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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Renegade coming to the narrative [soon].
When it’s all shown to the world, they’ll need a new word for treason.

👉 RealSGAnon
Stay with it, Patriots.
Eyes forward.
Mission focused.

Almost there.

👉 RealSGAnon
File 59
Trump-Loyalist US Mil Operating Publicly > Plandemic #2 and Renewed Vaxxine Push Coming > Climate_Change Lockdowns/Emergency Conditions in Process > US/Europe FINSYS Collapse is Accelerating > Hussein Obama DEClas(“Best for Last”) Beginning > Trump Trials Headed to US Supreme Court (National Security, US Military, and State-Secrets Privilege”) > Buckle Up >>> #WWG1WGA >>>

👉 RealSGAnon
President Vladimir Putin held a meeting w/ top military commanders at the Southern Command HQ for the Russian Army, in the city of Rostov-on-Don, the Kremlin said early Saturday.

Moscow gave no details on when precisely the meeting took place, but footage released by media suggests it was conducted during nighttime hours, and happened over the last 1-3 days.

👉 RealSGAnon
“Should be addressed by the United States Supreme Court” -POTUS45

“What Supreme Court case allows for use of MI (mil intel) v. Congressional assembled and approved agencies?”

👉 RealSGAnon
Entire GOP field of candidates: let’s have an RNC globalist, warmongering neocon debate stage.
POTUS45: I think I’ll talk with Tucker Carlson instead.
—> Tucker’s entire program is based out of Twitter. If Trump goes on Twitter w/ Tucker, will he utter those famous words anons?
Trump ‘back on Twitter’ ?

“Look to Twitter, exactly this: ‘My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us’”

👉 RealSGAnon
Well isn’t that something … (Paul Soros was George Soros’ brother, by the way).
Is this why Vivek won’t consider being Trump’s VP?

👉 While we’re on it, wasn’t it also Harvard Univ that hosted the pandekic war game Event 201, and conspired for years prior w/ the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations to research, fund, and develop bioweapons?

“The hole is deep”

👉 RealSGAnon
“Climate change” emergency preparations?

Elitist luciferian model:
1. Identify desired opportunity
2. Create a problem
3. Create solution
4. Utilize lapdog lying media, gubment control, NGO influence, and institutional leverage to launch(then inflate) problem to galactic-levels around the world
5. Roll-out Solution to problem while appearing as benevolent benefactors to peasantry (that would be you and me, and anyone worldwide not in ‘the club’)
6. Talk tough about ‘sacrifices made’


👉 RealSGAnon
2024 Presidential hopeful V. Ramaswamy PAID the website WIKIPEDIA to REMOVE from their website the fact he accepted money from the Paul and Daisy Soros Foundation, along with 86’ing references to Vivek’s role in the Ohio C19 Response in 2020.

—> Don’t forget: Ohio was one of the US states where C19 positive patients were intentionally placed into nursing homes to drive up death numbers.

👉 RealSGAnon
If I’m being transparently honest, I cannot give advice on this issue that would be appropriate, or commensurate, with the ‘role’ that Anons play re: Awakening… Even though I wish i could.

What I CAN say is that the Silent War is hitting “Blue” areas especially hard, including in Atlanta (and others). If you are living OTG conditions that are repugnant to liberty/security, you should listen to your inner guidance to the very BEST of your abilities.

I hope that helps. #WWG1WGA

👉 RealSGAnon
The injustice of the 2020 Presidential Election will not go unpunished or unresolved. But patience is, and has always been, needed, to draw out the scum from every filthy, diseased hole they’ve ever hidden in.
And to ensure that nothing like what’s happened on this Earth over these last 400 years, can ever happen again.

“We take this journey together.
One step at a time.
#WWG1WGA !!!”

👉 RealSGAnon
Satellite imagery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces munitions depot which was destroyed by the RUAF on August 19 near Lysogorka, Khmelnytsky.

Near the top of the frame, you can see the point-of-arrival for one of Russia’s missiles — the crater is nearly 300 feet wide.

👉 RealSGAnon
Well isn’t that something … (Paul Soros was George Soros’ brother, by the way). Is this why Vivek won’t consider being Trump’s VP? 👉 While we’re on it, wasn’t it also Harvard Univ that hosted the pandekic war game Event 201, and conspired for years prior…
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We cannot allow the [DS] to utilize *any* candidates to split the MAGA vote.
Look up the history of the Bull Moose party -> what did it lead to?

Vivek’s financial entanglements may mean nothing —> but that is NOT an acceptable level of assurance, for such enormous risk.

@real_DonaldJTrump or bust, for #PresidentOfTheUnitedStates

👉 RealSGAnon
Sorry, Vivek. Transparency means transparency.
Out into the [LIGHT]

👉 RealSGAnon
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions