The People's Revolution
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The People’s Revolution & Triccy
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Today, in the final phase, it sailed through the House of Reps 87 to 56.

They claim it will be voluntary, but we all should know what the totalitarian tiptoe is by now.

What we need to do, is hold them to that "voluntary" clause, while we make it one of our targets to systematically take it apart over time.

To do that, we need to be bold, stern and tenacious.

As an electrician, the Electrical Safety Office claimed that for my license to be renewed, that I MUST obtain a MyGov Digital ID.
In other words, they were blackmailing me and saying if you want to be able to put food on your family's table, you'll submit and obtain a Digital ID.

I tried reasoning with them and gave my point of view. I emailed numerous times, I called numerous times, but they stuck to their guns and wouldn't budge, claiming there is no way around to renew my license through the online portal, for which a Digital ID is needed.

So, I stepped it up a level and wrote a formal letter explaining there was no consultation, nor do I agree that a contract exists which states that I must obtain a Digital ID, to continue my employment as an electrician.
I asked them to provide evidence of both the consultation and the contract which shows the requirement of a Digital ID for all electricians.

During this time, my license had lapsed and I could not carry out electrical work.

Then came the reply from the ESO.
No words in the body of the email, just the renewal worksheets attached as pdfs.


Oh well, would you look at that! There was a way around it...🤦‍♂️

Point being, go in with tact, stick to your guns, show some strength and tenacity and help show them all, that we will NOT sit quietly while they walk all over us, we will PUSH BACK and we will NOT comply!

The politicans may have failed us AGAIN, but We The People, will not fail ourselves.

This makes the next rally even more important to attend. Share the flyers around online, share and comment on this post, and I'll see you May 25.

Try to travel, otherwise
you may become racist,
and you may end up believing
that your skin is the only one
to be right,
that your language
is the most romantic
and that you were the first
to be the first.
because if you don't travel then
your thoughts won’t be strengthened,
won’t get filled with ideas.
Your dreams will be born with fragile legs and then you end up believing in tv-shows, and in those who invent enemies
that fit perfectly with your nightmares
to make you live in terror.
because travel teaches
to say good morning to everyone
regardless of which sun we come from.
because travel teaches
to say goodnight to everyone
regardless of the darkness
that we carry inside
because traveling teaches to resist,
not to depend,
to accept others, not just for who they are
but also for what they can never be.
To know what we are capable of,
to feel part of a family
beyond borders,
beyond traditions and culture.
Traveling teaches us to be beyond.
otherwise you end up believing
that you are made only for a panorama
and instead inside you
there are wonderful landscapes
still to visit.

- Gio Evan, poet and songwriter.
Translated from Italian.

Our next special guest speaker - Meryl Dorey, founder of The AVN.

Police hiding in the bushes.

We're looking for someone with video editing experience, to blur out faces and insert captions into videos.

Please let us know if you can help!

TPR Truck back on the road!

Keep an eye out for the TPR Truck, lit up with reality.

Guys, with a late cancellation, a spot has opened up and we're looking for someone with a ute or van, to lead the march on Saturday in Brisbane.

Speakers will need to be mounted on the ROOF, so roof racks or a roof basket is necessary.

Please let us know if you're interested in driving, or supplying a vehicle for the front of the march.

Thank you.

See you all on Saturday!


Looks ridiculous. Was ridiculous.

Our next guest speaker this Saturday: Mr Jason Miles

Digital ID Bill has passed.

W H.O pandemic treaty is about to be voted on.

Community Safety Bill proposed, which explicitly overrides Human Rights and gives police the powers to search without suspicion or warrant.

We're on a fast track to a 1984 police state.

If there ever was a time to stand up, now is that time.

See you all on Sat.


No better feeling than getting a proper hug from your old man.

With a late cancellation, a spot has opened up and we're looking for someone with a ute or van, to lead the march next to the TPR Truck, on Saturday in Brisbane.

Speakers will need to be mounted on the ROOF, so roof racks or a roof basket is necessary.

Please let us know if you're interested in driving, or supplying a vehicle for the front of the march.

Thank you.

See you all on Saturday!

(Photoshopped image)

✌🏻🦁✌🏿 This is covid level "voluntary" right here.

Momentum and anticipation is building nicely going into this important rally.

We're trying something with this image - please comment, like and share it around to help boost it.

See you all there tomorrow, rain or shine.

Updated speaker list:

Kym Staton - Director of The Trust Fall Julian Assange and new ally

Jason Miles - Truth Speaker

Meryl Dorey - Warrior Woman of 30 years and Founder of The AVN

Mariya Shmandiy - New resident of QLD, with one helluva story

Debra Yuille - Exit The W.H.O

Brisbane, let's get it on!

Not if we have anything to do with it...

The whole thing is criminal and it has played a big part in waking the masses.

Still more to go, let's get on with it.

The simple truth

Today, May 30, marks the 5th year of The People's Revolution.

From humble beginnings on that electric day in King George Square, out of necessity, a loving but formidable force was born.

We've grown exponentially over the years and that's due solely, to the involvement, support and commitment from the People.

Every single TPR volunteer has stemmed from simply attending our rallies and wanting to do more.
A truly organic and grass roots movement, by the People, for the People and we're only just getting started.

It's been an honour serving the movement and liberating to truly be playing the role that I was called for, on my journey while here.

When you're on, you're on.

Love you all, thank you for the support and let's keep pushing hard!


One day before she was announced as International Ambassador for the Smart Energy Council, she registered a Company in Sarina Russo's building.

Next month, on behalf of the Smart Energy Council, she will lead a delegation to China, (a country which is associated with her father, Henry's, company, Gene Technology Alliance Foundation, which has tapped into the trillion dollar market of DNA/Gene Storage and Sequencing).

Deep up to their eye balls 😳


With the concerning new creation of our very own Centre for Disease Control, has also come a golden opportunity.

Public submissions are open until June 19 2024, where we get to have our say on the national strategy involving the jibby jabs, until 2030.

We have just witnessed the biggest rallies this country has ever seen, in response to the C19 jabs being mandated, so it is highly obvious that this great Nation is against forced or mandated jabs.

Let's take the opportunity to use the consultation period to our advantage, with a solid strategy.

Aim for what we can acheive.

The first being, to oppose forced or mandated jabs. Let them know we will NOT allow any coercion or blackmail involving jabs. Where there is risk, the decision MUST be left with the parents and free from any pressure.

The second, to repeal the discriminatory No Jab No Play and No Jab No Pay laws.
The C19 years have exposed many everyday Australians to prejudism, through the mandates. They now get it! So, let's capitalise on that and make part of our submissions the fact that mistakes of the past, must be made right and we will NOT stand by and watch our fellow countrymen being discriminated against and blackmailed.

We've seen consultation periods work in our favour to stop proposed legislation, in recent times, so let's not underestimate the power of the collective pushing back on something, with certain goals attached.

Link to the submission page:

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