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Twitter handles were aQtime - a17time - aTimeQ Retweeted By Donald J Trump on Twitter. I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold service was Joy.
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We the People will hold public officials accountable for their egregious crimes against the citizens of the United States and their crimes against humanity. Just wait until the worst of their crimes come out. Pretty sure the outcry to remove them from office as well as charge them for their crimes against humanity will be overwhelming…

Hint look at crimes against children…

How many public officials have been accused of having inappropriate relationships…sex with minors?

Former House Speaker Lee Chatfield? Is this a one off? Not even close.

Looks like we have a real systemic problem with pedophilia and anything that harms children.

The underlying problem? Sick people making policies which harm children…and give them access to children. From top to bottom. Grooming in schools?

We will never stand for normalization of pedophilia. Looks like an efficient way to compromise leaders…just sayin.




Soooo I research 6-10 hours a day…and no I don’t sleep much. There is so much going on it is mind blowing.

I don’t want to overwhelm anyone with info, but part of the process is to be transparent and let everyone know what’s really going on. Ukraine is a biggie. There were so many kids being trafficked there…a population left without defense by corrupt leaders…working with other corrupt globalist leaders.

They will never succeed in destroying America…the last stand for Freedom.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. It’s gonna be ok. We are winning…and I know that there are a lot of really good people out there fighting for this world, this country, you and those whom you love. We stand unafraid and will never back down from defending others…especially those without a voice.

There are wolves…
And sheepdogs…

Sheepdogs will always defend the flock…unwavering. Wolves have a BIG problem. Sheepdogs will never quit…and we outnumber wolves…17 to 1…



In my entire life…this was the greatest speech I have ever heard …left me in tears…and many others also.

Thank you Brian Cates…

Andrew Breitbart started the revolution for the New Media…and citizen journalists stepping up to the task.

We the People have to step up to the task of taking back this nation!!!
It is you and I …apart from corrupt politicians, institutions, corporations who will take back Michigan and America!!! Standing together!!



TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform