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The neuralink AI movie… 😡
Another to unsee.
Dont forget, we will never message you. Scammers pretend to be us daily... Hope you had a good holiday!
Does anyone have a YouTube Downloader bot that doesn’t require subscribing to a channel?
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The fattest celebrity alive (LIZZO) reacts to her South Park debut 🔥
Forwarded from Green Mountain Greenery
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Why PH is the most important aspect of growing any plant...

Maintaining the correct pH level in water when feeding plants is crucial because it directly affects the plant's ability to absorb nutrients. Here's why it's important to pH your water when feeding plants, why they need the right pH, and a good rule of thumb for guessing the pH of a plant:

Importance of pH for Plants: pH level influences nutrient availability in the soil. Different nutrients are absorbed by plants at different pH levels. When the pH is too high or too low, certain nutrients become less available to plants, leading to deficiencies. Ensuring the water pH is within the optimal range allows plants to access essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Why Plants Need the Right pH: Plants have specific pH preferences for optimal nutrient uptake. For example, most plants prefer a slightly acidic pH range around 6 to 7. If the pH is too high or too low, it can disrupt the balance of nutrients in the soil and hinder the plant's ability to absorb them effectively. Maintaining the right pH level ensures that the plant's roots can uptake essential nutrients efficiently.

Good Rule of Thumb for Guessing pH: A simple rule of thumb for guessing the pH of a plant is to observe its overall health and nutrient uptake. Yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or poor flowering can be signs of nutrient deficiencies caused by incorrect pH levels. While visual symptoms can provide clues, it is essential to measure the actual pH of the soil or water to ensure accuracy.

watch the full video here:

Follow the full series with so much more information at:
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The CIA has been accused of importing fentanyl into the USA?

Individuals, including former law enforcement officials, have made claims that the CIA has been involved in drug trafficking and illicit drug dealings. These accusations suggest that the CIA may have been complicit in facilitating the transportation and distribution of illegal drugs.

In 1996, during a C-SPAN interview with Director James Doich, the following projects were mentioned:

Project Amadous, Project Pegasus, Project Watchtower apparently all proving the CIA has been selling drugs in the united states..

Things to look up:

Iran-Contra Affair: The Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s involved allegations of CIA involvement in illegal arms sales to Iran and using the proceeds to fund Nicaraguan Contra rebels. Critics suggest that drug trafficking was a large part of these operations.

Instagram Link:
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This is why I’ll never get Elons Neuralink…

The new neural link movie.. Atlas with Jennifer Lopez…

They always tell you in movies…

And they’re telling you the AI is coming for you..
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John Harris + Strawman Explained - Legal Fiction Documentary
Its the same all throughout the world!

A straw man argument in law involves misrepresenting or exaggerating someone's position or argument to make it easier to attack or refute. It's like creating a fake or weak version of what someone actually said to make it easier to knock down.

Imagine someone is arguing that students should have more time for recess at school. Instead of addressing their actual argument, a straw man response might misrepresent it by saying, "So you're saying we shouldn't have any classes at all and just play all day?" This misrepresentation makes the original argument seem extreme and easier to dismiss.

In legal contexts, lawyers may use straw man arguments to weaken the opposing side's position by attacking a distorted version of their argument rather than the real one. It's considered a fallacy because it can be deceptive and unfair.

Identifying and understanding straw man arguments is important in law and critical thinking to clarify and address the actual points being made rather than debating a distorted version of them. It's about focusing on what's actually being said and not getting sidetracked by misrepresented claims.

By recognizing and avoiding straw man arguments, individuals can engage in more effective and meaningful discussions or debates, ensuring that the key points are addressed accurately and fairly.
Forwarded from Nature Knowledge
18.9 MB
Mullein - Verbascum Thaspsus


First 3-4 pages are all you need. The rest of it is simply where the information was pulled. Scanned parts of many books cross referenced for you all based on a single subject.

by @disclosurehub @greenmountaingreenery

Find more at @iKnowNature and iKnowNature.com
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2.5 MB
Herbs: Dosing and Tincture Guide - (16 pages)

Welcome to the enchanting world of herb magic, where we explore the spellbinding ways of turning simple plants into powerful potions. In this guide, we embark on a magical journey to uncover the secrets of extractions and infusions. Picture yourself as a wizard in training, learning to coax out the hidden powers of herbs. Through extraction, imagine you possess the unique ability to gently pull the most potent elements from plants, using tools like water, alcohol, or oil to capture their healing essence. Meanwhile, infusion is akin to brewing a magical tea, where you let herbs share their gifts with water through a warm embrace, creating concoctions that can heal, soothe, and comfort. Join us as we take our first steps into a realm where plants reveal their mysteries, offering their strength to those willing to learn their ancient language.

Just remember, this isn't magic, its nature!

Herb Ratios
1:1 = 1g to 1ml
Alcohol, Oil, Water, Glycerin
Combining Herbs
Matching Pros not Cons
Re-Use of Sediment
Unique Extractions
Adults, Children, Animals
Testing Compounds

by @disclosurehub @greenmountaingreenery

Find more at @iKnowNature and iKnowNature.com
Forwarded from Green Mountain Greenery
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Indoor garden update 5/30/24 and a few tips for cheap germinating containers and cool bean 🫘 chop experiment 🧪
Forwarded from Nature Knowledge
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Leaf and seed: Blood builder, Blood Cleanser, Calcium, Potassium, Resistance to allergens, mold, pollen
Only use spring leaf (before flowers), not summer or fall due to compounds –

Takes from waste everything that is good” - Helps process protein and remove bad protein, Aid Sharp Nerve pain
High in Chlorophyll, Vitamin C and B, Beta-carotene, Known to aid kidneys*, thyroid, nerves and muscles, Anemia, Arthritis

Nettle Sting Treatment: Sting effected area of Arthritis pain - can relieve the pain for up to 2 days or more.

Roots and Seeds: can stimulate hair growth.

*Fresh Root can be used for Prostatitis (Prostate issues) / anti-inflammatory
1.5 – 3ml 3-5 times daily - 1:2 – 75% Alcohol - 4-6 weeks

Suggested Dose 150lb Adult:
starting dose 1.5 – 3ml 3-5 times daily (1:5 (1g:5ml) Tincture 50% Alcohol – dried plant or seed (with calyx)– 4-6 weeks)
3 – 5ml 3-5 times daily (1:5 (1g:5ml) Tincture 75-95% Alcohol – Fresh leaves – 4-6 weeks)
28 grams dried leaves in a tea a day - Don't overindulge in the nettle tea

iKnowNature.com @Disclosurehub @greenmountaingreenery
This is probably one of the best finds I’ve ever found got any pet owner… 😱 🔥


Save it!!!

Scroll down… a whole list of herbs and what they can do for animals…
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