessous

#mRNA #CovidGenocide #Singapour 🇸🇬⚡️Explosive excess murdered through #WHO #Fauci et al through coercion and pushing of illegal lethal mRNA #Pfizer #Moderna #Bioweapon injections.⚡️

@StatChrisCotton @realDonaldTrump

#NiOubliNiPardon ⚡️#Action ⚡️
#BREAKING #Shocking ⚡️#Murder

#CovidScam #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #SavingMyLife #BloodTreatment #Switzerland 🤝🇨🇭💫 #DrBroussalian
#Schweiz #Deutschland #Österreich

Ich unterziehe mich gerade meiner 4. Blutbehandlung. Ich werde heute Nachmittag Fotos veröffentlichen. Wir versuchen verzweifelt, die giftigen #Spikes in meinem Körper zu zerstören, die zu Billionen im Umlauf sind. Professor Dr. Brigitte König hat 183,5 pg/ml in meinem Blut gemessen. Autopsien von #TurboKrebs-Todesfällen, die durch #BioWeapon mRNA von #Pfizer und oder #Moderna bestätigt wurden, ergaben einen Wert von 35 bis 50pg/ml. Mit meiner Evidenzbasierten 183,5 pg sollte ich eigentlich bereits tot sein, aber ich versuche, schneller als der Tod zu reiten, wie es scheint.

Ein gesunder Körper ohne mRNA-Injektionen muss 0 Null Spikes haben.

Die Kriminellen Elemente, die mir das angetan haben, werden teuer bezahlen.⚡️ Das ist mein Recht, Dieu est Mon Droit.

Bleiben Sie dran, ich liebe Sie alle.

#NiOubliNiPardon #SemperSupra
@SpaceForceDoD 🤝🇺🇸💫⚡️

@20Minuten @Weltwoche 🇨🇭🤝🇺🇸💫

⚡️#BreakingNews 🇬🇧 #GreatBritain #UK #CorruptionRunsDeep #Investigation #Conflicts

British Parliament #MP, and personal #Friend of my family, The Honorable #AndrewBridgen
@ABridgen is thoroughly grilling ⚠️#BitishPrimeMinister
over millions of British Youth suffering from depression and hundreds of thousands of excess deaths caused through poisonous ⚠️BioWeapon injections of #Pfizer and #Moderna in the United Kingdom that the Prime Minister refuses to address.


O P E N L E T T E R ⚡️

#BritishPM 🇬🇧

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

What #evil possession has befallen upon you to neglect the excess deaths in our nation.

Why are your not concerned about this?

Has anyone from the
Police and #Justice looked into your rather serious conflict of interest in #investments of millions of your private money into one of the #BioWeapon #CovidVaccine manufacturer #Moderna prior to the outbreak of the #CovidPsyOps?

You were a founding partner of Theleme Partners, a major investor in #Moderna, and one of the executives managing its US office.

(Full Letter here on my Twtter, please Repost)

#SCANDAL #Police #CriminalInvestiagtion ⚡️
#sunaktheliar #Resignation #Democide ⚠️





has been #ForceInjected by the way... a #Crime and danger to our #NationalSecurity







Now this one here, not the brightest candle in the room, has #excellent self made #chances to be transported onto #Runway10, like all the others.

My, is this women not intelligent. Another #Android in a #fake human like body.

#No love lost⚡️.

By recommending this #BioWeapon she is #actively partaking in a #Genocide and it is on #record now.


To all the #Perpetrators who terminally #poisoned us with the mRNA #Pfizer #Moderna #BioWeapon under their criminal #CovidPsyOps playbook:

"We are the #Guardians of #Humanity and our Light obliterates the darkness of evil!" ⚡️

I know that you know that I know and this is good for your insomnia. We will get to all of you, sans exceptions.

#SemperSupra 💫


🇨🇭🤝🇺🇸 🤝🇷🇺










#PresidentTrump 🇺🇸 is obliterating the globalist #DeepState. ⚡️#STORM #17th

#WHO #WEF #GAVI #BigPharma #MainstreamMedia #Traitors #Biden #Fauci #RogueGovernments the list is long and all #perpetrators involved in the #CovidScam and lethal harmful #BioWeapon injections will be judged.

No, not with rendered #Unreliable Federal and Civil #Courts, but by the #Reliable #USMilitaryJustice 🇺🇸that’s is now globally in force.

It marks the final and most necessary #End of the globalist #DeepState that dared to inject us, divine #Humanity with #Poison.

Their abhorrent attack on the divine #HumanSpecies is beyond biblical. Millions of killed and injured victims of the #mRNA injections are now the Light of Love. ❤️💫

« We are the #Guardians of Humanity and our Light obliterates the darkness of evil! »


#SemperSupra 💫

@spaceforcedod @realDonaldTrump @MelaniaTrump @EricTrump @TrueGenFlynn @Charliewardfriends @LindellTV @Q @TuckerCarlson1776

When you know, you know.



#PresidentTrump 🇺🇸 уничтожает глобалистское #DeepState. ⚡️#STORM #17th

#WHO #WEF #GAVI #BigPharma #MainstreamMedia #Traitors #Biden #Fauci #RogueGovernments список длинный и все #виновные, причастные к #CovidScam и смертельно опасным #BioWeapon инъекциям будут судимы.

Нет, не ненадежные федеральные и гражданские суды, а надежное военное правосудие США 🇺🇸that, действующее во всем мире.

Это знаменует окончательный и самый необходимый #Конец глобалистского #Глубокого Государства, которое осмелилось впрыснуть нам, божественному #Человечеству #Яд.

Их отвратительная атака на божественный #человеческийвид выходит за рамки библейского. Миллионы убитых и раненых жертв инъекций #мРНК теперь являются Светом Любви. ❤️💫

" Мы - #Хранители Человечества, и наш Свет уничтожает тьму зла! "


#SemperSupra 💫

@spaceforcedod @realDonaldTrump @MelaniaTrump @EricTrump @TrueGenFlynn @Charliewardfriends @LindellTV @Q @TuckerCarlson1776

Когда ты знаешь, ты знаешь.



Il #PresidenteTrump 🇺🇸 sta cancellando il #DeepState globalista. ⚡️#STORMA #17°

#WHO #WEF #GAVI #BigPharma #MainstreamMedia #Traditori #Biden #Fauci #Governativi in carica l'elenco è lungo e tutti i responsabili coinvolti nella truffa del #Covid e nelle iniezioni letali di #BioWeapon saranno giudicati.

No, non con i tribunali federali e civili resi inaffidabili, ma con l'affidabile #giustizia militare degli Stati Uniti 🇺🇸that, ora in vigore a livello globale.

Segna la fine definitiva e necessaria del #DeepState globalista che ha osato iniettare il #veleno a noi, divina #umanità.

Il loro ripugnante attacco alla divina #Specie umana è oltremodo biblico. Milioni di vittime uccise e ferite dalle iniezioni di #mRNA sono ora la Luce dell'Amore. ❤️💫

" Noi siamo i #Guardiani dell'Umanità e la nostra Luce annienta le tenebre del male! "


#SemperSupra 💫

@spaceforcedod @realDonaldTrump @MelaniaTrump @EricTrump @TrueGenFlynn @Charliewardfriends @LindellTV @Q @TuckerCarlson1776

Quando sai, sai.



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