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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Eyes on the Prize.

"Beware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the Mission"

This is a Patriot who pulls no punches.
Give him a view, or a follow, and decide for yourself.

—> Just How many angles are there in an espionage/ disinformation warfare campaign? <—

#NothingCanStopWhatIsComing #DarktoLight #Truth
#Justice #freedom

👉 RealSGAnon
Why is awakening humanity to the powers of A-I so very important?

Squint your eyes and look at this picture which was A-I generated.

What do you see?
#DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore #freedom #WWG1WGA

👉 RealSGAnon
So, President Trump gives a speech where he says Hillary is gone, and confirms watermarked ballots were used in the 2020 election … But nothing’s happening?

“We are embarking upon some of the most complex military operations in our nation’s history”
- Chris Miller, outgoing SecDef for the 45th President, December 2020.

You are alive to witness first hand the Greatest Military Sting Operation and coordinated alliance, in the history of the entire world.


#DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore #freedom #WETHEPEOPLE #WWG1WGA !

👉 RealSGAnon
After more than 105hrs of research, and multiple recording attempts, the finished File 68 is coming soon.

- EO13848
- Iran
- Russia, NATO, and the Last Great European War
- War Coming to South America and the Pacific
- US Navy and Q_SpecOps
- US Economic Meltdown

Patriots, there’s so much happening that it’s hard to encapsulate.
In fact, it’s much more difficult than it was just 6mos ago.

Those Patriots-in-Waiting, who are still fast asleep, will soon be wide-Awake.
2024: START.
A Reckoning to purge the whole world of Evil.

Stand Tall.
Be Proud.
You are Strong. We are Winning.
[THEY] know it.
#DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #Truth #Q #MAGA #freedom #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
Jan 9, 2024:
“BioNTech predicts return to revenue growth in 2025”
Jan 16, 2024:
“Charts bullish on healthcare stocks”
Jan 16, 2024:
“Chinese scientists creat COVID-strain with 100% lethality rate in mice”

SPOT the patterns.
“One of these things is not like the rest”
What is social predictive programming?
Why is it so incredibly important to isolate//target//change social predictive programs in a consciousness war?
How do you hide intentions in [P]lain sight?

We are AWAKE.
Sic Semper Tyrannus.
#DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #liberation #freedom #Truth #JusticeIsComing

👉 RealSGAnon
I am aware of the radio silence in recent days Patriots. I know many of you are following, and aware, of my inactivity as well.

Am Heavily involved right now in research for coming events, with simultaneous (and important) personal life shifts.

Some days it is easy. Others are more a tightrope scenario.

I’ll be back on air again sooner than anticipated with File 69.

Stay strong.
We’re winning in a big way, in arenas worldwide that really COUNT.
Mass exposure brings the Hammer.
#DarktoLight #WETHEPEOPLE #MAGA #Peace #freedom

👉 RealSGAnon
Heat (and sanity) restored in our little slice of life.

The prior version of File 69 received a facelift, and is now being re-recorded for release over next 24hrs.

*Basel III and North American/European FINSYS Crisis.
*German & Russian Background Cooperation (Patriots v. Traitors).
*WW3 False_Flags Attempts Continue in Setup_Phases.
*NATO Bloc will soon “Sacrifice-Bunt” Kyiv.
*US Mil Continuity Operations, “Domestic Terrorism”, NATSEC, and the 2024 USA Primaries.
*High_Level Defections/Submissions Ongoing.

No Way Out.
#WETHEPEOPLE #WWG1WGA #GodWins #freedom #Truth #Justice #love

👉 RealSGAnon
Taken from eBay, approx 1550 EST USA today.

Seem a bit strangely overpriced?

“1 available”

#DarktoLight #SlavesNoMore #savethechildren #EndHumanTrafficking #WWG1WGA #Truth #freedom

👉 RealSGAnon
No kidding 👉 RealSGAnon
Mnuchin oversaw the first-time integration of the Federal Reserve w/ the US Treasury almost immediately after the launch of C19 on the world, and therefore, very near the start of Continuity of Government operations in the USA.

How many EOs did Trump sign targeting finance and/or assets worldwide?
How many EOs declared[or provided conditions to declare] National Emergencies both present day and future?
Can 50 U.S.C. and the “1973 War Powers Act” be leveraged by a President against foreign financing of militarized combatants?

“War on [the financing of] Terror”?

They’re trapped.
No way out.
We The People.
#DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #WeThePeople #Freedom

👉 RealSGAnon
The pulse of the world has quickened significantly over the last 6 weeks.

Patriots are fed up, as their numbers are exploding.
Leftists are dwindling, and those remaining in their camp are increasingly out of touch w/ reality.
We The People are growing, as ideological divides continue to disintegrate.
The intentional dismantling of human civilization is has become a “door-knob topic” for 8 in 10 people in the NATO western world.
It’s no longer R v. D in the minds and hearts of Americans.
Injection-reuptake rates are the lowest for Big Pharma in its entire history.
Endless war exposed as a business model, now commonly understood.
Public trust of ‘government entities’ is virtually nonexistent across the west, w/ some exceptions.

Now, We-The-People in all classes, across all creeds, representing every demographic in the “global north”, shall watch as [THEY] hammer the stake into their own chest.

Next Stop: Justice.

#WWG1WGA #DarktoLight #GodWins #freedom #Liberty #TheLastFallOfRome

👉 RealSGAnon
Eclipse Citizen Journalism Thread:

Today is April 8, 2024, and the solar eclipse expected today has the attention of a great deal of the NATO/Western world.

Due to family commitments and my little one being out of school, I will be unavailable for real-time posting/commentary on social media about this celestial event. Still, I thought it would be helpful to have a central “info-dump” location for Patriots’ observations and experiences during the event — and so this thread is prepared for exactly that.

Nothing gets past the Digital Army.

Happy hunting Patriots!
#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #love #SolarEclipse #blacksun #freedom #Truth #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #MAGA

👉 RealSGAnon
The ongoing investigation by lone-wolf election worker Michelle Swinick, and her attorney evaluator Leo Denofrio, continues to unearth new, never-before-introduced evidence of patently obvious and demonstrably provable lawbreaking in Maricopa County Arizona elections, by the County government.

These new findings include an email thread “admission of guilt” from Maricopa County itself stating that election procedures were not followed, as well as more than 70 ballot tabulators which did not align with official voting results.

#Fix2020 #electionfraud #treason #seditiousconspiracy #freedom #truth #WWG1WGA

👉 RealSGAnon
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