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🇺🇸 Jeff Bezos slams US President Biden's call for oil executives to lower gas prices...

Media is too big
☝️Better think TWICE, who you worship❗️

Don’t trust Elon Musk. He’s the biggest deceptive agent there is.

If you believe Elon Musk is a good guy, I suggest you should join the waiting list for his Neuralink program.

They’re currently looking to start testing their 🧠 brain chip on humans.

He comes from a lineage of technocrats, his grandfather Joshua Haldeman was a key figure behind the technocracy movement in Canada in the 1930’s, so it’s absolutely in his DNA.

Elon Musk is a graduate from the true hidden hand of global control that operates from the shadows, individuals like Elon Musk, KILL-Bill Gate$ and Jeff Bezos are placed into the public arena as deceivers (Cover stories).
These individuals are fronting up the wider agenda of human enslavement, in the instance of Elon Musk he is here to integrate humanity into a transhuman dystopian future and many will succumb to this due to blind faith in his engineered profile that places him on a pedestal as a genius.

Jeff Bezos, ehemaliger Amazon-Chef und reichster Mann der Welt, hat zumindest 2007 und 2011 gar keine Steuern bezahlt, ebenso wie Elon Musk 2018. Aber auch Milliardäre wie Carl Icahn oder Michael Bloomberg konnten sich mehrmals erfolgreich davor drücken.

[Anm.: was die meisten nicht wissen:
Steuern (zumindest die Einkommenssteuer) sind in den USA (und in einigen anderen Ländern VERFASSUNGSWIDRIG! Ist also glatter RAUB, vom Mafia-Staat! ich sag ja nur...☝️]

BitChute | Odysee
🌎 [AI, Transhumanism,🤖Robots]
'BIOMILQ is aiming to create human milk-producing cells in much the same way that some companies are producing lab-grown meat.

The North Carolina-based startup received a $3.5 million investment from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a fund started by KILL-Bill Gate$, The Times reported in June 2020.

Breakthrough Energy’s board members include Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Virgin Atlantic✈️ founder Richard Branson.

BIOMILQ’s team is working on producing artificial human milk by using human breast tissue and milk donated by local women. These donors then get a gift card for the department store 🎯 Target in return.'

Rumble | Odysee
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