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I wrote this many years ago:

Relationships are contracts that will play out our subconscious mind for us, so that we can see it.

Enlightenment, which is what we are here to do (to become), is to live the within, the same as the without, which is the subconscious harmonized with the conscious.

This is consciousness.

(The within= our inside self, the without=our outer way of being and relating. Integrity)

So when we are irritated with our spouse/partner/lover/friend about something, we are conditioned to recoil and to reject it because it gives us a negative feeling. We are conditioned to move away from negative states and move toward positive ones.

However, if we wish to rectify our consciousness, we need to break that conditioning by going toward or forward instead, when the perceived negative comes up, because they are highlighting something from our subconscious...they would not act out that behaviour if it was not for this benefit. It is a main role that they play.

The re-training of the self to reap these benefits, is to meet the energy by seeing it as a reflection of this subconscious information, rather than blaming or attacking the being who is in contract with you to do just this thing.

Then the relationship, if it is meant to expand and grow together, will be able to...otherwise spirit will replace that contract with another who will give you the feedback from a new angle.
(Spirit being you, your higher self or the oversoul)

So if your partner makes you feel ____... which could be anger or frustration, etc...then it is that suppressed energy coming out to be resolved. This release is healing and balancing the mind.

So if you grew up having to suppress a part of yourself to fit into your tribe, that becomes an unconscious drive, therefore you will attract those people into relationship with you to pull that suppression out.

For example, if you were told you have to be good all the time, and you never spoke up when you were angry about something, that gets pushed into the subconscious. Then in adulthood, we may project 'nice' but we attract angry partners into our lives because they are there to serve this release.

I know many of us on the awakening path 'know' these things, but I am really reaching a new understanding of the 'layers of knowing' and that each go 'round of the pattern gives a new depth to the knowledge.

It gets more convoluted when you each are doing this for each other in the relationship.

Of course there are other concurrently running overlays too...many dynamics.

However it is vital, in order to have spiritual growth and successful, valuable relationships that we LEARN TO LEAN into the negative experiences to notice what our partners are trying to show us about our hidden, shadow selves.

It serves all higher contracts to do this.

Divine love, Amandha Vollmer

#love #relationships #subconsciousmind #healing #consciousness #awakening
I wrote this many years ago in 2017. I get into these dialogues with myself sometimes...it goes something like this:

Pains Reflections.
A Poem by ADV

Pain says:
What of one's life direction?
How can I be sure?
Have we wronged God?
Are we His abandoned children?
Are we being loved or punished?
With evil so huge,
the lies so big,
the people infected with confusion,
Will any of this matter in the end?
Is there any point to try and figure it all out?
If they just do what ever they will,
and our will is
then I may as well close my eyes and float into the nothingness that I am.

Love answers:
Your direction is love.
You just don't see it yet.
Love is a story of triumph
that has won over evil, just not yet.
You cannot know God until you know
Hush now and listen.
When you plant the garden,
are not the bees nourished?
Do they not in turn, nourish you and the other?
When you share of yourself,
is not that soul touched?
It touches, even if you may know not.
It will always be a mystery
until you know me.

Pain responds:
But evil is killing the bees and the gardens!
They are spraying us with poisons in the sky!
Evil is controlling the minds of man,
life and everything!
Where ARE YOU? Where is God?
How do I know you are not also a liar?

Love answers:
Find me,
you cannot understand it,
I have left you breadcrumbs on your path.
Find them.
It's much simpler than you make it to be.

Pain responds:
I don't believe you.

Love answers:
Eventually, you shall.

Pain responds:

Love answers:
I love you.

Pain responds:

It goes on like this....

#love #pain #answers #reflections #God #dichotomy
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