Amir Tsarfati
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Husband, Father, Messiah Follower, Bestselling Author, Bible Teacher, Conference Speaker, Founder and President of Behold Israel.
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No words….
The Hebrew name for Christmas is way more accurate and biblical than the English one. It’s called “ The festival of The Birth” - Hag HaMolad - חג המולד
According to The Jewish Agency, Immigration to Israel this year reached its highest point in more than two decades, with 70,000 new arrivals from 95 countries.

You see? Wars and rumors of wars are all around us and the world is going nuts with its God-replacing progressive liberal agendas, BUT GOD is doing His work. He is gathering His people to the land He gave them.

Galatians 4:4 says that “When the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law!”

When the fullness of the time will come, He will send His son again to take us unto Himself!

And when the fullness of the times will come - judgment be coming as well.

Trust God and His Timing!

Be blessed with this message below. Please share it with at least one important friend.
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Multiple people killed, many injured after gas tanker explosion in Boksburg, South Africa.
US winter storm: Icy blast hits 200 million Americans. A bomb cyclone, when atmospheric pressure plummets, has brought blizzard conditions to the Great Lakes on the US-Canada border.
Great photos and ministry updates !
At least 5 dead and 20 wounded in a Russian bombing on Kherson, Ukraine.
Hanukkah 7th candle with Christmas flavor
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Ukraine? Syria? Afghanistan? No
Paris France yesterday. Third day of Kurdish riots following the murder of three Kurdish immigrants by a Turkish one.
France becomes the battle ground of a war between Erdogan and his rivals.
Good morning!
I am an Israeli born Jew.
I don’t go to a mass.
I don’t take part in any liturgical ceremonies.
I believe in the Messiah of Israel and I share the joy that people and angelic hosts had when he was born.
I believe just like old Simeon said in Luke 2:32 that He came as “a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of God’s people, Israel.”
I don’t know if He was born on December 25 and frankly I don’t care about the date.
I am simply joyful for His arrival two thousand years ago and i am eagerly awaiting His soon return for His own!
So all those who wrote me hateful messages full of venom, anger, poison and sheer evil regarding this season, please take a deep breath and try to implement the commandment given to us in Philippians 4:4-5:
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.”

Happy Festival of The Birth!


The Iranian army will soon hold a huge joint exercise in the southern and southeastern part of the country.
The purpose of the exercise is defending the nuclear facilities, the economy and the energy of the south against a possible Israeli attack.

(Abu Saleh)
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Ukrainian attack overnight on a military airbase in the Russian city of Kursk.
Air raid sirens 🚨 all across Ukraine 🇺🇦
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Two story building in the heart of Tehran collapsed. So far three people were recovered alive from the rubble.
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The Ukrainians brought back the use of steam locomotives due to irreparable damage to their railway grid system.
Russia's new demand from Israel: transfer to our ownership three churches on the Mount of Olives.

While he awaits a decision regarding the ownership of Alexander's court in Jerusalem, Putin is pressing for additional sites in the city: the Mary Magdalene Monastery where the grandmother of the current King of England is buried, as well as the Ascension Monastery and the Galilean Church of Viri, which serves as the summer residence of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch.

Can churches in the Middle East cause a war between Russia and western powers?

In 1717, a 14-point silver star was installed over the marble slab that marks the birthplace of Jesus in the grotto of the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. Engraved on the star were the Latin words “Hic de Virgine Maria Jesus Christus natus est” (“Here Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary”).
While this is the Greek part of the church, the star bears Latin words. It was not placed by the Greeks and immediately became a source of friction. The star was finally prized up and stolen in 1847. The Greek Orthodox were accused of the theft.
The loss of the star enraged the French, who were quite active in Palestine, and this was used as an excuse for France to enter the Crimean War, which started in October 1853. France entered the conflict in 1854, against Russia — which was an Orthodox nation. While the war was fought in Crimea, one of the reasons for the war was the rights of religious minorities (Christian and Orthodox) to the holy sites in Palestine. These included the Church of the Nativity. Russia wanted to defeat the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Palestine. The entrance of France — and Britain (also in 1854) — in the Crimean War turned the tide and Russia lost. So the Turks retained control.
Before hostilities erupted in 1853, a replica star had been made. However, before it could be placed, the original star, or a replica of it, reappeared in the grotto in December 1853. By then, things had gone too far and the war proceeded.

(The Compass)
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Ukrainian attack on Engels-2 military airbase deep in Russia. This base was attacked by a Ukrainian drone about 3 weeks ago and several Russian heavy bombers were severely damaged.
Iranian journalist Reza Abbasi warned of Ukraine’s return to the “pre-industrial era” in the event of a Kyiv attack on Iran. He wrote about this on December 25 on his page in social networks.
According to him, the words of adviser to the President of Ukraine Mikhail Podolyak, who called for a move to “destruction of production and arrests of suppliers” of weapons, were caused by “American cocaine.”
“The slightest action that threatens the security of the Iranian people will return Kyiv to the pre-industrial era, this is not a threat, this is a warning,” Abbasi wrote.
On the eve of December 24, Podolyak said that Iran’s weapons enterprises must be destroyed. In his opinion, Tehran’s cooperation with Moscow humiliates Western sanctions institutions.
Earlier, on December 22, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky not to test Iran’s patience with unfounded accusations of arms supplies to Moscow.
According to Kanaani, Iran has always respected the territorial integrity of all countries. Tehran has never supplied any equipment to any of the parties to the conflict in Ukraine, the diplomat added.
On December 12, the Iranian Defense Ministry reported that the Ukrainian side did not provide evidence of the use of Iranian drones by the Russian Federation during a special operation to protect Donbass.
On December 6, France, Britain and Germany appealed to the UN Secretariat to send experts to Ukraine to investigate possible violations of Resolution 2231, which prohibits Tehran from exporting certain types of products without prior approval from the UN Security Council.
After that, the representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, noted that the UN should not follow the lead of provocateurs requesting an investigation.

(Pledge Times)
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