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In God We Trust - The Great Awakening

VIncit Omnia Veritas Semper Fidelis 
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Forwarded from General Flynn ๏ธ
I would actually like to see a complete government shutdown where ALL federal employees, essential and nonessential, are directed to stay home. I donโ€™t even care if they continue to get paidโ€ฆI know many of them are good and decent people but the federal government is so broken currently and not working for the purpose it was designed to doโ€ฆwhich was to serve the people of the United States of America. That train has long left the station and needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. If I were POTUS, I would shut the government down and tell everyone to stay home for at least a month. Cโ€™mon #JoeBiden, #Shutitdown

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Forwarded from Danielle Stotijn
According to the criteria/conditions met from within the LAWS of the #WarManuel, On Jan 20 2022, #TheMilitary has the RIGHT to TAKE OVER POWER of OUR COUNTRY from #ResidentLiden aka #JoeBiden and the ENTIRE administration. I believe only 20% of Congress will remain. We are under #SelectiveMartialLaw and #R heading into the #NESARA "countdown" now or very shortly... #Jan20th could get VERY interesting in terms of the #JulianCalender and a possible Christmas on Jan 6/7 2022! :)
Please correct me or enhance the premise with your memes or comments! #TrumpKennedy - #TrumpKennedy2022
PS - #WHQ might the distinguished #PATRIQT, #TheManInTheGreyTie BE??? And you MIGHT be SURPRISED he has a BROTHER we have YET to "meet" or have we???
#TheKennedys #TheStormIsUponUs - #TheGreatAwakening - #TWO - #DarkToLight - #EnjoyTheShow, #Q

#ClickOnPic for some good stuff!
#SharingIsCaring - #WWG1WGA
Forwarded from WhipLash347
Believe Israel will strike Saudi Arabia for joining Iran>The Rise Of The Imam Al Mahdi.
The 1st Imam of 11. The Special Hidden 12th Imam who returns to unite Islam to take down the Anti Christ in Israel. [Those that Jesus tells you about in Matthew 23]

Cast your memory back to Obama Presidency. Ayatollah Khomenei would speak about the Imam Mahdi. [You will find a lot on You Tube of Khomenei speaking of the return of Imam Mahdi.]

MBS & King Of Jordan will play major parts in this ending.

See Bidan warned everyone
Forwarded from WhipLash347
Believe Israel will strike Saudi Arabia for joining Iran>The Rise Of The Imam Al Mahdi.
The 1st Imam of 11. The Special Hidden 12th Imam who returns to unite Islam to take down the Anti Christ in Israel. [Those that Jesus tells you about in Matthew 23]

Cast your memory back to Obama Presidency. Ayatollah Khomenei would speak about the Imam Mahdi. [You will find a lot on You Tube of Khomenei speaking of the return of Imam Mahdi.]

MBS & King Of Jordan will play major parts in this ending.

Saudi is about to be hit this weekend
So they decouple from USD by Monday? Red Carpet Event [MOAB] Medina_Mecca
Just before Commonwealth Day

See Bidan warned everyone

Did you know that President Obama assigned special duty for his VP #JoeBiden to oversee our relationship with #Ukraine?

Did you know that Ukraine was the destination visited most as VP - 6 times on AF2 with Hunter in tow?

Weird how out of so many countries in the world this one deserves that much attention.

You know, where there's a war going on right now. Oh, and Biolabs connected to the #COVID19 Pandemic just happen to be there too.

And we can't overlook the massive child trafficking market and industrial-grade money laundering machines that exist there.
Mykola Zlochevsky, a former Ukrainian minister and founder of Burisma Holdings, allegedly paid President Joe Biden $5 million and possesses two audio records as insurance to secure the pay-for-play scheme, according to Republican lawmakers.


Forwarded from Sovereign Redneck Renegade - Christos Guardian Alliance Warrior (Sovereign Redneck Renegade)
๐ŸคฌDid you see this yet??

Everyone should be tracking this.
It's impt.

For reasons that no one seems to understand, the Feds are now bending over backward to let #SBF off the hook for his MASSIVE Ponzi scheme - all while going overboard in pursuit of sending #Trump to prison for the rest of his life.

I suppose this might have something to do with #FTX being at the epicenter of a massive money-laundering operation that laundered US TAXPAYER $$ in #Ukraine via the FTX Exchange back to politicians in the US under the guise of foreign aid.

Think about the implications.
But what do I know, right?

Oh, did I mention that Sam was the #Democrat's 2nd largest campaign donor for the 2022 mid-terms?

Yup. And apparently, only George Soros, everyone's (least) favorite real-life bond villain, managed to pour more money into the party, and #JoeBiden's coffers especially mind you, than did the blockchain bandit.

I don't know about you but I say a two-tiered justice system (applied differently to the have's and have not) means there is no justice to be had whatsoever.

In related news, and because the deep state's back is up against the wall, now everyone understands why #Biden can't send Ukraine enough of our money.

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A gem from the Tucker vault. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

โ€œNoble ideologies produce beautiful results. They produce beauty. Poisonous ideologies produce ugliness. Super simple. Thereโ€™s a reason the architecture in Bulgaria in 1975 was hideous. Because Sofia in 1975 was controlled by the Soviet union. Soviet architecture was horrifying. So was the architecture under Mao. They knocked down everything worth having.โ€

โ€œWhy did they do that? Because those boxes, those buildings, that architecture, that design sent a very clear message which was you are worth nothing. Thereโ€™s no beauty for you. Now why is beauty so important and why do tyrants always destroy it? Well they destroy it because beauty reminds you that the most important things are eternal, they are unchanging. Beauty is recognizable across cultures, across centuries.โ€

This is why everything the left touches turns to ruin and decay. Their ideologies result in everything that isnโ€™t beautiful.


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