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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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1, 2, 3, ... ?

The skies yesterday were awfully quiet.
Unusual based on now multi-year-long patterns.
NYE - Babylonian Festival of Akkitu.
Some Patriots in WW Mils won't sleep tonight.
"They never thought she would lose. Now they all lose" -Q+

#Biblical #thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #justiceiscoming

👉 RealSGAnon
So wait a minute ...

The same day the Clinton family posts a holiday picture online (12/31/23) to wish everyone a happy New Year (standing in front of an "Evergreen" tree), it gets reported that Bill Clinton is one of 36 names to be unsealed to the public as a Jeff Epstein 'John Doe' ... ?

You can't make it up.
Consciousness War.
Counterintelligence Operations.
Mass Pop Awakening inbound.
#WWG1WGA #thegreatawakening #savethechildren #endchildtrafficking

👉 RealSGAnon
We see [You].
Slaves No More.

Phase 1 Complete: Strings Cut//Consciousness Freed. STRATCOM_Worldwide in place.
Phase 2: Remove Real-World(kinetic/biologic) Threats//Blockades to MassPop Awakening + Drive Awakening(Win Information War) + Preserve Real-World National Essential Functions//Worldwide Continuity Operations + Begin Hostage Rescue Missions At_SCALE + Neutralize [DS] Mil Industrial Complex KEY NODES Worldwide.

Almost there.
Keep the steam up and your morale HIGH.
God wins. And so do we.

#NCSWICNothing #DarktoLight #WETHEPEOPLE #vigilance #WWG1WGA #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
What is Projection?
How is it psychologically accomplished?
Is there a transmitter?
A receiver?
What is a radio wave?
What is wavelength?
Can wavelength be augmented?
Are Thoughts, waves?
If so, then thought=frequency?
What is frequency warfare?
What is Mind Control?
How is brain activity defined?
If brain activity=wave, then brain activity=frequency?
Can frequency transmitters be programmed as self-replicating?
What is photon exchange?
Does it have basis in frequency?
If the human brain -> generates <- thought, where thought=wave, brain activity=wave, and wave=frequency, where frequency is malleable, is the human brain malleable?

Vertical questions.
Logical thinking.
Break the BROAD-Cast. Shatter the Spell.
The war was never about our homes or our lands. It was about our MINDS.

And [They] Lost.
#thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #QSentMe #higherconsciousness #GodWins #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
What are US-Israeli ‘Oath of Loyalty’ laws?
How are they used?
What is the American Israeli Public Action Commission?
How many (bipartisan) Congresspersons receive large donations from AIPAC?
Who provided funding for the Knesset, 1948?
Who provided funding (and assisted in the design/buildout) of the Israeli Supreme Court building, 1948?
Who perpetrated the 1946-1948 Nakhba?
Why did the Shah of Iran tell US journalists in the 1960s, that “Zionist Israel” did not represent the interests of American Jews?
Why did a US Army report, released 9/10/2001, conclude the Israeli Mossad constituted the “largest Middle East-borne threat to US National security”, calling them ‘cunning and ruthless’?
Why did the same report state that Mossad was capable of “staging an attack on US soil”, and “making it look like Muslims did it”?
Why did “Israeli art students” have boxes of BB18 explosive-fuse holsters in the World Trade Center, just weeks before 9/11/2001?

Difficult Truths.


👉 RealSGAnon
Happy Sunday Patriots. Have been solo w/ the cantankerous mini today. I wont be very active on social medias for most of the rest of today.

Enjoy your day, whenever you are. If it’s available to you, step outside or crack some windows, and enjoy the crisp breeze and fresh air. Slow down a moment after worship, and bask in appreciation for those around you. Hug your children unexpectedly, especially if it’s “not cool” 😉

This is the day that God has made. Rejoice and be glad.

Be back soon w/ News, current events, and analysis.

#sunday #Truth #love #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #InOurImage #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
Wait a minute …

President Donald Trump “needs money” for insane and unlawful legal bills, spends days on TruthSocial completely eviscerating the idea of ‘fairness’ in the Justice system because of this specific issue. Everyone in America is watching.

March 22 rolls around (skull and bones day, one of the DeepState cabal/secret society brotherhood favorites), and here comes 3.3 (33) billion dollars for President Trump, via a stock merger that was voted good-to-go on this day …

We are obliterating their mind (and literal) control over America/the World, and using their own symbolism against them along the way.

The Great Awakening.
God Wins.
#wwg1wga #wethepeople #lovewins #life #truth #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
Something seems very off about the Maryland bridge disaster unfolding before our eyes.

Vessel flagged from Singapore (known “clown” staging area).
Vessel operator (1 known) w/ ties to Ukraine.
The bridge destroyed is the “Francis Scott Key” bridge (War of 1812 and American national anthem).
The support structure impacted is one of the most central, and physics dictates inarguably crucial for the overall suspension of the bridge across the channel. (Possible weakest link?)

We know the [DS] remnant worldwide cannot allow the USA Presidential Election of 2024 to take place in any normal sense …

Hold your conclusions, Patriots.

Cool heads prevail always in wartime.
#WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE #MAGA #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
“And The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

Not even the certainty of Death Itself can prevail against Us.
Reckoning of Ages.
God Always Wins.
From Dark to Light: Joyous Easter Blessings to All Patriots worldwide.
#TheGreatAwakening #Easter #heisrisen

👉 RealSGAnon
Slight Correction Issued:
In File 73, I stated that the Dali container was headed out to sea but performed a 180-degree turn, and headed back up the Patapsco River to the bridge. This was only partially accurate.

I have been advised by former sailors and port workers that while the Dali was departing, the 180-degree turn was actually to be expected as part of SOP maneuvering to leave the port. Beginning however, with the point at which the vehicle’s power (and potentially guidance) systems were hacked, there is clear videographic evidence up to the point of impact and afterward, to suggest a false flag attack.

I stand by my assessment of the events of 3/26 in Baltimore, MD USA: As yet Unknown Parties accomplished a 9/11-lite false flag attack on marine infrastructure, and a major US eastern seaboard port and seaway, through cyber and kinetic means.

[They] are the [FOOLS] now.
We are Awake.
#DarktoLight #FalseFlagBaltimore #JusticeIsComing #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
“Patriots WW just needed a spark”

We see All.
We hear All.
Nowhere is immune.
The Digital Army is the largest fighting force ever mustered, dismantling an ancient, multi-trillion-dollar, “consciousness-control weapon of war” at speeds never before possible in the course of human events.

They can no longer hide from We The People, or from the Creator behind Us.
The Spirit of God Wins.
[They] LOSE.
#WWG1WGA #QSentMe #thegreatawakening #specops #WETHEPEOPLE #FallofTheCabal

👉 RealSGAnon
Morning Thoughts:
For Patriots who are noticing their hearts and minds beginning to weary in this battle, recall that we (and you) are 7 years into a multi-dimensional, unrestricted, worldwide consciousness-based war, and 4 years strong into enduring the largest military grade psyop and propaganda campaign ever simultaneously launched against humanity (C19+).

These aren’t small accomplishments.
Perspective goes a long way.
Each of you are actually pretty amazing, when you step back and look at how far we’ve come.

You’re Chosen. And Called.

Take a few deep breaths. Hear them. Feel them in your chest.
The forces of evil will not outlast us.

Be of good cheer.
Joy comes in the Morning.

#WWG1WGA #DarktoLight #thegreatawakening #love #light #GodWins

👉 RealSGAnon
Interesting Development re: Traveling in USA in 2024

AirBnB has updated their "Major Disruptive Events" Policy, stating that after June 6, 2024 (80th anniversary of D-Day), "foreseeable weather events" will be eligible for AirBnB refund coverage if such events result in another event, such as a -> "government travel restriction or large-scale utility outage" <-

They are telling you what's coming.
We are Awake.
World at War.
#WETHEPEOPLE #WWG1WGA #DarktoLight #Truth #LOCKDOWNSCOMING #Airbnb #deepstate #thegreatawakening #GodWins

👉 RealSGAnon
Ukraine — Bans Christian denomination, assaults a 1000yo Christian lineage, jails Priests, kills journalists, has neonazis in government and military command.

“________” — Bans Christian denominations, requires “movement pass” if you are not a specific faith or origin (including practicing Christians), kills journalists (some with full knowledge beforehand), restricts humanitarian aid to civilian parties, imposed a “vax-for-bananas” mandate requiring the population to submit to an industrial_scale medical experiment with no informed consent, or they could not feed themselves ………….. 🤫

The quiet part often holds truths we cannot appreciate, sometimes even fathom.

Never be afraid to say the quiet part out loud.

#thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon
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