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There will be a slew of openings in the federal government

If you feel called in that direction polish up your resumes NOW not later

The need for intelligence agencies to be reformed at the top of the list

Absorbed or restructured

They will need good people

Are you ready to serve?


#America250 #USA250

🇺🇸 🦅

The American People Stand With You President Trump

90+ mile Trump caravans and world record setting boat parades

Most LEGAL VOTES in United States history twice (2016/2020)

Biggest rallies in history breaking attendance records set by Hall of Fame musicians

and you don't even play an instrument - unheard of

Nobody has ever seen such things in their lifetime

You've successfully inspired the most broad reaching and consequential political movement in history

Millions of people (forgotten men and women) have stepped out boldly and courageously because you set the example. That includes other world leaders and citizens across the world yearning to be free.

Something very special has been happening and we hope that everyone pauses what they're doing once in a while to appreciate how historic this period truly is.

Thank you Mr. President
Thank you First Lady Melania
Thank you to the entire Trump family

#USA250 #America250





Another 5 Year Delta and Timeline Marker Has Been Reached

Note that a MILITARY CONFLICT is an armed confrontation between organized groups or countries w/specific interest that often result in small-scale battles and losses within boundaries. A WORLD WAR involves major powers, fighting across different continents with large-scale events over long-periods, consuming extensive resources & costly infrastructure while straining global relationships & resulting in lasting distress for people. Also note that a distinction must be made between the current warfare being experienced and that of WWI and WW2. We also realize this goes completely against everything you're currently hearing in mainstream and even some alternative media outlets. Must think (WHY)

#USA250 #America250

Forwarded from Enthéos
The American People Stand With You President Trump

90+ mile Trump caravans and world record setting boat parades

Most LEGAL VOTES in United States history twice (2016/2020)

Biggest rallies in history breaking attendance records set by Hall of Fame musicians

and you don't even play an instrument - unheard of

Nobody has ever seen such things in their lifetime

You've successfully inspired the most broad reaching and consequential political movement in history

Millions of people (forgotten men and women) have stepped out boldly and courageously because you set the example. That includes other world leaders and citizens across the world yearning to be free.

Something very special has been happening and we hope that everyone pauses what they're doing once in a while to appreciate how historic this period truly is.

Thank you Mr. President
Thank you First Lady Melania
Thank you to the entire Trump family

#USA250 #America250




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