Der Waldgang
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" verbergen sich Wölfe in der grauen Herde, das heißt Naturen, die noch wissen, was Freiheit ist. (...) Das ist der Alpdruck der Machthaber."
- aus: Ernst Jünger, Der Waldgang (1951)

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"US foreign policy since 9/11

Boyle has been critical of the U.S. interventionist foreign policy,[19] especially humanitarian intervention.[20]

Boyle was a critic of the foreign policy of former American President George W. Bush. In 2007 Boyle claimed that the G. W. Bush administration had been conducting criminal activities alongside associates in allied countries and that the administration would welcome conflict with Muslim and Arab states. He also claimed that American treatment of Muslims and Arabs since the 9/11 was similar to that of the Japanese and Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor.[21]

Israel and Palestine

Boyle is a long-standing critic of Israel, Zionism, and American foreign policy towards Israel.
In 1986, Boyle filed a lawsuit against Israeli General Amos Yaron for purported involvement in the Sabra and Shatila massacre on behalf of several relatives of victims, but lost when the United States State Department said that Yaron could not be tried due to the diplomatic immunity he enjoyed as a military attaché to the United States. Boyle countered that under the Nuremberg Principles, there are no privileges or immunities for suspected war criminals, but the court decided that since President Ronald Reagan had given Yaron a "formal certification" that "this was a political question and the court could not do anything to the contrary". Boyle has since followed all lawsuits against Israelis internationally, and blames "Zionist control and domination of the American judiciary" for the failure of these lawsuits in the United States. Boyle proposed that the United Nations General Assembly set up the "International Criminal Tribunal for Israel" (ICTI) as a "subsidiary organ" under Article 22 of the United Nations Charter. His suggestion was endorsed in the UN by Malaysia and Iran, and supported by several dozen Arab and Muslim countries.

Boyle advocated the creation of a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in a speech on November 30, 2000 at Illinois State University in which Boyle called for "the establishment of a worldwide campaign of disinvestment/divestment against Israel" and has since campaigned for BDS.[22] He referred to Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip as "genocide", and the Gaza War as a "massacre", claiming that Israel's actions raise the element in the Genocide Convention "of murder, torture, and things of that nature", and urged the Obama administration to force Israel to lift its blockade.

In January 2009, he wrote that "Israel's genocidal policy against the Palestinians has been unremitting, extending from before the very foundation of the State of Israel in 1948 ... Zionism's "final solution" to Israel's much touted "demographic threat" allegedly posed by the very existence of the Palestinians has always been genocide."[23] Following the Gaza War, he advised Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to file a declaration under Article 12, Paragraph 3 of the Rome Statute, requesting the prosecution of Israeli officials.
Prediction of the collapse of Israel

In an article published by Veterans Today in 2010 titled "The Impending Collapse of Israel", Boyle stated that "God had no right to steal Palestine from the Palestinians and give Palestine to the Jews to begin with. A fortiori the United Nations had no right to steal Palestine from the Palestinians and give Palestine to the Zionists in 1947." In the same article, Boyle predicted that the state of Israel "will continue its rapid descent into pariah state status" and that "When Israel collapses, most Zionists will have already left or will soon leave for other states around the world. The Palestinians will then be able to claim all of the historic Mandate for Palestine as their State, including the entire City of Jerusalem as their Capital."[24]
According to Boyle, "the Jewish Bantustan (will) collapse of its own racist and genocidal weight over the next two decades if not much sooner. In the meantime, the Palestinians must stall and delay the so-called peace negotiations until then. Time is on their side."[24][25]
Israel as a "Jewish Bantustan"

In an article published by the Atlantic Free Press, in October 2010, Boyle suggested that Israel change its name to "Jewistan - The State of the Jews", claiming:

In fact, Israel has never been anything but a Bantustan for Jews set up in the Middle East by the White racist and genocidal Western colonial imperial powers in order to serve as their racist attack dog and genocidal enforcer against the Arab and Muslim world. From the very moment of Western imperialism's genocidal conception of Israel in 1947-1948, Israel has historically always functioned as Jewistan – the world's Bantustan for the Jews. So Israel might as well finally change its name today to Jewistan, own up to its racist birthright, and make it official for the rest of the world to acknowledge.[26]

He concluded the article by stating: "In the meantime, the Palestinians should sign nothing with Jewistan/Israel and let this Bantustan for Jews collapse of its own racist and genocidal weight. Good riddance!"[26] (.....)"
Ich kenne Timm und darf sagen, dass er das Herz an richtigen Fleck hat. Schwierige Zeiten erfordern besondere - vor allem solidarische - Maßnahmen!
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Bitte unterstützt TIM ❣️

Tim ist ein sehr lieber, fleißiger und ehrlicher Mitstreiter und benötigt unsere Unterstützung!

Bereits seit März 2020 setzt er sich dafür ein, die uns alle betreffenden Maßnahmen der CoronaSchVO zu hinterfragen und darüber aufzuklären. Er organisiert Demos u. a. in Heinsberg* [ *Wuhan Deutschlands 😉) ] . Darüber hinaus ist er als große Unterstützer u. sehr geschätzter Ordner u. Helfer bei vielen Demos, u. a. in Düsseldorf, Aachen u. am Bodensee, im Einsatz.

Auch stand er in Berlin mutig in vorderster Reihe vor den Wasserwerfern. Er selber hat u. a. mit Repressalien zu kämpfen, u. a. Jobverlust. Den überwiegenden Kostenaufwand seines vorgenannten Engagements trägt er teils allein.

Grund für den Spendenaufruf ist, dass die Versammlungsbehörde Heinsberg den von ihn angemeldeten Demonstrations- Umzug für den 29.11.2020 verboten hatte. Dagegen hatte Tim Eilklage eingereicht und leider verloren. Jetzt muss er die

RA-Kosten in Höhe von 1.280,12 € begleichen.

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Bei Rückfragen Kontakt: Telegram: @Licht_Krieger_44 (Tim)

Vielen herzlichen Dank ❣️

P.S. Darf gerne geteilt werden – zusammen und gemeinsam stark sein - Danke
ARD und ZDF setzen sich für die Bürger ein .... (Ironie off) 🤮🤮🤮🤮

ARD und ZDF ziehen vor Bundesverfassungsgericht
So so. Die Lufthansa führt also nicht nur den CommonPass ein, sondern auch die biometrische Gesichtserkennung. Beides zusammen ergibt dann ID2020. Rockefeller-Foundation und Microsoft werden sich freuen, dass sie ihr drei Jahre altes, totalitäres System so geschickt in der Coronakrise installieren konnten. Denn vorher fehlte ihnen irgendwie die Legitimation für so einen tiefgreifenden Eingriff in unsere Persönlichkeitsrechte, aber im Kampf gegen Corona ist bekanntlich alles erlaubt. Die Bundesregierung ist gerade dabei, den chinesischen Totalitarismus in den Schatten zu stellen und die Lufthansa hilft fleißig mit. Herzlich willkommen, schöne neue Welt. Hoffentlich bleibst du nicht allzu lange.

P.S.: Schaut mal, was in den FAQs zum Lufthansa-Projekt steht:

"Star Alliance Biometrics ist ein Produkt der Star Alliance. [...] Ihre Daten werden in einer MICROSOFT Azure Cloud im europäischen Raum unter Beachtung der DSGVO-Regularien gespeichert."

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Zumindest ergibt es keinen Sinn, wenn es darum geht einen Virus aufzuhalten. Wenn man die Wirtschaft vor die Wand fahren möchte und mehr Kontrolle über die Bevölkerung bekommen, macht dieser Lockdown schon wesentlich mehr Sinn‼️

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Vielleicht gehört die Impfung ja zu einem ganz anderen Plan als wir bisher dachten ....
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