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Yet another статья о миграции в облако. К слову, ребята выбрали GCP в качестве облачного провайдера. Этот факт напомнил мне ещё одну старенькую статью по поводу того, почему не надо выбирать AWS.

Ну и сразу же вдогонку, от того же автора сравнение цен AWS vs GCP с цифрами. И сравнение облачных провайдеров вообще


#cloud #aws #gcp
10 уроків за 10 років в AWS - чудовий лонгрід на вихідні, що увібрав у себе найкращі практики побудови хмарних сервісів і містить в собі посилання на не менш корисні статті, що розкривають детальніше кожну з тем.
Enjoy it!

#best_practice #aws #cloud
​​Happy New Cloud Year!

In this year Pentagon will increase cloud market on 25%.
Azure will can be 1-st in Cloud, if (or when?) win Pentagon Contract in next year. It's also possible that AWS may become a cloud-standard.
And it another nail in the Google Cloud coffin for big companies.

#aws #azure #cloud
​​Cloudinfo - cloud-agnostic tool to compare and contrast instance types between providers and/or regions. Written in Go and have nice UI.

Github | UI demo

#cloud #aws #azure #gcp
​​Материалы из чата:

Сравнение цен на managed кластера Kubernetes . В забеге участвовали: AKS, EKS, DO, GKE.

Это в продолжение темы о подорожании GKE

#cloud #kubernetes #pricing
Интеграция создания облачных ресурсов внтури ArgoCD pipeline

Для этого используют интеграцию с Crossplane, это и есть связующее звено между k8s кластером и облачным провайдером. На данный момент поддерживаются AWS, GCP и Azure. Естестевнно, конфигурация таких ресурсов описана декларативными файлами.

#kubernetes #cicd #cloud
The results of survey by Snyk on security in the Cloud World

A few numbers:
- 83% responders said that security is important in their Cloud strategy
- The most popular reasons to move applications to containers are deployment velocity and ease of management
- Over 78% of production workloads are deployed as containers or serverless
- Only 33% fully automate their deployment pipeline, while 95% of use automation
- 45% reasons of security incidents are misconfigurations and 38% are known unpatched vulnerabilities
- Organizations are nearly 4x more likely to have increased rather than decreased concerns over their security posture since adopting cloud native
- Continuous deployment empowers continuous testing. Deployment automation unlocks scalable security controls
- Over 72% of fully automated teams find and fix critical vulnerabilities in under 1 week
- Companies who automate are twice as likely to implement security testing
- 37% of responders think that Developers are responsible for security in their applications

You can find more data and additional context in the report.

#security #cloud
​​Last week, I promised a series of posts about modern application delivery. Last time, we briefly discussed the problems that are generated by the disconnection between application code and its infrastructure dependencies.

Today, let's talk about a proposed formal way of solving this issue - Open Application Model. This is a specification of application bundle definition that contains all the required components as well as traits (we'll talk later on this one). The main purpose is to provide a reasonable abstraction for customers. So, they can use components and traits as building blocks for their application's infra dependencies.

This concept was proposed by people from Alibaba Cloud (and Microsoft?) and the whole thing is fairly new. However, it already has an implementation for Kubernetes - KubeVela. Although, I still have unanswered questions for this tool. For example, is it possible to provide default traits? What should I do if I want all my apps to have an autoscaler, etc.?

In any case, those are implementation details. Nothing stops you from embracing concepts of OAM and implementing them using, let's say, Helm.

As a bonus, here is a great video by Viktor Farcic about KubeVela with some basic "Hello world" example. It helps to better understand the problem that OAM is trying to solve as well as its concepts like components, traits and the difference between them. 'Coz the official documentation, let's be honest, is not that great.

#oam #app_bundle #kubernetes
A blog post by The Duckbill’s Group CEO Mike Julian with an ambitious title: “Why Cloud Finance Is Broken and Ineffective”.

The Duckbill’s Group is a consultant company that helps its customers to reduce their cloud spendings. Mostly in AWS (frankly, I’m not sure if they work with other clouds).

Despite the ambitious title, this article advocates for a very simple idea: “the cost of a cloud is a matter of architecture”. Yes, you can apply AWS savings plans to reduce the cost, you can obviously terminate dangling instances and volumes. It all contributes to your savings, but still the most important part is the architecture.

There’s also a linked article in the same blog that clarifies a bit this thesis as well as provides some practical insights into how to think about your architecture as a cost center.

The second article is AWS-specific, but the first one basically applies to any cloud.

#cloud #money #aws
How to Cut in iMovie