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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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With the exposure of a potential child kidnapping network in the tunnel systems recently discovered under the Chabad Lubavitch lodge in New York, a reminder on the connectivity of the worldwide evil we are facing is warranted.

Below is Bill Gates w/ Rabbi Schneerson, the Chief Rabbi (at the time) of the sect Chabad Lubavitch.

Bill Gates + Klaus Schwab = the WHO = UN Depopulation Plan.

Who controls bioterrorism activities worldwide?
Who gives spiritual counsel to the [TOP]?
What is Talmudic Dark_Magick?
What makes Gaza the worlds largest organ harvesting farm?
Why did J. Epstein (a close associate/confidante of Bill Gates) utilize his plane Lolita Express, to fly President Bill Clinton to a Chinese naval base?
Why was that allowed by the parties involved?
Remember Ghislaine? Her father was a dual citizen, and an agent of the Israeli Mossad.

Who controls the strings?
Who has ULTIMATE control?

Difficult Truths.
#DarktoLight #freedomcorner #MakeMillstonesGreatAgain #WWG1WGA #Truth

👉 RealSGAnon
After more than 105hrs of research, and multiple recording attempts, the finished File 68 is coming soon.

- EO13848
- Iran
- Russia, NATO, and the Last Great European War
- War Coming to South America and the Pacific
- US Navy and Q_SpecOps
- US Economic Meltdown

Patriots, there’s so much happening that it’s hard to encapsulate.
In fact, it’s much more difficult than it was just 6mos ago.

Those Patriots-in-Waiting, who are still fast asleep, will soon be wide-Awake.
2024: START.
A Reckoning to purge the whole world of Evil.

Stand Tall.
Be Proud.
You are Strong. We are Winning.
[THEY] know it.
#DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #Truth #Q #MAGA #freedom #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
Jan 9, 2024:
“BioNTech predicts return to revenue growth in 2025”
Jan 16, 2024:
“Charts bullish on healthcare stocks”
Jan 16, 2024:
“Chinese scientists creat COVID-strain with 100% lethality rate in mice”

SPOT the patterns.
“One of these things is not like the rest”
What is social predictive programming?
Why is it so incredibly important to isolate//target//change social predictive programs in a consciousness war?
How do you hide intentions in [P]lain sight?

We are AWAKE.
Sic Semper Tyrannus.
#DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #liberation #freedom #Truth #JusticeIsComing

👉 RealSGAnon
Heat (and sanity) restored in our little slice of life.

The prior version of File 69 received a facelift, and is now being re-recorded for release over next 24hrs.

*Basel III and North American/European FINSYS Crisis.
*German & Russian Background Cooperation (Patriots v. Traitors).
*WW3 False_Flags Attempts Continue in Setup_Phases.
*NATO Bloc will soon “Sacrifice-Bunt” Kyiv.
*US Mil Continuity Operations, “Domestic Terrorism”, NATSEC, and the 2024 USA Primaries.
*High_Level Defections/Submissions Ongoing.

No Way Out.
#WETHEPEOPLE #WWG1WGA #GodWins #freedom #Truth #Justice #love

👉 RealSGAnon
File 71 in Recording and Prep.

- Putin and Q
- Trump "Marker" - Next Steps (USA Continuity/WW Alliance)
- USSF and NSA Crossovers
- UN Bioterrorism/Bioharvesting Exposure Coming
- FISA [US - DS] Millstone
- Underground Tunnel Networks Being Destroyed

The Silent war continues.
#WeThePeople #Godblessall #DarkToLight #WWG1WGA #Truth #Love #Humanity

👉 RealSGAnon
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How powerful are you?
How powerful is this magnificent Earth?
What secrets are hidden in plain sight?
What is “Zero Point”/limitless energy?

“If I can’t bottle it and sell it by the pound, the barrel, or the gallon, I’m not interested” - JP Morgan

You are immersed in a sea of life and reality, sustained by the Living Spirit of God.
The Great Mystery.
One of the many wonderful gifts given this world from the Almighty.

—> Fatal to the Matrix <—

Let morning come.
#DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #tesla #Truth


👉 RealSGAnon
Taken from eBay, approx 1550 EST USA today.

Seem a bit strangely overpriced?

“1 available”

#DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore #savethechildren #EndHumanTrafficking #WWG1WGA #Truth #freedom

👉 RealSGAnon
Yesterday I had the pleasure of sitting w/ Professor David Clements, to discuss everything from Q to J6, to his own spiritual walk w/ God. It was a very enlightening and broadening conversation, and I believe each of you will greatly enjoy it.

As you listen, please take note of the use of symbolism w/ this particular Chat. Be aware that it is/was purposeful, being shot on 3(11) as the 33rd discussion from the QNP Audio Chats, and is 33m:51s long. Since it was the Almighty that first created numbers and signs, I believe in the reclaiming of these arenas on our collective journey to free, and awaken, Humanity.

We were each of us chosen, for such a time as this.
Be of good cheer. Light is coming.
We, the People.
#WWG1WGA #DarktoLight #Truth #letmypeoplego #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
Happy Sunday Patriots. Have been solo w/ the cantankerous mini today. I wont be very active on social medias for most of the rest of today.

Enjoy your day, whenever you are. If it’s available to you, step outside or crack some windows, and enjoy the crisp breeze and fresh air. Slow down a moment after worship, and bask in appreciation for those around you. Hug your children unexpectedly, especially if it’s “not cool” 😉

This is the day that God has made. Rejoice and be glad.

Be back soon w/ News, current events, and analysis.

#sunday #Truth #love #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #InOurImage #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
With the timeline of the US TikTok "Ban" Bill being passed in the House of Representatives, it seems very plausible that "Quiet On Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" is a main reason why they've been trying like gangbusters to ban TikTok in the USA. If film industry execs and producers can get away with next-level sexual crimes against children, in plain daylight, and silence the vast majority of their families ... what can politicians get away with, re: kids?

Epstein island, anyone? Sniffy Joe? Handsy Hillary?

TikTok is the largest short-form video recording and mini-editing platform on Earth, and has a traffic very near that of YouTube pound-for-pound in video hosted content. It is a RedPill Howitzer in an information war.

And this documentary just added high explosive rounds to the arsenal.
#nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #SaveTheChildren #EndChildTrafficking #Healing #Truth

👉 RealSGAnon
Wait a minute …

President Donald Trump “needs money” for insane and unlawful legal bills, spends days on TruthSocial completely eviscerating the idea of ‘fairness’ in the Justice system because of this specific issue. Everyone in America is watching.

March 22 rolls around (skull and bones day, one of the DeepState cabal/secret society brotherhood favorites), and here comes 3.3 (33) billion dollars for President Trump, via a stock merger that was voted good-to-go on this day …

We are obliterating their mind (and literal) control over America/the World, and using their own symbolism against them along the way.

The Great Awakening.
God Wins.
#wwg1wga #wethepeople #lovewins #life #truth #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
The internet is forever.

In case you were wondering, this is what blood-oath blackmail looks like; and it is a major reason why counterinsurgency operations take so long.

#DarktoLight #Truth #Justice #savethechildren #epstein #WWG1WGA #BLACKMAIL

👉 RealSGAnon
File 73

Baltimore False Flag Confirmed on Video > Russian Mil OpsPrep Behavior Escalating > US CIA/State Department + Ukraine GRU/UK MI6 Connected to Moscow Terrorist Attack > Shadow Society Power Struggle Happening > Major Telecomm Disruption Coming > Whistleblower Documents Reveal Existence of “Special-Extreme-Compartmented” US Military Domestic Warfare Operations >>> Long Live the Republic of These United States >>>

(Please allow a few moments for the video to encode).
Viewer Note: My community has been blasted w/ chemtrailing over the last 36hrs. I beg your patience w/ my voice clearing during the File, as the two are directly related.

#WWG1WGA #Truth #JusticeIsComing #Republic #accountability #DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore #WETHEPEOPLE #GodWins

👉 RealSGAnon
Interesting Development re: Traveling in USA in 2024

AirBnB has updated their "Major Disruptive Events" Policy, stating that after June 6, 2024 (80th anniversary of D-Day), "foreseeable weather events" will be eligible for AirBnB refund coverage if such events result in another event, such as a -> "government travel restriction or large-scale utility outage" <-

They are telling you what's coming.
We are Awake.
World at War.
#WETHEPEOPLE #WWG1WGA #DarktoLight #Truth #LOCKDOWNSCOMING #Airbnb #deepstate #thegreatawakening #GodWins

👉 RealSGAnon
Eclipse Citizen Journalism Thread:

Today is April 8, 2024, and the solar eclipse expected today has the attention of a great deal of the NATO/Western world.

Due to family commitments and my little one being out of school, I will be unavailable for real-time posting/commentary on social media about this celestial event. Still, I thought it would be helpful to have a central “info-dump” location for Patriots’ observations and experiences during the event — and so this thread is prepared for exactly that.

Nothing gets past the Digital Army.

Happy hunting Patriots!
#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #love #SolarEclipse #blacksun #freedom #Truth #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #MAGA

👉 RealSGAnon
File 74

Jail Attempt for POTUS Donald Trump Coming > Whistleblower Documents Describe Largest Ever "Case-Study" in Domestic Treachery Being Conducted by US_Military > The Silent Purge Continues in WW Military Ranks > US DHS Involved in Domestic and International Ops to Destroy Child/Human Kidnapping and Trafficking > US Army Subterranean Warfare and The Vril >>> Bigger than We Ever Imagined >>> #DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #GodWins >>>

(Note: Please allow a few moments for the video to complete encoding).
(Note: I was briefly distracted and made a SILLY math goof around 29:00 into the File, where I said 91M+18M = 100M. That is wrong. It is 109M. Whoops).
(Note: A different microphone was used, due to repairs on my usual, external microphone. This produced a grainy distortion in the audio of the File, but the integrity is intact overall, and the content I believe is worthwhile. Will clean up mic issues ahead of File 75).

#WETHEPEOPLE #Truth #JusticeIsComing

👉 RealSGAnon
Guide on How to Download Instagram Videos Effortlessly