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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
Download Telegram
Things are going extremely hot in all theaters, across all societal dimensions, at almost the exact same time. Do you think this is accidental?

We've almost got them.
Press Forward.
No retreat.
No mercy.
No prisoners.
Mil_Civ Alliance.

The Digital_Army MUST grind their lies and their coming false_flags against us, to blood and dust.

Stay Sharp. Stay Alert.
Stay PEACEFUL and Calm.
The calmest soliders win the battlefield.
Undeterred. Unafraid.
One Step at a Time.

👉 RealSGAnon
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"We're not gonna in- we're not gonna increase the debt that every president has done for the last six million years here, never having done anything but that."


SYS:Crash inevitable.
RootKit compromised November 8, 2016.

Continuity of Government.
US_Military —> Russian Military —> Chinese_Mil (Patriot factions).
WW Alliance.
God's Hand to Humanity.

👉 RealSGAnon
If you've not followed Nancy Drew (not real name) on Telegram/FB, you've missed some of the best citizen journalism in the greater DC area. Her exposés confirm, albeit circumstantially, that DC is under Military occupation since 1/19/2021.

Over the last 48hrs, some TDS nitwit stalked her back to her *own home*, attempting to intimidate her.

These actions are completely unacceptable/ disgusting.


👉 RealSGAnon
Happy Independence Day to the United States Peoples, and the rest of the world who celebrate along w/ us.

No Independence Day can be sweet, without the bitterness of toil.
The delicate flavor of Victory cannot be enjoyed without the tastelessness of war.
Darkness falls, and Light rises to meet it.

We will have victory.
We will have unity.
We will have pride in ourselves and our world again.
We will Love one another, across all ideologies, races, origins, and creeds.

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll !

👉 RealSGAnon
We appreciate the heads up.

Remember the coming “climate change FF” we talked about in the Fall of 2022?

We do not Consent.
And we will Resist.
#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll !

#DarktoLight #BlackoutsComing #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA

👉 RealSGAnon
Nice dig, anon 👊

Disclosure for All.
Truth over Lies.

👉 RealSGAnon
The coming series of African coups that we discussed on Files 58/59 is beginning to pop off.

—> Russia and other nations are spearheading the complete disconnection of the African continent from the [DS] western central_bankster system.

True freedom, for the first time in centuries for many of the African nations.

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll is not just about the United States of America.
We are One Mankind.
United in a Chorus for and with the Almighty.

#SlavesNoMore! #WWG1WGA!

👉 RealSGAnon
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do”

If you were brainwashed, would you know it?
How would you know it?
Could someone(total stranger) say to you you that you are brainwashed, w/ no emotional response on your part?

If mind_control is REAL, what frees the Mind?
If emotion-based reactivity control(mind_control//SUSPENSION OF PRESENT MOMENT AWARENESS) is REAL, what sidesteps the reactivity complex, and encourages(FORCES) the Mind to engage, analyze, project, observe, conclude?

We The People means all of us.
#WWG1WGA is not just a catch phrase.
These people are victims of extremely advanced, military grade psychological warfare campaigns, that have desecrated the SANCTUM of Their(Yours/Ours) Minds.
We are not just draining the swamp -> we are liberating humanity’s Consciousness from an eon of Slavery.

Only JUSTICE will bring Peace.
#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore

👉 RealSGAnon
Perspective is important.
All means All.

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #darktolight #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
Daily Reminder:
Q told Patriots and Anons in 2018 that utilization of MSM[trusted] information outlets was required to maintain "Freedom of the Press"(US Constitution), while also waking those persons up who will refuse truth each time, if presented by alternate outlets.

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll is not just a calling card.
The Great Awakening!

👉 RealSGAnon

With the clear level of open, unabashed fraud occurring in US elections, most recently w/ multiple governors races on 11/7/2023 … is it logical, or intellectually mature, to think that Hamas, Likud, various Green Parties, Labour, and many more, were not cheated into office in their respective localities as well?

Large_scale, coordinated electronic cheating/ballot manipulation has been occurring since year 2000 for the USA (Bush v Gore).
If they’ve been doing it for 23 years in the great USA, how many decades have [THEY] been cheating [THEIR] preferred leaders (and not #WETHEPEOPLE chosen ones) into office worldwide?
How long has it been since We The People have had a true choice?

“This is not just another 4-year election”
#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #DarktoLight #Treason #electionfraud #DraintheSwamp #deepstate #FallofTheCabal

“Drain the swamp does not just refer to DC”

👉 RealSGAnon
I am aware of the radio silence in recent days Patriots. I know many of you are following, and aware, of my inactivity as well.

Am Heavily involved right now in research for coming events, with simultaneous (and important) personal life shifts.

Some days it is easy. Others are more a tightrope scenario.

I’ll be back on air again sooner than anticipated with File 69.

Stay strong.
We’re winning in a big way, in arenas worldwide that really COUNT.
Mass exposure brings the Hammer.
#DarktoLight #WETHEPEOPLE #MAGA #Peace #freedom

👉 RealSGAnon
“And The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

Not even the certainty of Death Itself can prevail against Us.
Reckoning of Ages.
God Always Wins.
From Dark to Light: Joyous Easter Blessings to All Patriots worldwide.
#TheGreatAwakening #Easter #heisrisen

👉 RealSGAnon
We are dismantling an ancient evil.

Expect more earthquakes in high-visibility localities before this journey is over.

Yesterday was an off day for posting on social medias. Lots to cover and research.

Stay frosty Patriots.


👉 RealSGAnon
Eclipse Citizen Journalism Thread:

Today is April 8, 2024, and the solar eclipse expected today has the attention of a great deal of the NATO/Western world.

Due to family commitments and my little one being out of school, I will be unavailable for real-time posting/commentary on social media about this celestial event. Still, I thought it would be helpful to have a central “info-dump” location for Patriots’ observations and experiences during the event — and so this thread is prepared for exactly that.

Nothing gets past the Digital Army.

Happy hunting Patriots!
#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #love #SolarEclipse #blacksun #freedom #Truth #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #MAGA

👉 RealSGAnon
Warning: Explicit

For countless families in All Nations who have been impacted by the scourge of kidnapping and sex trafficking, inflicted at the hands of a transnational criminal elite, We-The-Peoples of the World now stand with you.

Too few of Us saw it before, and those who did were silenced.
Many of Us never thought such depravity was possible in modern times.
3 million children per year, worldwide.
Many manipulated into sexual slavery.

We The People are finally Awake.
Our numbers grow each day.
Heroes in militaries across the world are finally involved in this sacred call, in ways that matter.
The Great milestone of our Time will be recorded by history not only as the Great Awakening, but also the complete eradication of child sexual slavery upon God’s Earth.

We must and will save every last one.
For the Children.

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #godsavethechildren #EndChildSexTrafficking #EndRitualAbuse #EndHumanTrafficking #endofslavery #GodWins #WWG1WGA #savethechildren

👉 RealSGAnon
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions