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🇹🇳 Tunisian president extends state of emergency

Tunisian President Kais Saied has issued a decree extending the state of emergency that has been in place in the country since November 2015.

The state of emergency was extended until the end of December this year, the state news agency TAP reported.

Saied last extended the state of emergency on 30 December for a month. Before that, it was extended for nearly a year from February to 31 December 2022. The initial declaration of a state of emergency in November 2015, followed a bombing targeting a bus transporting presidential guard forces, which killed 12.


🇲🇼 Malawi president reduced the size of cabinet in reshuffle

Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera has reduced the size of his cabinet in a reshuffle that also saw the appointment of seven new faces including an opposition lawmaker. The list of ministers and deputy ministers has been reduced from 33 to 27.

The reshuffle was expected following reports that a number of ministers were implicated in a corruption investigation being carried out by Malawi's Anti-Corruption Bureau and the UK's National Crimes Agency.

In his New Year message, President Chakwera had promised to name a new and leaner cabinet.


🇰🇪 Kenya opposition leader faces lawsuit over secret video claim

Kenya's former electoral commission boss, Wafula Chebukati, has threatened to take legal action against the opposition leader after the politician alleged that the poll team, including the chairman, visited his home during last year's closely fought election.

Kenya's opposition leader, Raila Odinga, has been holding a series of rallies claiming Wafula Chebukati engineered a fraud that led to him losing his fifth bid for the presidency. On Sunday, he threatened to release a video showing Mr Chebukati and his top team visited his home.

But Mr Chebukati has denied that the visit took place saying the claim was false and that it "lowered his dignity and injured his reputation." Chebukati's lawyers have given Odinga seven days to prove his claim or they will take legal action.


Forwarded from Sahel Intel
🇳🇬🇺🇸 Starlink begins operations in Nigeria

Nigeria is now the first country in Africa to be served by Starlink, in theory offering broadband internet coverage nationwide.

The service promises internet speeds of 50–200 Mbps, although at a price point (about $25 per month) out of reach of most rural Nigerians, whom Starlink is intended to serve.
🇺🇳🇸🇸 UN concerned about militia build-up in South Sudan

The UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan (Unmiss) has expressed concern about the latest reports of a build-up of ethnic-linked militia known as Agwelek in Upper Nile state in the north.

It has appealed to national and community leaders to “exercise restraint and commit to peace and dialogue”.

“The mission urges these forces, loyal to General Johnson Olony, to refrain from any actions or movements that might pose threats to civilians and affect humanitarian operations," Unmiss said.

#UN #SouthSudan

🇪🇹 About the Oromo conflict in Ethiopia

A Russian channel Rybar analyzed the current situation in Oromia state in Ethiopia.

Previous week a separatist group in Ethiopia, the Oromo Liberation Army, published a manifesto.

In it members of the organization, which is recognized as a terrorist group in Ethiopia, spelled out demands for the central government, including the inclusion of the capital Addis Ababa into the Oromia region and recognition of the Oromo language at the federal level.

In exchange, the rebels will be ready to take part in peace talks with the government.

There was no response from Addis Ababa and, following the publication, skirmishes occurred between government forces and the Oromo Liberation Army in various parts of Ethiopia.

▪️These clashes were the largest since the implementation of the peace agreement between the rebels of the Tigray People's Liberation Front and the Ethiopian government.

🔻What is the cause of the conflict?

The Oromo people are the largest ethnic group living in Ethiopia, comprising approximately 25 million people, or 34.5% of the country's total population.

▪️The roots of the conflict date back to the period of colonialism. Oromia remained independent until the last decade of the 19th century, when the region was incorporated into the Ethiopian Empire. In the first half of the 20th century, the Oromo language was banned and its speakers were discriminated against, especially by the Amhara people, the dominant ethnic group in the Ethiopian Empire.

▪️In 1973, as a result of the oppression, the Oromo Liberation Front was formed as a political movement.

🔻The transition to armed struggle

After the overthrow of the monarchy in 1974, the new military regime began arresting "Front" leaders in an attempt to prevent the country from falling apart.

In response, the movement expanded to include the Oromo armed formations and formed the military wing of the organization, "The Oromo Liberation Army". An active struggle with the military government of Ethiopia began.

▪️In 1991 the military regime was overthrown and the new central government successfully suppressed separatist movements. Leaders of the Oromo Liberation Front fled the country.

▪️In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in Ethiopia and managed to negotiate peace with the "Front". However, the paramilitary wing of the movement refused to negotiate, citing continued oppression of Oromians by the central government, and turned to active guerrilla warfare.

During the Tigray war, the Oromo Liberation Army sided with the Tigray People's Liberation Front.

Despite the successes of the Oromo Liberation Army at the beginning of the war, gradually the central government was able to stop the advance of the separatists, who again switched to guerrilla tactics.

🔻What is happening now?

In January 2023, after the start of the withdrawal of Ethiopian armed forces from Tigray, the central government aimed to expand offensive operations against the Oromo separatists for the final suppression of the insurgency in the country.

▪️The Oromo Liberation Army, for its part, refuses a real negotiation process, making deliberately impossible demands and continuing to attack the armed forces.

🔻The continuation of the Oromo conflict is a result of the overall dominance of Amharic culture and language in multi-ethnic Ethiopia, as well as the unjust, in the view of many residents, territorial arrangement of the country.

The largest ethnic groups have territorial claims against their neighbors, which leads to armed clashes.

The Oromo separatists will be the main focus of the Ethiopian armed forces after the de-escalation in Tigray and withdrawal of troops from there. At the same time, the government of Abiy Ahmed is likely to refrain from large-scale military action for the time being, as it needs a respite to restore the country's economy after a grueling war and sanctions pressure.


#Ethiopia #Oromia

🇹🇩🇮🇱 Chad to open embassy in Israel on Thursday

Chad will inaugurate on Thursday an embassy in Israel, building on bilateral relations that were established five years ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said.

The announcement on Wednesday came as Chadian President Mahamat Deby’s office said he was on a 48-hour state visit to Israel.

Netanyahu’s office said the Chadian leader would officiate at the embassy inauguration.

#Chad #Israel

🇨🇩 M23 rebels take control of Kitchanga in eastern DR Congo

The M23 rebels have seized the strategic town of Kitchanga in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after days of fierce fighting, drawing condemnation from the UN.

“We have tactically withdrawn from the city in order to attract these genocidal forces deep into the city and avoid the worst for our people in Kitchanga,” said spokesman for the military governor of North Kivu.

The rebels took control of Kitchanga after capturing several villages on the road linking the town of about 60,000 people to the provincial capital Goma about 90 kilometers apart.

M23′s political spokesman in a statement accused government troops of attacking civilians in Kitchanga and elsewhere, and said the rebel group was “obliged to intervene and stop another genocide”.


🇹🇿 Tanzania to probe missing funds from prosecutor's office

Tanzania has formed a commission to investigate claims that most of the money collected for plea-bargain agreements by the public prosecutor are missing, with some allegedly banked outside the country.

“Most of the money is missing. If you ask questions, you will be told that they are in an account in China," President Samia Suluhu said at an event launching the investigative commission. Tanzania President did not give the exact figures of how much was missing and the owners of the said offshore account.

In 2019, Samia’s predecessor amended the criminal laws to introduce, among other changes, a plea-bargaining arrangement, where detained suspects and convicts bought their freedom or got lesser sentences.

According to the government's audit office, the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions had collected at least $21m by April 2021.


Africa Intel
🇸🇴 Somalia hosts regional summit to discuss the fight against al-Shabaab Somalia is hosting a summit of leaders from several neighboring countries in the Horn of Africa to discuss the fight against al-Shabaab, as a wide-ranging offensive against the armed…
🌍🇸🇴 East African leaders vow to 'destroy' al-Shabab

Regional leaders meeting in Somalia have agreed on a joint offensive operation against Islamist militant group al-Shabab.

The "search and destroy" operation will boost the momentum built up by government forces who have made huge gains over the past few months.

"The time sensitive campaign will prevent any future infiltrating elements in the region," said the communique signed by the leaders of Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. It did not provide any details about the operation.


🇲🇿🏴 Islamic State (IS) fighters brutally massacred government militias in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. IS killed thirteen people (two of whom they beheaded), capturing one of them along with trophies.


🇨🇲 Cameroon ex-defense minister jailed for corruption

A court in Cameroon has sentenced a former defense minister to 30 years in prison for embezzling nearly $40m.

Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o was accused of inflating contracts to buy military equipment from Brazil. His wife, Bernadette, was also found guilty of embezzlement and was handed a 10-year sentence. The pair denied wrongdoing and their lawyer said they would appeal against the verdicts at the Supreme Court.

The court decided to seize many of the defendants' assets, including luxury cars, houses and land titles.


🇿🇦 Four killed in South African township shooting

Three people were shot dead and another one died in a hospital after gunshots were fired in KwaMashu township, north of South Africa's Durban, police said on Wednesday.

Five more people with gunshot wounds were rushed to a clinic, said police spokesperson in the coastal province of KwaZulu-Natal.

"It is reported that at least 20 armed suspects stormed into the hostel and opened fire to the victims," he said in a statement. Police said they were investigating the murder cases.


🇺🇳 UN warns of sub-standard medicines being sold in Sahel region

Up to half of the medicines available in the Sahel region are either sub-standard or out of date, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has warned. The UNODC report highlights Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad as the hardest-hit countries.

"Even if there are no reliable data on all the quantities trafficked in various forms and routes in the countries of the Sahel, studies indicate a percentage of substandard or falsified medicines on the market ranging from 19 to 50%", it stated.

"Despite the often-announced involvement of terrorist groups and non-state armed groups in drug trafficking in the Sahel, many documented cases show that it is limited,” the report said.


Africa Intel
🇸🇩🇺🇸 Sudan releases man found guilty of killing U.S. diplomat A Sudanese man facing the death penalty in connection to the killing of an American diplomat in 2008 has been released. Abdelraouf Abuzeid, who was found guilty for the killing of U.S. diplomat…
🇺🇸🇸🇩 US concerned over Sudan releasing diplomat's killer

The United States says it is deeply concerned over the release of a Sudanese man facing the death penalty in connection with the killing of a US diplomat 15 years ago.

The Sudanese authorities freed Abdel-Raouf Abu Zaid, who was convicted over the killing of John Granville and his Sudanese driver Abdel Rahman Abbas. They were shot dead by Islamist gunmen on New Year's Day 2008.

The State department denied that the release was part of an agreement by both countries. It said it was troubled by the lack of transparency in the legal process.

#USA #Sudan

🇪🇸🇲🇦 Spanish Prime Minister visits Morocco to mend ties after tense relations

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is on an official visit to Morocco, aimed at mending ties following a deep diplomatic crisis between the two countries.

"The better the relations are between Morocco and Spain, the better it is for Spain, for Morocco, for Europe, for business, and for the citizens of both countries," Sanchez said at an economic forum in Rabat.

He and a dozen Spanish ministers were set to meet top members of the Moroccan government.

They are expected to sign some 24 deals including Spanish investments in the kingdom and on partnerships in areas from culture and education to desalination and rail transport.

#Spain #Morocco

🇹🇳 Tunisian labor union says police arrested top union official over strike

Tunisian police arrested an official in the country's largest labor union over a strike by toll booth workers, the UGTT union said. The UGTT, which has more than one million members, said police detained Anis Kaabi, the general secretary of the union's highways branch, at his home late on Tuesday.

Hamza al-Mahmoudi, a union official, said Kaabi was arrested after a complaint from a government ministry that he was costing the state financial losses due to a strike this week by union members at highway toll booths who are demanding more pay.

Both the police and a spokesperson for the Interior Ministry did not comment on situation.


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