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Eurosiberia Podcast #20: Robert Stark

Robert Stark and Constantin von Hoffmeister talk about right-wing third worldism; American dissidents shilling for China, Russia, or Muslim nations; Western chauvinism; the melting pot vs ethnopluralism; Russia's role in Europe; democracy as an aberration; the Right's obsession with Israel or the Palestinians; anti-Whiteness legitimizing anti-Semitism, BLM and pro-Palestine protests; Westerners converting to Islam; multiculturalism as White supremacy; and other topics.

Listen to the podcast here:
“We cannot understand the commitment and logic that motivated Ungern-Sternberg’s struggle, this ‘last knight of Eurasia,’ except in the anti-Western and anti-modern perspective of the Conservative Revolution and the ‘Third Way.’”

Alexander Dugin (1996)
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
Archeofuturism Now

Constantin von Hoffmeister explores the potential aftermath of Spengler's prophesied "Decline" through Guillaume Faye's Archeofuturism 2.0, depicting a utopian tapestry and dystopian apocalypse where mankind, after a convergence of catastrophes, faces tribal warfare, abandoned space exploration, and transhumanist chimeras, with a nod to the rediscovery of ancient practices.

Read the essay here:
The Racial Struggle in Ancient Rome

Hans F. K. Günther traces the origins of the Italic peoples, highlighting their migrations and the conflicts between Nordic-descended patricians and indigenous plebeians.

Read the essay here:
Forwarded from Antelope Hill Publishing
The Sixty Year Caucasian War by Rostislav Fadeev
118 pages, 5.5"x8.5"

For sixty years, the armies of the tsar fought a multi-generational ethnic and religious war against the mountain peoples of the Caucasus, leaving a deep cultural impact on the participants and their descendants which resounds to this day. Translated into English for the first time, The Sixty-Year Caucasian War is the seminal account of this tumultuous contest. Through the clear and experienced eyes of the 19th century chronicler Rostislav Fadeev, who was himself a distinguished multi-decade veteran of the war, this work provides a comprehensive analysis of the key players, battles, and political dynamics that shaped this decisive period in Russian history.

Until the appointment of Prince Baryatinsky to commander-in-chief of the Russian forces in 1856, the brutal and complex conflict seemed locked in a stalemate after decades of heroic resistance by the Caucasian tribes. In just three years’ time, Baryatinsky was able to break the spine of Caucasian resistance, kill or capture its leadership, and subdue the entirety of the eastern Caucasus. This pivotal work bears witness to the courage and martial prowess of both the Caucasians and their Russian conquerors.

Antelope Hill Publishing is proud to present The Sixty-Year Caucasian War as a must-read for anyone interested in the intricacies of 19th century warfare, the nature of ethnic and religious struggle, and the enduring legacy of the Russian conquest of the Caucasus.

Purchase it here:
"No one dies of fatal truths nowadays: there are too many antidotes."

Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human
Eurosiberia Podcast #21: Alexander Markovics

Alexander Markovics and Constantin von Hoffmeister talk about multipolarity, nationalism vs traditionalism, empire vs nation, the notion of a Reichsvolk (imperial people), liberalism 1.0 vs liberalism 2.0, West 1 vs West 2, Spengler’s prediction regarding Russia and the West, Russia’s conservative revolution, the impact of Trump’s potential reelection on America and the West’s future, and other topics.

Watch the podcast here:
“When you look at the world with knowledge, you realize that things are unchangeable and at the same time are constantly being transformed.”

— Yukio Mishima, ‘The Temple of the Golden Pavilion’
Donald Trump ist in aller Munde: Bei den kommenden Präsidentschaftswahlen gilt der amerikanische Patriot und Populist als Favorit im Rennen gegen Amtsinhaber Biden.

✍️ Alexander Markovics @alexandermarkovics

🗣 Buchbesprechung: Esoteric Trumpism
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"Why is the Fourth Political Theory extremely important and inevitable for Russia and beyond? Because the three main ideologies — liberalism, communism, and fascism (nationalism) — are categorically unacceptable, and without an ideology, without a political theory, it is impossible to proceed. Liberalism, communism, and fascism are three versions of Western hegemony in the realm of political doctrines. Liberalism is the worst of all. Equally nightmarish is the alliance of liberals with the left (LGBT, illegal immigration, globalisation — the ideology of Biden and the Democratic Party) or with the Nazis (this is the ideology of the Kiev regime, with whom we are at war).

Therefore, for political decolonisation, it is necessary to go beyond all three ideologies created in the West in modern times, which embody its total domination in the field of political ideas. The Russian World, Russia as a state-civilisation, is incompatible with these three Western ideologies. Hence, the imperative of the Fourth Political Theory, its inevitability.

De-liberalisation, de-communisation, and de-nazification must unfold synchronously, but above all, de-liberalisation, as liberalism is today the most powerful ideology of the West, the most toxic and aggressive, its main weapon. However, it can only be countered by the Fourth Political Theory."

Alexander Dugin, 3 June 2024
Yukio Mishima on ‘Hagakure’: Philosophy of Action

Dmitry Moiseev discusses Yukio Mishima’s notion that an an icy willingness to die is the key to a successful life.

Read the essay here:
“The myths are not descriptions of things but expressions of a determination to act.”

— Georges Sorel
"What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome? That glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me."
— Milton, Paradise Lost
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