YumNaturals Emporium Amandha Vollmer
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Fantastic iTeracare Wand testimony!

"I recieved the Iteracare classic wand a few days before Christmas. My experience has been pretty great with this device! I've been aware of frequency healing for quite awhile and couldn't wait to try this. Here's my personal experiences so far:

A ganglion cyst I had on my wrist has pretty much disappeared- it is barely there. Also, a benign cyst in my breast that has been there for many years is shrinking. A lump in my arm that's been there for at least 4 years (fatty tumor) has shrunk from about an inch long to about 3/4 of an inch long. And my skin!!!!! It's really smooth!

Sun spots and discolorations are fading and texture is softer and smoother. It also seems much firmer to me.

My hip pain which I've had on and off for years is non- existant. Except for one evening of wearing heels, and the wand made the achiness go away!

Some other things- an ingrown hair that I was concerned I'd have to have lasered off - is also almost completely gone.

My period was the most painless and easiest that I can ever recall. That's been a long term issue for me.

Energy and clarity are extremely heightened. Both my husband and I noticed that everything seems more pronounced and brighter.

Some caution is definitely needed when you're starting out. My husband went too fast and too long of a session at the beginning and had some unpleasant detoxing symptoms.

But, he's doing better now and an arm injury he had prior had stopped hurting completely. We are still working on his back pain and it is slowly decreasing so we are very hopeful that this will help.

So, go SLOW at first. It's like you're getting a tune up but you can't do it all at once! I love it!!!! It's difficult for me to take a day off! I took some before and after pictures. They are taken about two and a half weeks apart. I just washed my face in both photos- no makeup or moisturizer.

I included the black and white photos because I think it really demonstrates the differences in my pores and texture.

I should probably add that I've been doing the basic wand protocols about 10- 15 minutes, twice a day usually. I take an extra couple minutes to concentrate on particular areas. I drink 6 to 8 glasses of charged water a day. And, I spray my face daily with the water. I have stopped using my usual skin care regime and that's all I'm doing now.

Hope this helps someone!"

(pictures in comments)

If you're interested in buying an iTeracare Thz frequency wand, email [email protected] and we will assist you.

#iteracare #wand #testimonial
Another powerful testimony of the iTeracare Thz Wand!

This one blew my mind. This man has bone on bone, being told he needed a knee replacement. In less than 2 months his next scan shows cartilage growing back! This is a game changer. If he added 50% DMSO with magnesium over the areas before wanding, I bet that result would have been even better.


Good news! My epic iTeracare wand video is complete! The uploading is currently taking a long time, but expect it in the next few days.

Testimonial: "This is my uncle. Got his wand the end of December. He goes to Dr N*** in ________. The before was from the visit before he got the wand. They ask what he was doing different. This is what he said he is doing:

Did basic meridian protocol then 5 minutes per knee 2 times per day along with drinking the charged water for each session and drink the water all day."

If you are interested please email us at [email protected]

#terahertz #freqencywand #iteracare #wand #testimonial
Media is too big
It took months to research and schedule all this in, but the long awaited day has come:

ADV's iTeracare Wand Presentation is complete.

Only share in alternative circles, as YouTube will delete it for certain, unless any vaccine or virus language is first edited out. They will not allow any criticism of vaccines, this is how much they have to fear about the truth of vaxx danger.

Email [email protected] for iTeracare Wand details and ordering information.

Presented by: Dr. Amandha D Vollmer
BSc, Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Holistic Health Educator, Wildcrafter, Multidisciplinary Reiki Master, Author of "Healing with DMSO".

Advice disclaimer:
This content with Amandha Vollmer is intended for general information only, and is not intended to be a substitute for legal, medical or financial advice, and should not be construed as legal, medical or financial advice applicable to your particular situation.

See comments to continue...

#iteracare #wand #terahertz #prife
Hot of the presses!

In this video Amandha Vollmer and Ashley May share the health benefits of structuring your water and some of the other treatment practices using iTeraCare frequencies. They explain why treating drinking water with iTeraCare frequencies is very beneficial for the body. The iTeracare wand assists the body to detox, thereby improving all conditions.

Ashley performs a test using three different water sources using an aura scanner device to help us visualize the difference between the three independent sources of water. They also speak about the success stories they have read, including a group of over 50,000 people who are all reporting amazing results from using iTeraCare Wands.

In their final experiment, Amandha and Ashley demonstrate the powerful action of the iTeraCare Wand by purifying each other's unstructured water at a distance, putting into practice principles described in quantum entanglement theories.

The true power of the iTeraCare wand is infinite. If one can take tap water that is full of poisons, chemicals, and other dangers, and create clean healthy drinking water, then what else can one do with this amazing product?

If you are interested in purchasing a genuine iTeracare Terahertz Frequency Wand - please email [email protected] - Beware of knock-offs, make sure to buy from an approved Prife Supplier, we supply worldwide.


#iteracare #wand #thz #frequency #water #structuredwater
Hello, all my lovely iTeraCare Terahertz Frequency wand users! I think enough time has elapsed now to hear your experiences with it!

Please let us know how it's going!

~How long have you had the wand for? ~What model are you using?
~What protocol(s) are you using?
~Did you experience any detox symptoms?
~What changes have you noticed?
~How are your energy levels?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience with us!

Consider posting your testimonial for others' benefit here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1334745277027235

#iteracare #terahertz #wand #prife #frequencyhealing #waterstructuring
For ordering email: [email protected]
Media is too big
This is one for my iTeracare Wand users. This device detoxes you! Therefore you may come up against some detox symptoms. Here are some tips to help you through.

If you are interested in purchasing a wand please email us at [email protected]

#iteracare #wand #detox
The Demonic cult known as Health (Death) Canada are at it again. We can no longer get these incredible, powerful healing iTeraCare devices in Canada (but everywhere else in the world, you can!)

These whores for Big Pharma who hide behind the same political rhetoric "safe and effective" nonsense as was propagandized with the CONVID death darts are nothing more than tyrants promoting the death and destruction of all Canadians under the guise of "protection". They are eugenisists.

Here's just one tiny example of the massive amount of damage they do to unsuspecting people that are tricked by their forked tongues.

Ongoing, Health Canada has blood on their hands for pushing Big Pharma murder products since their disgusting inception. They are literally evil incarnate. Welcome to commie Canada, where death is celebrated and real healing is attacked and censored.

Fuck you, Health Canada. I welcome the day we stomp upon your ashes.

"To all Canada Stockists and Leaders,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about an important update regarding our back office and operations in Canada.

1. Temporary Delisting and Sales Suspension: We would like to notify you that Canada will be temporarily delisted from our back office website, www.prifevip.com, and all sales within Canada will be suspended, effective from GMT 8+ 12 am on the 1st of August 2023.

2. Compliance with Health Canada: This decision has been taken to facilitate our efforts in ensuring compliance with Health Canada regulations and to ensure that we can have a long-term and sustainable business in Canada. It is crucial for us to adhere to all regulatory requirements to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our customers.

3. Official Statement: An official statement will be released soon, providing further details and clarifications regarding this temporary delisting and sales suspension. We understand that you may have questions and concerns, and we aim to address them comprehensively in the upcoming statement.

4. Fulfillment of Pending Orders: As we prepare for this temporary delisting and sales suspension, we kindly advise all stockists to fulfill any pending orders promptly. Ensuring timely deliveries to your customers will help maintain smooth operations during this period.

We understand that this may cause some inconvenience, but rest assured that we are taking these steps to ensure the long-term success and compliance of our business in Canada.

Please stay tuned for the official statement, which will be sent to you via email and will also be available on our website. We value your understanding and cooperation during this time.

If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team, who will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Prife International. Together, we will navigate through these challenges and emerge stronger than ever."

With warm regards,
Victor Hew
Group General Manager
Prife International

P.S. You can still order through us from anywhere else in the world except for commie Canada.

#iteracare #wand #canada
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform