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β€’ Between May 14th to May 21st, 2021, the C19 Vaccine-related Deaths have been 205.
(4,406 - 4,201 = 205)

β€’ Within 7 days of VAERS reports/updates, 205 C19 Vaccinated Americans died.

β€’ Link: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data

#WeAreTheNews #TheWorldIsWatching #SaveAmerica #Vaccines #VaccineDeaths #VAERS
β€’ a Treadmill versus unapproved-by-FDA, Emergency Use, Vaccines

β€’ One child death vs. 4,406 Vax deaths.

β€’ VAERS (>1%) => 4,406 x 99 = 436,194.
- If going from the Harvard University Study & CDC that less than 1% are reporting deaths, adverse reactions, then this disparity of concerns over deaths in America is a National disgrace & tragedy.

β€’ Peloton Treadmill+'s are recalled after 1 child's death.
β€’ 4,406 vaccines' deaths & Biden, Fauci, CDC want vaccines to continue and increase in volume.


#WakeupAmerica #WeAreTheNews #TheWorldIsWatching #SaveAmerica #TheMoreYouKnow
#Peloton #VAERS #CDC #VaccineDeaths
πŸš¨πŸ’‰ WEEK-to-WEEK C19 Deaths vs Vaccine-Related Deaths:

β€’ The FIRST time Vaccine-related Deaths surpasses "COVID-19 Deaths including Pneumonia" category.

πŸ’‰ 205 Vaccine-related Deaths between May 14th-May 21st
compared to
βš• 201 COVID-19 + Pneumonia Deaths between May 29-May 22nd.

- (*** compare most recent weekly statistics on deaths within the latest week between C19+Pneumonia versus C19 Vaccine-related Deaths.***)

β€’ Per CDC, and National Center for Health Statistics recent updates re: COVID-19 Death Statistics as of June 1st, 2021; COMPARED to VAERS website of Deaths and Injuries associated with C19 Vaccines.

β€’ CDC Link updated June 1, 2021:

β€’ VAERS Link updated May 21, 2021:

β€’ Remember President Trump always said, "The Cure cannot be worse than the disease itself."

#WeAreTheNews #Reconcile #TheMoreYouKnow #VaccineDeaths #RecallVaccines
Forwarded from Patriot Politics Researchβ˜¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… (Patriot Politics Research)
* VAERS reporting up-to date: 07/07/21 *


β€’ Something is happening.
VAERS has been reporting normally 2 weeks behind each Friday when the website's data and reports are updated.

β€’ Sen. Johnson put attention on the Vaccine-related Adverse Reactions/Deaths.

β€’ 9,048 deaths now, as of 07/07/21, 2 days ago.

β€’ Update was expected to reflect 07/02/2021, but instead leaped from 06/25/21 to 07/07/21.

When will the Death Toll be enough?!

#RECALLVACCINES #VAERS #VaccineDeaths #WeAreTheNews
* VAERS Update: 07/16/21 *

β€’ 10,991 Vaccine-Related Deaths

β€’ From 9,048 on 07/07/21 to 10,991 updated today, but referencing update from 07/07/21 through 07/09/21: 10,991-9,048= 1,943

β€’ 2 Days?!? 1,943 Vaccine-Related Deaths within 2 Days?!

Link: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data

If VAERS statistics and reports are less than 1%,...Pray for the victims, for far too many were purposefully deceived.

If 10,991 is <1% reported, imagine the following:
β€’ 5%: 54,995
β€’ 10%: 109,910
β€’ 15%: 164,865
β€’ 20%: 219,820
β€’ 25%: 274,775
β€’ 50%: 549,550
β€’ 75%: 824,325
β€’ 90%: 989,190

#RecallVaccines #VAERS #VaccineDeaths

#WeAreTheNews #RecallVaccines #VAERS #VaccineDeaths #SaveAmerica #TheMoreYouKnow
Forwarded from Patriot Politics Researchβ˜¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… (Patriot Politics Research)
*** 11,405 Deaths through July 16, 2021 ***

β€’ From July 9th - July 16th:
- 11,405 - 10,991 = 414 Deaths between updates

β€’ Links:


#RecallVaccines #VAERS #VaccineDeaths #CDC #FDA
Forwarded from Patriot Politics Researchβ˜¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… (Patriot Politics Research)
*VAERS is up and running, with a slight difference.*

β€’ Can you notice the difference between 07/24 and 07/29/21?


#VAERS #VaccineDeaths #RecallVaccines #CDC #VAERSupdate #WeAreTheNews #TheWorldIsWatching
Forwarded from Patriot Politics Researchβ˜¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… (Patriot Politics Research)
* VAERS Weekly Update: Adverse reactions/deaths 07/23/21 *

β€’ Previous: 11,405 deaths
β€’ Today: 11,940 deaths
β€’ Difference: 535

β€’ Changed "disabled" to "permanently disabled"

β€’ These statistics are frightening, and we know that the government is underreporting.

#VAERS #VaccineDeaths #RecallVaccines #VAERSupdate #WeAreTheNews
Forwarded from Patriot Politics Researchβ˜¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… (Patriot Politics Research)
β€’ COMIRNATY was FDA BLA approved on August 23, 2021.

β€’ As of August 27, 2021:
- Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine-Related Deaths: 9,467

β€’ 08/20/21: 9,467
β€’ 08/13/21: 9,024
β€’ Difference: 443 more Pfizer-BioNTech/COMIRNATY Vaccine-Related Deaths

#VAERS #VaccineDeaths #PfizerBioNTech #COMIRNATY #RecallVaccines #FDA
Forwarded from Patriot Politics Researchβ˜¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… (Patriot Politics Research)
All graphics together.
Showing COMIRNATY = BNT162b2 and it's 20% waning efficacy per 10/06/2021 New England Journal of Medicine Article per Qatar's mass vaccination push.

#Pfizer #NewEnglandJournalOfMedicine #VAERS #VaccineDeaths #ShotHeardAroundTheWorld
Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
Just a reminder that it's not only Covid Vaccines that we need to be informed and educated about. There are no safe & effective vaccines. #ZERO #VaccineDeaths #VaccineInjuries #VAERS
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