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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ Preply && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.

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​​​While I was on vacantion ​Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced open source monitoring toolkit, Prometheus, has graduated from its incubation status.

To graduate from an incubating status to a graduated status, the project had to adopt the CNCF code of conduct, under-go an independent security audit and disclose its governance structure which outlines how they plan to grow their community.

#prometheus #monitoring #CNCF
Заметки человека, который сдал CKA и CKAD экзамены делится опытом: кратко и со ссылками на сопутствующие ресурсы.

Если готовитесь к экзаменам — может быть полезно.

#cncf #exam #kubernetes
Собрание статей про CloudNative. В основном там статьи про Kubernetes, Docker и Istio, но не только.

#kubernetes #docker #isio #cncf
CNCF is creating a new working group around "Cooperative Delivery".

Here is a part of the problem statement this group is trying to address:

In most app-delivery scenarios, the packaging format and delivery mechanism of the application artifacts are targeted, but not necessarily the app's infrastructure dependencies such as data stores and message queues. That is, application and infrastructure delivery are not coordinated. Often, applications are heavily dependent on infrastructure resources that are not directly linked to a specific deployment, and therefore problems with non-existing infrastructure resources might cause deployments to fail. In addition to this, the application and infrastructure lifecycles are not synchronized, creating additional complexity and challenges when delivering workloads.

The goal of this group is not to provide a definitive solution, rather gather the information in the industry on how people are doing "cooperative delivery". Which trends are there. Are there any emerging approaches, etc.

It'll be very interesting to see their findings. Struggles with application bundling is something I encounter personally and I believe a lot of other engineers do.

#culture #cncf
There won’t be many posts this week, folks, because I’m at KubeCon right now.

But here are some CNCF reports you can read in the meantime.

#cncf #report
Sometimes, people claim that I am anti-certifications, which is not true. I haven't had an experience in my life when I had to get a certificate for a new job or a promotion. However, if certification works for you, it's great!

Besides, until the 16th of April, you can buy courses from CNCF with 30% discount.

#courses #cncf
Twitter Analytics: Measuring and Optimizing Your Social Media Impact