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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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🌎[Anti-Chistian ✝️ Agenda]
🇺🇸 [Tucker Carlson]

FBI is now targeting *'Catholics' for opposing Abortion, LGBTQ-Agenda, ...

[Catholics are NOT Christians, Tucker!
I PROVED it several times, NO ONE objected so far;
just saying... 😉] See https://bit.ly/40LkS1D

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
[Matthew 10:22]

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
[Luke 21:17]

☠️DEPOPULATION ☠️ right into your Face...👊

Covid-19 mRNA vaccines were designed as “abortion drugs” to quietly and deceitfully sterilize vast swathes of the human race, according to a Gates Foundation insider who has admitted that Bill Gates’ vaccine trials in Africa and India, in which thousands of children were sterilized, were trial runs for the mRNA vaccine roll-out in the Western world.

W.T.F.? 😲
☝️Better think TWICE, who you worship❗️
🇺🇸 Abortion, “climate change”, Murder and Stuff...

🧠 BRAINDEAD ancient 🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️ Zombie Jane Fonda suggests MURDER as a solution to anti-abortion laws 😵‍💫

We're in a LUNATIC Asylum!🥴
[Get used to it Folks, it won't ever end!]

[AI, Transhumanism,🤖Robots] As we've said it MANY times: "Don't be blinded by Science"! ALL Science comes from the 👺 Devil (believe it or NOT); more on this later... 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ BitChute | Odysee
▪️ASASEL (Azazel)
taught the people metalworking, the use of weapons, gems and dyes, and the art of makeup.
By doing so, he contributed to the corruption of mankind and revealed the mysteries of heaven to mankind. As punishment, he was bound (by God's command) by the Archangel Raphael, stoned and thrown into darkness.
▪️SEMYAZA (Shemyazaz, Semjaza, Shemyaza, Samjaza, Shemhazai)
is the leader of a group of angels who bond with the daughters of men and impregnate them, giving rise to the Nephilim.
He taught people magic, cursing and cutting roots. Similar to Lucifer's case, Semyaza is also used along with
banished from his apostate angels by Archangel Michael, who was given this task by God.
▪️Armaros taught dissolving spells (curse)
▪️Barachiel taught astronomy
▪️Kokabiel (Hakibel, Kokabeel) means “Star of God”.
He is the angel of astrology, of astronomy.
▪️Ezekiel taught people the science of clouds.
▪️Arakiel (Araqiel) taught the people the signs of the earth.
▪️Samsaveel (Shamsiel) taught people how to interpret the sun signs.
▪️Sahriel (Asdiel or Izezeel) had sex with human women, taught humans the ways of the moon.
▪️Kasdejar brought the people u.a. the abortion.

BitChute | Odysee
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🌈 🇺🇸 ☭ America...
Is PREGNANCY merely a state of mind, or is it a real thing?🤔

"Hi, I'd like a job here. I'm a man at the moment, but I might be a woman tomorrow. And I might get pregnant, too. Can I have extra days off for being pregnant? That is, until I decide to murder the imaginary baby with an imaginary abortion. After which I need extra time off for the abortion, of course..."🫠

We're in a LUNATIC Asylum!🥴
[Get used to it Folks, it won't ever end!]

👉 FACTS vs. LIES!😵‍💫
BitChute | Odysee
🌎 [Anti-Chistian ✝️ Agenda]
‼️The UN’s Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity presented a report at the UN Human Rights Council implying religions are misinterpreting their own teachings regarding LGBTQ issues and must accommodate LGBTQ ideology or be held accountable by governments ‼️

Victor Madrigal-Borloz, a UN bureaucrat who has worked to protect “human rights” for certain groups while supporting the persecution of others, critiques religious people’s responses to LGBTQ issues and abortion and calls for their punishment if they do not conform their views to his own. 

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, July 27, 2023 - JP Morgan Chase targets Dr. Mercola's staff and FAMILY with vicious DE-BANKING attack

- Former top government advisor testifies that alien beings were recovered from UFO crash
- Is it a UFO psyop, or a real whistleblower trying to reveal the truth?
- All mainstream journalists are now obsolete as Google AI can write the same mindless stories
- JP Morgan Chase de-banks Dr. Joseph Mercola's staff and their familiy members in nefarious attack on civil rights
- This proves that banks can never be trusted, and that you will be punished for your personal beliefs
- If you murder children for a living (abortion centers), JP Morgan Chase is happy to have you as a customer
- But if you help SAVE people with nutrition, prevention and education, JP Morgan will BANISH you

BitChute | Odysee
🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
To me it seems like Israel is paying dearly for learning a critical lesson in history. [I can of course also be mistaken]

When you turn your back on 🙏🏻GOD, and you reject HIS teachings, and you embrace abortion, transgenderism, the LGBTQ cult and 👹 demonic influence throughout your government and institutions (including medicine, bioweapons, "science" etc), 🙏🏻GOD will remove his protection from you and feed your nation to the 🐺wolves‼️
Both Israel and the USA have lost 🙏🏻GOD's blessing and must REPENT to regain it and have any hope of survival. This war cannot merely be won with tanks and artillery. It can only be won with 🙏🏻GOD's protection, which both Israel and USA governments have overtly abandoned.
Bamba Ferko

Rumble | Odysee
99% of people actually support Genocide in one form or another 👇
▪️From bombing campaigns
▪️to vaccine ☣️Bioweapons
▪️Abortion and pharmacide,
it turns out that 99% of people are all-in with genocide one way or another.

It is EXTREMELY RARE to find someone who is consistently on the side of protecting humanity... 😒

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 16, 2023 - What we are all enduring now is a COSMIC TEST for your body, mind and soul

- Can you endure the difficult, cosmic tests being placed in front of you?
- BODY test: Can you reject the bioweapons vaccine injections?
- MIND test: Can you reject the media psyops and emotional hijacking?
- SOUL test: Can you stick to pro-human ethics and stand your ground when it counts?
- The mindless masses FAIL every test
- You can always correct your path if you've made mistakes in the path
- You will experience enormous social pressure to SURRENDER your body, mind or soul
- Huge "peace" protests get aggressive in front of DNC headquarters in Washington D.C.
- Many pro-Palestine protesters demand to protect children from BOMBS, but they support murdering children with abortion
- Earth is in a giant SATANIC RITUAL playing out in real time
- The shocking contradictions of RFK, Jr.
- US public support for Israel plunges from 80% to 32%
- Jeffrey Epstein is the reason why so many US politicians are beholden to Israel
- Major false flag events are coming, to expand war in the Middle East
- Never forget: The globalists want humanity EXTERMINATED

Rumble | Odysee
W.T.F.? 🤨
Cosmopolitan, a monthly magazine for woman, publishes tips on having a 👹 ‘Satanic Abortion’ on Instagram.

Rumble | Odysee
[AI, Depopulation,🤖Robots, Transhumanism]

In the cosmic battle between biological life (humankind, God, Creation) and machines (AI, automation, silicon, transhumanism), THE MACHINES ARE WINNING. Human beings continue to exterminate themselves at an incredible pace. Pesticides, junk food, toxic jabs, deadly wars, medications, street drugs, abortions and depopulation. Everyone who isn't on Team Humanity is helping the🤖machines win.

Rumble | Odysee
Media is too big
💣🧨IMPACT: Project Veritas' SECRET ABORTIONS Investigation Takes Missouri By Storm🔥

Missouri Attorney General: "This is the beginning of the end for Planned Parenthood."

☝️Expose them wherever you can❗️

Rumble | Odysee
🇩🇪 Papst Franziskus👺Luzifericus verurteilt „Impfgegner“ und bezeichnet die Verweigerung der COVID-Impfung als „nahezu selbstmörderischen Akt der Verleugnung“
🇬🇧 I’m not among those who have ever [REALLY] paid attention to what Pope Franciscus👺Lucifericus says.
But even with that routine indifference, I surely can’t be alone in thinking “Why are you even thinking about this at this point?” What a bizarre public statement from him.

Obviously, the authorities have been lying about this from the off. But how is this even in his top five things to concern himself with?

Rumble | Odysee
⚠️Babies👶worth more dead than alive👹

President Of The Center For Medical Progress, David Daleiden, Gives Opening Statement At Congressional Hearing On Aborted Baby Organ Sales

Planned Parenthood's top-level leadership callously negotiating the harvesting & sale of aborted baby body parts

Dismembering of babies — industrial scale abortion” operations taking place selling body parts

Rumble | Odysee
How to Save Live Photo as Video