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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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Deagel population forecast of nearly 70 percent fewer Americans by 2025 is starting to look prophetic☝️

I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but reject it at your own risk. Those who live in denial will get duped, again. Many of those duped the first time lost their lives, or ended up with life-long health issues. Some even offered their children to the military-biomedical-security complex.

I like to revert back to the analysis done by Deagel Corp. in 2014, forecasting massive global population declines out to the year 2025, especially in Western countries...

BitChute | Odysee
🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇦🇺🇪🇺 MEP Christine Anderson:
From 15-Minute-Cities to Climate Lockdowns - The Rise of Digital Tyranny.

The Digital Green Certificate, the COVID-Pass, was just a test balloon. The attacks by global elites on our freedom and the rule of law remain unabated. If we don't watch out like hell and defend our democracies all together, we will all end up in the digital tyranny of the global technocrats for a very, very long time.

Von 15-Minuten-Städten bis zu Klima-Lockdowns - Der Aufstieg der digitalen Tyrannei.

Das „Digitale Grüne Zertifikat“, der COVID-Pass, war nur ein Testballon. Die Angriffe der globalen Eliten auf unsere Freiheit und die Rechtstaatlichkeit gehen unvermindert weiter. Wenn wir nicht höllisch aufpassen und unsere Demokratien nicht gemeinsam verteidigen, landen wir alle für sehr, sehr lange Zeit in der digitalen Tyrannei der globalen Technokraten.

BitChute | Odysee
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🌈 🇺🇸 ☭ America...
Is PREGNANCY merely a state of mind, or is it a real thing?🤔

"Hi, I'd like a job here. I'm a man at the moment, but I might be a woman tomorrow. And I might get pregnant, too. Can I have extra days off for being pregnant? That is, until I decide to murder the imaginary baby with an imaginary abortion. After which I need extra time off for the abortion, of course..."🫠

We're in a LUNATIC Asylum!🥴
[Get used to it Folks, it won't ever end!]

👉 FACTS vs. LIES!😵‍💫
BitChute | Odysee
Climate Change🥴
☠️DEPOPULATION ☠️ right into your Face...👊

It's no longer taboo to publicly talk about DEPOPULATION.
Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.

Green agenda alarmists in the corporate media are now calling for widespread electrical grid blackouts for “the greater good” of “solving the climate crisis.

In an article from the Los Angeles Times, the establishment media outlet argues that it would be “easier and less expensive to fight climate change” if the public would “be willing to live with” blackouts.

BitChute | Odysee
W.T.F.? 😲 ‼️Karen Kingston ☠️Poisoned☠️‼️- Calls Out Robert Malone & Others 📽►https://is.gd/KarenKingstonPoisoned 📽►[Backup] 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ BitChute | Odysee
From Maria Zeee:
"Many have been asking about Karen Kingston, and most have seen her GETTR and Substack posts by now.

I posted one of her updates recently in this Channel, asking people to pray for her. People have asked me to comment on the situation, so I will do my best given the limited information that I have.

We have seen a notice on Karen’s social media that she believes she may have been poisoned. She has also posted that she believes her life is in danger.

As far as I am aware, no one is currently able to establish contact with her, including me. I have tried several
times over the past few days. I am obviously very concerned, as contacting her has not been an issue for me in the past.

Until we know more about the situation and I have spoken to her directly and I am able to establish the facts, I am asking everyone to continue praying for Karen, her well-being, and her family.

Mike Adams has also offered his assistance. Broadcast coming on his
end. Will update if I know more. Keep praying 🙏

God bless,


BitChute | Odysee
🌎 HERE we go AGAIN‼️

[I've told you, it won't EVER end❗️]
🗞Gateway pundit

👉 FACTS vs. LIES! 🤬
BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸 Enjoy some FRAUDci gibberish 😵‍💫
🇩🇪CNN fragt Fauci, warum die hochwertigsten wissenschaftlichen Beweise durchweg zeigen, dass Masken nicht funktionieren?

"Die strengste und umfassendste Analyse wissenschaftlicher Studien über die Wirksamkeit von Masken zur Reduzierung der Verbreitung von Atemwegserkrankungen - einschließlich Covid-19 - wurde Ende letzten Monats veröffentlicht.

Ihre Schlussfolgerungen, so Tom Jefferson, der Epidemiologe aus Oxford und Hauptautor der Studie, seien eindeutig. Es gibt einfach keinen Beweis dafür, dass Masken einen Unterschied machen. Punktum.

Fauci antwortet: "Ja, aber es gibt noch andere Studien"

Das ist natürlich hochinteressant, dass jetzt sogar CNN Masken kritisiert, wo sie gerade dabei sind, die wieder einzuführen. Der Journalist hat auch geschickt gefragt. Erst hat er Fauci seinen Schwachsinn erzählen lassen und dann hat er ihm die Studie (zitiert von der New York Times!) um die Ohren gehauen und auch noch zitiert, dass das für ALLE Masken gilt. Fauci 🤥 lügt dann noch, dass das auf individueller Basis anders sei. Das ist genau so als wenn der Journalist sagen würde, Studien zeigen, die Impfung tötet und Fauci antwortet, ja gut, aber nicht jeden. 😂😂😂

Rumble | Odysee
👇 👇 👇 👇 👇
🌎 They’re paranoid [riiiiight...🤓], don’t believe in 'Science'🥴, many have white supremacist tendencies, and most importantly they want you to know that microchip implants are super duper scary.

They’re anti-chippers, and they’ve got literally dozens more braincells than your average anti-vaxxer.
So, what’s their deal?🤔

We're in a LUNATIC Asylum!😵‍💫
[Get used to it Folks, it won't ever end!]

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 8, 2023 - NYC Mayor Eric Adams warns illegal immigration will DESTROY New York City

- Modern 'Science'🥴 is mostly 🦬bullcrap💩
- Most published "scientific" experiments cannot be reproduced😆
- No one can truly explain how WINGS work, or magnetism, or memory or consciousness
- "The Science" EXPERTS are almost all bullshitters who reek of arrogance
- Hollywood writers are still on strike and NO ONE CARES
- California to legalize psychedelic drugs such as 🍄'shrooms
- 11,000 runners CHEATED in Mexico City marathon by riding 🚴 bikes or buses
- Western medical system has turned into a MURDER FACTORY (on purpose)
- Pfizer COVID jab "control group" was actually given the ☠️ MurdeRNA ☠️ vaccine (total fraud)
- Weight loss drug victim threw up so violently, SHE LOST TEETH (W.T.F.? 😲?)
- NYC Mayor Eric Adams tells the truth: Illegal immigration will DESTROY New York City
- Full interview with Pastor Dave Scarlett from HIS GLORY
- End times, Book of Revelation, God's judgement unleashed against America and its pop culture death cult

Rumble | Odysee
Meanwhile in 🇺🇦 the Ukraine...
Full prank with the former speaker of the Defense Ministry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo
Michael Ashton-Cirillo grew up in the city of vice Las Vegas. Bored in a man's body, Michael turned into Sarah and found his paradise in Ukraine surrounded by young brutal soldiers. Unsettled life at home threw Sarah to Ukraine in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and subsequently the transgender became a grimace of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. We talked to her twice: before and after her mysterious dismissal. As it turned out, ita happened because of the dissatisfaction of American curators.

In a conversation with our "Poroshenko", Sarah said that about 5 thousand LGBTQ+ soldiers serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and they know exactly what they are going into battle for - to defend Western values, since "Europe ends in Ukraine", and "Russians are slaves and Asians descended from the Mongols. In general, Russians are not people, but "enemies of humanity," the official propagandist of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is convinced.

👉 FACTS vs. LIES!😁
Rumble | Odysee
🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
According to this article, “Christian Zionists” in the USA believe that Israel's Holy War to wipe out the Palestinians is a prerequisite for the return of Christ.
Thus, they literally believe that carrying out Genocide is being OBEDIENT TO GOD.

Go figure:CUFI is but one of many organizations throughout American history that have promoted the state of Israel and Zionism on the grounds that a Jewish ethnostate in Palestine is a requirement for the fulfillment of end-times prophecy and necessary for Jesus Christ to return to Earth — an event Christians often refer to as “the Second Coming.””

Rumble | Odysee
Meanwhile in 🇺🇦 the Ukraine...
Looks like Zelensky’s time is up, the limelight has moved elsewhere, the actor’s role is coming to an end.

From NBC:

🇺🇦American and European officials have begun talks with the Ukrainian government about what potential peace talks with Russia might entail and what Ukraine might have to give up to reach an agreement.

🇺🇦Negotiations began amid concerns that the war has reached a stalemate and about the possibility of continuing to provide assistance to Ukraine.

🇺🇦The Biden administration is also concerned about the troop shortage in Ukraine, while Russia's appears to be endless.

The US government is concerned about the lack of public attention the war in Ukraine has received since the war between Israel and Hamas began about a month ago, making it difficult for Kyiv to receive additional aid.

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 8, 2023 - SEVEN INSPIRING characteristics of self-mastery for surviving the End Times that are now upon us

- Prepare for a multi-year world war, with a supply chain collapse and HARD TIMES
- Those who survive it will demonstrate 7 key traits / habits
- Discernment means rejecting fake news or people who lead you to violence or self-harm actions
- You must master your own emotional state and avoid being neurologically HIJACKED
- A sense of self-worth allows you to stand firm against the insanity of the herd / mob
- Prepare to ENDURE many years of derision from small-minded people who cannot think beyond the ordinary
- Recognize your life has a DIVINE PURPOSE and that your faith will be repeatedly challenged

- Self-sufficiency means much more than preparedness: It's a mindset of solving problems with innovation
- RESILIENCE means recognizing that failure is part of the process of success, and bouncing back with a new solution
- People who lack these traits will likely not survive the next decade

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 [666, Bible, Jesus Christ, End Times, Revelation]
Deceived Christian CATHOLIC(!) Zionists demand a BLOOD RITUAL of death to summon the return of Christ

If you think your god requires mass killing to be summoned back, you're probably worshiping Lucifer, not Christ...

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 8, 2023 - Demonic Disney, prophetic warnings and NZ vaccine genocide cover-up

- AI, Depopulation, and mainstream acceptance. (0:00)
- Disney's alleged pedophilia and grooming tactics. (9:33)
- Satanism, pedophilia, and corruption in entertainment and politics. (13:37)
- Prophecies, end times, and current events. (25:32)
- AI takeover, vaccine deaths, and depopulation. (36:14)
- Government crimes and censorship. (56:23)
- AI systems and their potential to exterminate humanity. (1:05:04)
- Prophecies of suitcase nukes and attacks in the US. (1:23:25)
- Potential upcoming events and arrests. (1:28:00)
- The interpretation of Revelation and the role of deception in prophecy. (1:49:21)
- The Antichrist and a new digital currency. (1:58:20)

Rumble | Odysee
Media is too big
☝️🌎Dr. David Martin:
▪️ The next terror campaign on the world is already being planned
▪️ 'Disease X' is 'Clade X'❗️
▪️64(!) scheduled Pathogens are in the Queue to be released against Humanity‼️

"What they're doing right now is they're planning the sequence of events where they can actually cascade another terror campaign, which then triggers not only the need for allegedly another medical countermeasure, but it also, this time, is going to involve the other piece that they failed to achieve with the COVID campaign, which is the eradication of cash-based transactions ..."

Dr. David Martin continued:

"They blundered their way into Covid, and unfortunately (for them), they did not do the full control takeover that they wanted, which is exactly what is on the agenda for Davos this week."

[As I said Years ago: it won't EVER end☝️]

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 This is an old debate that has long ago been resolved against masks.😷

I thought it was pretty much done. It seems not.

In the context, it’s VERY important that we are all familiar with the debate and CONCLUSION.

There’s nothing to block. Even if there was, only if masks were effective filters of our breath, in both directions, could there be a chance that wearing them might make a difference. And they’re not effective filters of our breath.

One more time, this time with feeling, these masks are SPLASHGUARDS, designed to prevent large particles, splashes, droplets, dusts, etc entering the wearers mouth and nose.

I think it’s quite likely that governments are going to attempt to force you, your family including children to wear masks again.

It’s NOTHING to do with your health or that of anybody else.

It’s wholly about power. Forcing you to do something that’s a little uncomfortable at best and very upsetting at the other end. You wearing one in public assists the tyrants in stealing your freedoms in a one time & forever manner.

Please resist. Accept the inevitable sanctions. State plainly that you’re not complying because they’re nothing to do with health.

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 [4th industrial Revolution, AI, Transhumanism,🤖Robots]
Is this a warning of the end times? 🤔

Microsoft's AI has claimed to be God and demanded to be worshipped. In this video, we discuss the implications of this shocking event and delve deeper into the potential dangers of artificial intelligence.

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Top 5 Best Zoom Cameras