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In God We Trust - The Great Awakening

VIncit Omnia Veritas Semper Fidelis 
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US Banking System. What have we been showing you here for so long? Did your TV tell you?

๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† #TickTock.

Harry is a Spaniard. Dissolve the [crown]?
Think, ponder and reflect on these plot points:

1. Russian hackers didn't take the DNC emails

2. Crowdstrike was brought in to provide a COVER STORY for how the DNC emails were actually taken

3. The person who took the DNC emails and gave them to Julian Assange was a whistleblower

4. This person later ended up dead under strange circumstances

5. The bad guys in this movie had a really REALLY [and I mean this, so pay attention] REALLY good reason to fake how these emails were 'stolen' by an evil foreign government, i.e. "Russia" when they weren't stolen by the Russians.

6. Donald J. Trump asking a casual question of newly elected Ukrainian president Volodmyr Zelensky about the current location of the DNC server in Ukraine caused every single one of these people to instantly SHIT THEMSELVES and frantically and ham-handedly engineer Trump's first impeachment on trumped up [pun intended] fake whistleblower complaint by a CIA agent named Ciaramella.









It MUST not come out.

If it comes out, Washington DC will fall.


Take the pieces of the puzzle, draw the picture and put the puzzle together.

Assange + Putin are the two people who can take down the 'House of Cards' they oh-so-carefully constructed to hide the truth about the DNC emails and what they directly led investigators to.

Get ready for your "Crowdstrike", "Eric Ciamerella", "Shawn Misko", "Michael Carpenter" "Server in Ukraine" and "Seth Rich" pop quiz that I've been telling you was coming for the past several months.



Can stop what is coming.


Hey everybody, what's it called when you IMPEACH a sitting President to HIDE YOUR OWN CRIMES?

Ah yes, I have it right here!

Its called TREASON.

Have a nice day.

~T edit: #TickTock. D5.

Red Folder. #TickTock.
Found this in the chat.

Mr Pool posted the veil blowing off a marble bust on 2/9/21: 1127 days ago today ๐Ÿ’ฅ
TS was 8:44pm EST=196 mins before midnight. 196=2ยฒร—7ยฒ

David posted Strazza's Veiled Virgin on 7/8/22. The veil was still in place:

'It is incredible how thin and light the veil seems in this solid marble sculpture.'
David's gematria reduces to 79 and 97 (ordinal and c/a).
7ร—9=9ร—7=63=3ยฒร—7๐Ÿชž7/23 It begins


~T edit: #TickTock


Using all 3 posts to triangulate, I get a match on 3/16-3/17 overnight.

From Pool's veil to 3/16/24 is 1131 days (11:31pm It begins).
To 3/17/24 is 1132<>1123 days, or 3 yrs 37 days (3ร—37=111)
Again, and as I've said, the walls are literally closing in on the FAKE Israel. All of this happening is not a bunch of random coincidences. Military precision at its finest...

All the embassies are closed, except for the Lithuanian Embassy. Why?

As we have shown before, [netanyahu] is Lithuanian. A [zionist] [nazi]. #TickTock
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