Pathology Conference (Official)
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Is there a causal relationship between severe health harms and deaths with the previously administered Covid -19 vaccine that can be pathologically demonstrated?
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Today at 5 pm GMT the second Pathology Conference will stream. Link via
The 2nd Pathology Conference
Dec 4th 2021 from 5 p.m. CET

The reports about serious health damages up to deaths in temporal connection with the current vaccinations against Covid-19 do not tear off. Is there a causal relationship here between the serious health damage and deaths and the previously administered vaccination against Covid -19, which can be proven pathologically?

The link to the livestream, will be posted later in the Telegram channel and also here:

➥ This way to the stream on Odysee

➥ This way to the stream on Dlive

Prof. Burkhardt, a pathologist, explains that the WHO information that "aspiration" is not necessary during vaccination is incorrect. It must be ensured before application of the vaccine that no blood vessel has been hit, because otherwise blood vessels are damaged and the substances can enter the blood.

The pathologist Prof. Lang explains that vaccination can have the same effect as a massive viral infection in the body. In a normal respiratory infection, the viruses only enter the blood when the body is very weakened / the normal defense does not work. The vaccination causes this extreme state quasi immediately, when the spike proteins get into the blood.

Attorney Becker presents vaccination injury cases: A vulnerable 12-year-old boy dies shortly after the second BioNTech vaccination; the Paul Ehrlich Institute assumes that the vaccination was partly responsible for the boy's death. It can be assumed that no complete vaccination information was provided, especially in view of the lack of side effect tests in previously ill patients as part of the approval studies. Without proper education, informed consent is not possible, therefore the vaccination is a bodily injury with corresponding liability consequences for the vaccinator.

Attorney Becker reports on a 15-year-old girl who suffered cardiac arrest 8 days after the second dose of vaccine was administered. The investigation report states it was a "postvaccine myocarditis." Hospital staff did not follow up on multiple indications from the girl's relatives that she had been vaccinated. The girl then developed thrombosis while in a coma and died. If the D-dimers had been checked, as indicated after vaccination, the girl might still have been saved.

Dr. Krüger, a pathologist, reports unusual fast-growing breast cancer tumors in younger women who have been vaccinated. She calls on gynecologists and pathologists to contact her if they have made similar observations.

Prof. Bergholz, a specialist in risk management, points out that risk and benefit must be weighed against each other for every treatment. Here, the Paul Ehrlich Institute in particular is called upon. In Germany, there are currently officially 1,800 deaths, 21,000 serious side effects and a total of 172,000 side effects in possible connection with the Corona vaccination. Experts assume a factor of 5-10 underreporting, which means that there are actually 5 to 10 times more side effects than are reported.

In Gibraltar, virtually all adults are currently vaccinated. In January 2021, shortly after vaccination, death rates in Gibraltar went through the roof. According to calculations, the risk of dying from Corona, based on the figures from Gibraltar, is 15 times higher than the risk of dying in the aftermath of vaccination.

Prof. Bergholz reports: We know from the U.S. that 5 percent of batches are associated with nearly 100 percent of all COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

Prof. Bergholz reports: the short-term damage is 10-06 times higher than with conventional vaccination. In 10-59 year olds, there is a 15 times higher risk of death from vaccination compared to infection.

Vaccinated over 30 are 30 times more likely to test positive than unvaccinated. The infected vaccinated are at least as infectious as unvaccinated.

The video from yesterday's conference is now online in English:
💢 First time detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person who died after vaccination against Covid-19

The suspicion that the spike protein formed in the body as a result of the "vaccination" against Covid-19 could be responsible for the pathologically observed inflammations and lesions of vessels has now been confirmed immunohistologically for the first time.

The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang and their team have succeeded in reliably detecting the vaccine spike protein in the vessels of a person who died 4 months after "vaccination" and who had vascular lesions and also vaccine-induced myocarditis. Detection was successful using an antibody specific for the spike protein by conventional immunohistochemistry on the tissue sections.

The described detection method can be applied to all organ and cell damage in which conspicuous pathological findings are found after "vaccination" against Covid-19. From this follows: For ethical, legal and scientific reasons, all histopathological examinations in connection with damage due to "vaccination" against Covid-19 must be accompanied with this method with immediate effect.

Reutlingen, January 17, 2022
Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt
Prof. Dr. Walter Lang

Pathologists ask BioNTech: How do spike proteins get into organs?
For the first time, pathologists have been able to isolate and thus detect spike proteins in organs of deceased persons in temporal connection with a Corona vaccination. In a letter signed by the pathologists Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Professor Dr. Wolfgang Lang to the vaccine manufacturer BioNTech, fundamental questions are raised. Burkhardt and Lang have found massive damage to organs in pathological examinations they conducted that could have led to deaths or could be causally or contributorily related to the vaccine. The pathologists are asking the manufacturer whether such a connection can be ruled out with a probability bordering on certainty on the basis of scientific findings.
Arne Burkhardt and Wolfgang Lang ask 10 simple questions about this serious suspicion. They assume that a short-term answer is possible on the basis of the available scientific data from the manufacturer - the deadline is set for February 9, 2022.
There is new important evidence on the pathology of vaccine deaths and vaccine injury! Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt has presented first proof after the evidence on March 11, 2022. Among other things, negative control for the nucleocapsid present in the virus can now be used to demonstrate that the spike protein in the damaged tissue is vaccine-induced. It has also been possible to detect spike proteins in the brain - the vaccine spike protein can apparently cross the blood-brain barrier! The full presentation can be found at
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