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πŸ”₯ Unveiling the Truth: #CIA's #Ukraine War Failure Sparks Global Turmoil and Unprecedented African Showdown! πŸ’₯

Prepare to have your mind blown as the shocking reality behind the CIA's disastrous proxy war in Ukraine comes crashing down. Brace yourself for the explosive revelations that will send shockwaves across the globe!

After years of meticulous planning, the CIA's audacious mission to control #Russia's vast resources through Ukraine has backfired spectacularly. Military experts and strategists now admit that the war is on the verge of collapse, leaving the CIA, #Obama-#Biden administration, and the #Rockefellers scrambling to salvage their grand scheme.

But fear not, for behind the scenes, a group of valiant individuals, known as the white hats, have been silently working to thwart the CIA's wicked ambitions. Get ready for a riveting rollercoaster ride as the action shifts to Africa, where an unprecedented showdown is set to unfold at a breathtaking pace.

The looming confrontation between the #UnitedStates and Russia in #Africa holds the key to unveiling the true face of the CIA's global manipulation. Prepare to witness a meticulously planned exposΓ©, where the heroic trio of #Trump, #Musk, and #JFKJr., joined by Congress, will lift the veil on the CIA's covert operations within their own borders.

Africa, long plagued by corruption and poverty, will finally break free from the shackles of the military-industrial complex and the deep state's stranglehold. The time has come to restore power to the people and reclaim the stolen wealth that has perpetuated their suffering.

As the world braces for the final #war that will reshape our destiny, Africa takes center stage in the fight for true liberation. It's a clash of epic proportions, where nations rise and fall, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

These extraordinary events, carefully orchestrated behind the scenes, mark the turning point in our struggle for freedom. Embrace the magnitude of this pivotal moment, as the dark secrets of the CIA's reign of terror are exposed and dismantled. It's a journey towards a world where truth and justice prevail, and the malevolent grip of the CIA, responsible for the assassination of #JFK and countless wars, is forever shattered.

Get ready to witness #history in the making, as the world hurtles towards a cataclysmic transformation. The battle lines are drawn, the storm is brewing, and a new era of enlightenment is within our grasp. Hold on tight as the truth sets us free!

Follow @CBKNEWS121
Forwarded from Philomena O
The COVID-19 "Plandemic" was an overarching control system tied into Guillotines purchased during the Obama Administration.

The entire system that was created for The People were turned against them. Citizens Of The World have been mistreated, abused, tortured, raped and killed at the hands of the very Government designed to protect them.

With the undeniable proof being reported on MSM about Hillary Rodham Clinton and The Clinton Foundation corruption and spying on President Trump. Hillary, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Barack Obama, Michelle "Big Mike" Obama and much more are coming to LIGHT, regarding their Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against Children. COVID-19 is a visual indicator of the control the Reptilians And Greys have over Humanity.

This visual representation can be applied to all MSM topics, which use the same Artificial Intelligence to deter YOU from learning the TRUTH. The A.i. programmed the nanotechnology - it's the THOUGHT in your MIND that you HEAR.

Look to the massive amount of construction sites across The World tasked with cleaning up deep underground military bases, trafficking tunnels and torture chambers. The Deep State's ammunition dried up.

The Best Is Yet To Come.

THEY Can No Longer Prevent The TRUTH From Coming Out That The Matrix Was A Documentary.

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President


Forwarded from Philomena O
What we call the future, which is the now at the Quantum Level.

The deception created by the Draconians, the illusion of time. Everything was tied into the illusion of time, it's the ultimate control instilled at the highest level. It's designed to control your every freedom, regulated by the seconds of the clock, by the minutes and hours. By the traffic lights, stop signs and the layout of the cities - a repetitive design everywhere, meant to keep your creative freedoms confined to their systems.

The world without power lines, telephone poles - replaced by free wireless energy by Nikola Tesla. Spaceships and spaceports, obsolete medical practices replaced by violet ray healing technology designed by Nikola, intergalactic travel amongst the stars - to infinite possibilities through our stargate portals and wormhole SSP technologies.

Supressed replicator technology - even to create at a grand scale all exists. Technology that can 'tag' who used adrenochrome directly vs people poisoned by adrenochrome was used by the US Military.

Reality is not what you thought it was.

The Matrix Was A Documentary

My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......


John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President


Forwarded from Philomena O
"What you are all about to go through is going to be very painful. You are about to learn that your entire lifetime and generations before you have been nothing but lies.

It is going to take a good six months to get over this. Some may never.

The entire planet is going to be re-wired. Every system and every technology that you now know will be obsolete.

A lot of money is coming back.

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President


Forwarded from Philomena O
Businesses that ENFORCE COVID-19 policies imply a direct message to YOU, the CONSUMER. That without any research of their own, they are enforcing illegal mask policies on YOU before entering their business.

This is a marker for YOU, COVID-19 is A Live Military Exercise, Pedophiles Are The Virus - The US Military, We're The Vaccine.

The LameStream Media, Health Depts., Governments, Public Officials have played COVID-19 Fear Propaganda 24/7, which is a VISUAL marker.

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President


Forwarded from Philomena O
What we call the future, which is the now at the Quantum Level.

The deception created by the Draconians, the illusion of time. Everything was tied into the illusion of time, it's the ultimate control instilled at the highest level. It's designed to control your every freedom, regulated by the seconds of the clock, by the minutes and hours. By the traffic lights, stop signs and the layout of the cities - a repetitive design everywhere, meant to keep your creative freedoms confined to their systems.

The world without power lines, telephone poles - replaced by free wireless energy by Nikola Tesla. Spaceships and spaceports, obsolete medical practices replaced by violet ray healing technology designed by Nikola, intergalactic travel amongst the stars - to infinite possibilities through our stargate portals and wormhole SSP technologies.

Supressed replicator technology - even to create at a grand scale all exists. Technology that can 'tag' who used adrenochrome directly vs people poisoned by adrenochrome was used by the US Military.

Reality is not what you thought it was.

The Matrix Was A Documentary

My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......


John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President


Forwarded from Sovereign Redneck Renegade - Christos Guardian Alliance Warrior (Sovereign Redneck Renegade)
🀬Did you see this yet??

Everyone should be tracking this.
It's impt.

For reasons that no one seems to understand, the Feds are now bending over backward to let #SBF off the hook for his MASSIVE Ponzi scheme - all while going overboard in pursuit of sending #Trump to prison for the rest of his life.

I suppose this might have something to do with #FTX being at the epicenter of a massive money-laundering operation that laundered US TAXPAYER $$ in #Ukraine via the FTX Exchange back to politicians in the US under the guise of foreign aid.

Think about the implications.
But what do I know, right?

Oh, did I mention that Sam was the #Democrat's 2nd largest campaign donor for the 2022 mid-terms?

Yup. And apparently, only George Soros, everyone's (least) favorite real-life bond villain, managed to pour more money into the party, and #JoeBiden's coffers especially mind you, than did the blockchain bandit.

I don't know about you but I say a two-tiered justice system (applied differently to the have's and have not) means there is no justice to be had whatsoever.

In related news, and because the deep state's back is up against the wall, now everyone understands why #Biden can't send Ukraine enough of our money.

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Forwarded from Philomena O
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The National Security Agency has been tracking illicit proceeds of crime for the past 15 years.

Wall Street has been laundering proceeds from human trafficking of women and children.

Never forget why we started.
It always was, and still is about the children.
Crimes Against Our Children

Military is the only way
No Deals !!!

We all have a responsibility to protect our global children


Forwarded from Philomena O
This Draconian Slave Ship Matrix Veil has cracked - we have reached the EVENT HORIZON.

The moment we have battled for has come to fruition, the MSM has been forced to expose themselves. Their mask mandates and policies that have destroyed countless lives and forced many into third world living conditions. Exposing in itself the system that was created to produce these outcomes.

As these policies reverse, they in Itself expose that the boosters and vaccines were never needed.

The Human body has absolutely zero need for vaccines.

They engineered the diseases, they know that Hydroxychloroquine is the CURE and the VACCINE.

Revealing the connections of Big Pharma and Governments, Media & Health Officials.

A system which puts the ROOT of all EVIL at the highest level.

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President


Forwarded from Awakened Outlaw
Media is too big
Trust me, you're going to want to see this

Are you familiar with #Trump's Uncle John G. Trump?

If you're not, consider rectifying the oversight. And if you are, this is still a great short video that Gregg & Catherine made for DJT. Awesome job you guys.

Absolute genius...and the part about his connection to Nikola Tesla is extra delicious.

h/t @TrueTheVote & @onwardsocial
Forwarded from Awakened Outlaw
Media is too big
Trust me, you're going to want to see this

Are you familiar with #Trump's Uncle John G. Trump?

If you're not, consider rectifying the oversight. And if you are, this is still a great short video that Gregg & Catherine made for DJT. Awesome job you guys.

Absolute genius...and the part about his connection to Nikola Tesla is extra delicious.

h/t @TrueTheVote & @onwardsocial
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 4, 2023 - Globalist Speaker McCarthy DUMPED while hero Matt Gaetz stands up for America

- RINO Kevin McCarthy FIRED as Speaker
- #Trump nominated for Speaker
- PELOSI told to vacate capitol office
- WARNING to RINOs and globalists: The people are DONE with your lies
- Pennsylvania turnpike running criminal fraud #SCAM by billing people all over the country
- Baylor college in Texas pushes #vaccine MANDATE on students, staff and employees
- #Texas should hold special session to pass health freedom protection law
- #Politico is running #Nazi revisionist / #Holocaust revisionism stories to cover for Canadian Parliament fiasco
- The entire left-wing media is now all-in with actual NAZIS!
- Low-IQ Ocasio Cortez defends low-IQ congressman Jamaal Bowman who pulled FIRE alarm to try to open a door
- Yet another left-wing activist STABBED TO DEATH, this time in NYC
- Firefighters' car tires SLASHED in Seattle as chaos expands
- Elderly German citizen given PRISON TIME for insulting migrants in social media posts
- UK conservative podcaster ARRESTED by police for covering Canadian Parliament Nazi story
- Victor David Hanson warns America is on the verge of a #revolution
- Full interview with Josh Del Sol, creator of the 5G Summit docu-series

Forwarded from Philomena O
The News Unlocks The Map - deciphering the encoded messages connects the dots of events.

A double meaning exists to all references by using the encrypted messages between communications.

By reading between the lines, dis-(CERN)-ment allows you to see.

It's a full soft disclosure of every LIE being exposed before The Event.

Every lie will be revealed, no one escapes this.

Donald Put Them FRONT And CENTER For The World To See.

Who gave you the Playbooks?

Who helps you answer Questions?

The Matrix Was A Documentary

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President


There's something I want to get off my chest, and no I'm not looking to engage anyone further on the matter.

See, the truth is easy so I can break it all down right here & now. Lies, on the other hand, not so much.

The simple fact is that it's nice knowing that you're on the right side of history and have NOTHING to fear as a result. It brings me peace as it should.

So, I just wanted to take a moment on his birthday to give @GenFlynn a #MAGA/#AmericaFirst shout-out.

I, and millions of others in the anon/patriot community, believe him to be a solid patriot. And for good reason.

A good question to ask is why is that hard to understand?

BTW, GF takes a lot of slings and arrows on behalf of all of us - not unlike Trump, just on a smaller scale. And those of us who support both men admire their fortitude in standing resolute against all of the crap thrown at them.

But hey, that's what happens when you stand up to the deep-state cabal. Sane folks understand as much.

Now I realize there are a handful of dummies out there who are intent on targeting him (and other anons/patriots who dare support him - like President #Trump) who, BTW, recently mentioned to him (on a broadcasted phone call) that he wanted him in his next administration.

That's pretty damn high praise in my book.
And since I stand with Trump, I also stand shoulder to shoulder with those that he does (e.g. Chris Miller, Kash Patel, Devin Nunes, etc.) all of which 45 has mentioned as being part of his next Administration.

And since that's 100% true, I wanted to add that I'm sick and tired of all the spewn BS intended to harm/impugn him, his family, and anyone who dares support him. It's freaking ridiculous is what it is.

But hey, you can't please all the people all the time...or stupid mf's ever. So there's that.

I also wanted to take a moment to tell his detractors that no, none of his supporters (myself included) are paid to be Anons (aka digital soldiers). The fact is that there's simply no conspiracy here. And if you don't like the truth about that then that's your problem.

Turns out that those of us who choose to support him are just a bunch of regular citizens who freely choose to associate with one another - and the General just happens to be one of them.

That's it.
That's the whole story.

Happy birthday, sir.
What a time to be alive.
Thank you for your service.πŸ«‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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