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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ Preply && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.

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Policies as code is a powerful tool to test and validate your configuration.

And probably one of the most famous engines for policies as code is OPA aka Open Policy Agent.

The beautiful part of it is that it’s kind of platform agnostic i.e. there are tools that implement OPA for different things. Threfore, OPA policies are usually not limited to a single application.

The hard part of OPA is that it uses Rego langugage, which is not quite similar to the popular general purpose programming langugages. If you payed attention to langugages like Prolog at school, Rego might be not a big issue for you.

However, if you don’t remember those classes or didn’t have them at all (like myself, he-he), this article on how to get started with Rego might be helpful for you!

#opa #policy #security
Here is a brief and neat comparison between External Secrets Operator and Secret Storage CSI for Kubernetes.

Both tools allows one to fetch secrets from an external storage like HashiCorp Vault. However, they work a little bit differently. If ESO creates a k8s secret based on the external one, SSC mounts a secret as a CSI volume.

You may ask, why use one of these if Banzai Bank Vaults exists? Well, not everyone uses HashiCorp Vault. Also, in case you have multiple secret storages (for whatever reason), one of these tools may be a good solution to reduce the footprint for secrets management.

#kubernetes #security
This a pure Friday material, but I totally forgot about this one yesterday.

So, a systemd security patch broke DNS on Azure VMs on the 30th of August.

Here’s the bug report.

This only affected Ubuntu 18.04 version, which is extremely popular, TBH.

Well, shit happens. Yet, the worrisome part of this story is that according to The Register:

> Azure is recommending that Ubuntu 18.04 users disable automatic security updates for the time being.

#azure #security #dns
Uber apparently has been hacked.

There are not many details in the mainstream tech press, as well as there’s no official write up yet, only a tweet about the incident.

However, here’s an interesting Twitter thread about the scope of the attack (the scope is huge!).

If you rather prefer a web page view, here’s the same thread via Unroll app.

The key takeaways from that thread:
- Rely on MFA protected from phishing such as hardware keys
- Pay as much attention to your internal network as to the public facing interfaces

Disk encryption in AWS is close to useless and potentially harmful.

No, it’s not like AWS is going to do anything with your data.

tl;dr: Encryption at rest protects you from cases when someone steals your disk. However, such an attack vector is so hard in a cloud environment that it’s completely worthless for an attacker.

However, the correct implementation of the encryption at rest will take time and effort that you can put into real risk mitigation and security hardening instead.

#security #aws
A couple of days ago I attended a CNCF meetup here in Berlin (full recording is available on YouTube). So, I want to share some things that were presented there.

- NeuVector - an open-source security solution for Kubernetes recently bought by Suse. It has UI, so one can do click-ops if they want, but one can then export all the rules into custom definitions and apply in any other cluster. Obviously, you can configure NeuVector using only YAML as well. Feel free to explore their GitHub. Although, the website has more information about the tool.

- Tetragon - another real-time observability/security tool based on eBPF by the developers of Cilium. It doesn’t do CVE scans like NeuVector, but provides some real-time visibility and rules enforcement. Also, it doesn’t have a fancy UI.

- Cilium service mesh. It’s also based on eBPF. Check it out if you want to have a service mesh, but not sure about heavyweight solutions like Istio.

- Despite that several Cilium-based tools I mentioned before, the second talk was about the Cilium Cluster Mesh. It’s not new, but this solution looks very promising, especially if you’re running multiple clusters for HA or multi-region purposes.

#Kubernetes #security #networking
​​Your SSO session can be stolen.

At least Grammarly, with their white partner prepared an internal phishing attack and get access to their OTP SSO session.

As a result, they choose to move to FIDO2, to prevent the possibility of that attack vector.

More about the attack and why choose FIDO2 in Part 1.
About implementation and problems - in Part 2.

The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content