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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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How many times until mathematically impossible?

Double agents.
Patriots (for humanity) in trusted positions.

"You have seen the truth.
Time to show the world.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
What does Panic look like?

"To put it bluntly,
Game Over"

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
How many?

Trust the Plan

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
What was Devin Nunes formerly Chair of?
What information did he have access to?
When did he leave?
Timing coinciding with ...?
What other stories did NE break in last 18mos?

Who are the puppet masters?
Who handles Jill?
Where are most of the Biden properties?

We are WINNING. There is no escape for these people.
They didn't believe us in 2018.
They do now.

For the first time in the history of Man, it is THEY who are afraid of the dark.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon


Join: The Twitter Files
Forwarded from The Twitter Files
25. But Twitter executives did ban Trump, even though key staffers said that Trump had not incited violenceβ€”not even in a β€œcoded” way.

Join: The Twitter Files
Learn the real history. Teach the future generations.

This. Will. Never. Happen. Again.

"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I sure as hell won't" - Gen. GS Patton


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Old article, but good starting point for those who are crossing deeper into Discovering.

Down the rabbit hole.
Personal Note: the article fails to describe the olden names used in the hierarchy, who are the Bloodlines of "final say" in matters pertaining to the deep occult
religion β€”> Medici, Cologna, etc.

β€”>The real Enemy<β€”

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Accelerating rhetoric these days.

A good deal coming from a lot of very connected people.

Paint the picture.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Part of understanding our Enemy is understanding Spellwork: they manipulate the dimensional energy in our world's physical_spiritual_matrix (AKA, quantum-field for those more science minded). This manipulation is real, and has physical effects.

In the Luciferian religion, to do something backwards is to undo it existentially, as though it never existed; its essence forever erased.


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
This is the same guy who spearheaded the deplatforming of @real_DonaldJTrump Twitter.

Read these Tweets from Yoel Roth.
Now look at Biden's "non-binary" thief Admin-official.
Now look at Biden Sec of HHS.
Now look at Biden Sec of Education.
Now look at Mark Milley.
Look at ALL other examples of sexually-deviant, overly-politicized, tyrannical individuals in "government" right now (myriad).
Now look at fake-Biden himself.


All of Us vs. Them
We win.
They lose.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Sam Bankman-Fried has been apprehended in the Bahamas, by an international policing action.

Developing story.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
How do you tell them, w/out telling them?

Cryptographic communications.
Cyberspace warfare.


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Important to never jump to conclusions. The Bosses are letting us know the same.

Epstein/Maxwell associates know very well how "protective" [DS] arrests go…
Time will tell.
Be shrewd as adders, but wise like mountains.

FTX was a mortal blow to their remaining black_market money laundering infrastructure.
Playing for keeps.


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform