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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Irrespective of your personal opinions, this summary of our "Hidden History" by Benjamin Fulford is an excellent, clear, and succinct overview of major dynamics through our shared human history that compelled us to where we are, today.

#DarktoLight #hiddenhistory #godwins #thegreatawakening #fallofthecabal

👉 RealSGAnon
Our fellow sleepers are waking up fast.
90+% needed.
👉 We are well on the way.
FINSYS Events will be *tremendousIv effective* at awakening the remnants.


#thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA
#GreatestLoveStoryEverTold #freedom #Truth

👉 RealSGAnon
Great digging Ultra.

Did you know most fast food French fries are preserved using an ethylene glycol (antifreeze) derivative?
Did you know HEK-293(aborted-fetal-tissue derived protein) is found in nearly all Coca-Cola and PepsiCo canned ‘soft’ drinks?
—> Ever wonder why they’re called ‘soft’ drinks? <—

#DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore #freedom #GodWins #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
Heat (and sanity) restored in our little slice of life.

The prior version of File 69 received a facelift, and is now being re-recorded for release over next 24hrs.

*Basel III and North American/European FINSYS Crisis.
*German & Russian Background Cooperation (Patriots v. Traitors).
*WW3 False_Flags Attempts Continue in Setup_Phases.
*NATO Bloc will soon “Sacrifice-Bunt” Kyiv.
*US Mil Continuity Operations, “Domestic Terrorism”, NATSEC, and the 2024 USA Primaries.
*High_Level Defections/Submissions Ongoing.

No Way Out.
#WETHEPEOPLE #WWG1WGA #GodWins #freedom #Truth #Justice #love

👉 RealSGAnon
File 70 next 72hrs.

Government, Peoples, and Military Movements worldwide are rapidly sparking.
The Patriots’ Alliance could not be more on the gas pedal.
Our opponents still have thrash in them; yet they could not be more desperate or afraid.

Mankind’s Awakening is assured.
Our relationship w/ the Almighty is Rising.
Billions of Lights shining on the [Darkness] of our Earth.
The Prodigal Son Returns.
#WWG1WGA #spiritualwar #GodWins #LetFireFall #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
What is Projection?
How is it psychologically accomplished?
Is there a transmitter?
A receiver?
What is a radio wave?
What is wavelength?
Can wavelength be augmented?
Are Thoughts, waves?
If so, then thought=frequency?
What is frequency warfare?
What is Mind Control?
How is brain activity defined?
If brain activity=wave, then brain activity=frequency?
Can frequency transmitters be programmed as self-replicating?
What is photon exchange?
Does it have basis in frequency?
If the human brain -> generates <- thought, where thought=wave, brain activity=wave, and wave=frequency, where frequency is malleable, is the human brain malleable?

Vertical questions.
Logical thinking.
Break the BROAD-Cast. Shatter the Spell.
The war was never about our homes or our lands. It was about our MINDS.

And [They] Lost.
#thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #QSentMe #higherconsciousness #GodWins #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
The pulse of the world has quickened significantly over the last 6 weeks.

Patriots are fed up, as their numbers are exploding.
Leftists are dwindling, and those remaining in their camp are increasingly out of touch w/ reality.
We The People are growing, as ideological divides continue to disintegrate.
The intentional dismantling of human civilization is has become a “door-knob topic” for 8 in 10 people in the NATO western world.
It’s no longer R v. D in the minds and hearts of Americans.
Injection-reuptake rates are the lowest for Big Pharma in its entire history.
Endless war exposed as a business model, now commonly understood.
Public trust of ‘government entities’ is virtually nonexistent across the west, w/ some exceptions.

Now, We-The-People in all classes, across all creeds, representing every demographic in the “global north”, shall watch as [THEY] hammer the stake into their own chest.

Next Stop: Justice.

#WWG1WGA #DarktoLight #GodWins #freedom #Liberty #TheLastFallOfRome

👉 RealSGAnon
File 73

Baltimore False Flag Confirmed on Video > Russian Mil OpsPrep Behavior Escalating > US CIA/State Department + Ukraine GRU/UK MI6 Connected to Moscow Terrorist Attack > Shadow Society Power Struggle Happening > Major Telecomm Disruption Coming > Whistleblower Documents Reveal Existence of “Special-Extreme-Compartmented” US Military Domestic Warfare Operations >>> Long Live the Republic of These United States >>>

(Please allow a few moments for the video to encode).
Viewer Note: My community has been blasted w/ chemtrailing over the last 36hrs. I beg your patience w/ my voice clearing during the File, as the two are directly related.

#WWG1WGA #Truth #JusticeIsComing #Republic #accountability #DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore #WETHEPEOPLE #GodWins

👉 RealSGAnon
South Carolina Senate is investigating $1.8 billion USD in a state-associated bank account, with both state and private accountants as yet unable to determine where it came from, and who it belongs to.

“It’s like going into your bank and the bank president tells you we have a lot of money in our vault but we just don’t know who it belongs to,” said Republican Sen. Larry Grooms.

#DarkToLight #WeHaveItAll #GodWins #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform