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Forwarded from The Twitter Files
21. Strom’s note returned the answer that the laptop story had been removed for violation of the company’s “hacked materials” policy:

The Twitter Files
Forwarded from The Twitter Files
22. Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the problem...

The Twitter Files
Forwarded from The Twitter Files
25. You can see the confusion in the following lengthy exchange, which ends up including Gadde and former Trust and safety chief Yoel Roth. Comms official Trenton Kennedy writes, “I'm struggling to understand the policy basis for marking this as unsafe”:

The Twitter Files
Forwarded from The Twitter Files
29. A fundamental problem with tech companies and content moderation: many people in charge of speech know/care little about speech, and have to be told the basics by outsiders. To wit:

The Twitter Files
Forwarded from The Twitter Files
36.Twitter files continued:
Szabo’s letter contains chilling passages relaying Democratic lawmakers’ attitudes. They want “more” moderation, and as for the Bill of Rights, it's "not absolute"

The Twitter Files

An independent news agency was silenced for reporting a story which would have been the equivalent of the Killary e-mail scandal, and about the same time in the election cycle, too.
The Twitter Files confirm (for the normies) that the DNC was integrally involved in the suppression of free speech during the 2020 election cycle.
The US House was ALSO involved, with a representative stating the "1st amendment is not absolute"

Q tells us it (corruption) is all connected.

Elon just proved it

👉 RealSGAnon
We Must.

More decoding on this tomorrow. This is a significant comm from 45

👉 RealSGAnon
Someone is learning. 👍👍Nice job

Why do you think the military came so close to terminating 44 and installing a provisional government?
They took away our voice a long time ago.
We are so much more alike than we ever knew. We're not different. What an astounding lie that was. We share nearly all of the same values, we know the kids have to be saved, and we are adept at critical

This war is about restoring our sacred right to determine our destiny, and take up the mantle.


👉 RealSGAnon
File 29. End of the weekend. ~Maybe~ before, depending on work.

>European tunnel systems
>Russian offensive
> Turkish offensive
>Trump Comms

They can't stop us.
And they know it.

👉 RealSGAnon
45 Comms
Commander-in-Chief literally telling us the steps he took to safeguard the Republic in his last "public"
days of office.

Q1448- 12:27:44 Divide —> 12/2 (date of Twitter drop) /7:44/
"FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness"

Isn't Brazil about to engage their military and expose worldwide election fraud?
Would that be enough to force [DS] hand, re: WW_FF?
Climate change FF?

CIC telling us what happened, and to prepare.


👉 RealSGAnon
Here's a good one - why the silence from the NY Post? They were directly scrooed by the Twitter
oligarchs, and made to look like idiots and bad journalists —> turns out they were the only halfway decent outlet as it related to the Laptop from Hell.

👉 RealSGAnon
Covid brings down the house.
Even seasoned Anons will be shocked with what is coming, re: C19 DEClas.

Greatest Crime Ever Devised.


👉 RealSGAnon
Nothing to see here, just a US military air-frame airborne over central USA, callsign "SHOOT44".
Also, Australian Mil airborne command/control bird up directly over Hawaii, USA.
That's a long way from home.

Joint coordinated military operations, and we're even telling them things that are going to happen through the callsigns.

Trolling —> Next Level

We are eviscerating them. These bastards are doomed.

👉 RealSGAnon
How do you show the People?

THIS is how..

Coordinated Military Operations

👉 RealSGAnon
IMO - Possible plandemic #2 would be "fun" for Anons and Patriots, despite unpleasantries. Oxymoronic?
Perhaps. Watching the sleepers have "cold water" thrown all over their consciousness will certainly be enjoyable for some of the die hard Patriots who are ready for the Operations to go public. This is my only intended meaning between the two points.

👉 RealSGAnon
The optics around the rescinding of the jab mandate for US Military personnel is ENORMOUS.

That is visual, verifiable, actionable confirmation that the Military White Hats are satisfied with their
identification of C19 internal traitors.

I have reported on the Marine Corps apprehending traitors at multiple levels of government, and in different areas of the military personnel structure.

Remaining traitors now IDENTIFIED.

Clean and Swift.
Fire and Fury.

👉 RealSGAnon
MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know