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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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🇺🇸 Not complete by any means but this covers a lot and is presented well visually. It’s certainly true that IBM was tapped by the Nazis to be the “bean counter” with the most modern AI of their day to keep track of the extermination camps... and true that the very same IBM gave Billy boy a huge leg up with his Microsoft business via his mother. His parents were two eugenics loving peas in a pod. For all we know, KILL Bill made the rounds within their ilk as a child sex slave himself. He certainly acts like one who has had his empathy permanently removed.

🇩🇪 Keineswegs vollständig, aber es deckt eine Menge ab und ist visuell gut präsentiert. Es ist sicherlich wahr, dass IBM von den Nazis als "Erbsenzähler" mit der modernsten KI ihrer Zeit angezapft wurde, um den Überblick über die Vernichtungslager zu behalten... und es ist wahr, dass genau dieselbe IBM Billy Boy über seine Mutter einen riesigen Vorsprung mit seinem Microsoft-Geschäft verschaffte. Seine Eltern waren zwei eugenikbegeisterte Erbsen in einer Schote. Nach allem, was wir wissen, hat KILL Bill selbst als Kindersexsklave in ihrem Umfeld die Runde gemacht. Er verhält sich auf jeden Fall wie einer, dem seine Empathie dauerhaft genommen wurde.
Media is too big
Bei jedem neuen Interview von Dr. Stefan Lanka, erfährt der Zuhörer neue Informationen und so ergibt sich am Ende ein klares Bild über die Biologie.

- Wie kann der Irrtum Corona gestoppt werden
- Warum bei HIV die gleichen Irrtümer stattfanden
- Ein Rückblick auf den Masernvirusprozess und dessen Sprengkraft
- Ein Rückblick auf die geschichtliche Entwicklung, wie konnte es zu dieser Fehlentwicklung kommen und was war der Auslöser
- Die herausgearbeiteten Erkenntnisse des Rechtshistorikers und Soziologen Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy im Jahr 1956
- Jede Erkenntnis basiert immer auf Erkenntnissen von anderen.
- Was ist es, wenn es kein Virus ist.
Bei jedem neuen Interview von Dr. Stefan Lanka, erfährt der Zuhörer neue Informationen und so ergibt sich am Ende ein klares Bild über die Biologie.

- Wie kann der Irrtum Corona gestoppt werden
- Warum bei HIV die gleichen Irrtümer stattfanden
- Ein Rückblick auf den Masernvirusprozess und dessen Sprengkraft
- Ein Rückblick auf die geschichtliche Entwicklung, wie konnte es zu dieser Fehlentwicklung kommen und was war der Auslöser
- Die herausgearbeiteten Erkenntnisse des Rechtshistorikers und Soziologen Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy im Jahr 1956
- Jede Erkenntnis basiert immer auf Erkenntnissen von anderen.
- Was ist es, wenn es kein Virus ist.
☝️Die Eugenik ist zurück❗️

Die Modeideologie des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts war nicht zuletzt wegen der rassistisch motivierten Gräueltaten der Nazis in Verruf geraten. Man sollte meinen, die Weltgesellschaft sei für dererlei Irrlehren mittlerweile nicht mehr anfällig. Noch immer aber ist die British Eugenics Society öffentlich tätig — „mit dem Ziel der biologischen Verbesserung der Nation und der Abmilderung der Belastungen, die der Gesellschaft durch die genetisch ‚Untauglichen‘ auferlegt werden.


GENVERÄNDERUNG durch Impfung Minute 5:50,
tödlich "wie der Zug nach Auschwitz" -
7:35 -
GEORGIA GUIDESTONES Min. 7:45 (7Mrd. Menschen sollen weg - sogar als
Foto 8:40 gezeigt - bestätigt als Ursprung der Intention Entvölkerung, welche durch die Impfung realisiert werden soll)
20:40 die CDC befiehlt Ärzten, jeden Toten mit der Diagnose Covid zu belegen -
36:40 die "meisten Ärzte in USA sind lahm", tragen nicht zur Aufklärung bei, haben keine Ahnung und machen noch Werbung für die Impfung...

👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/cm1IKwPs6FgL
🇺🇸 EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots: Anyone Shocked?

👉 https://tinyurl.com/yeaeh48v

Klaus Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Germany—was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing “useless eaters”)
Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.—Dulles’ boss)

Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler
🇺🇸 Dr. Zev Zelenko exposes the toxic 💉Jabs which he says are part of a massive eugenics Plan many years in the planning. In this interview Dr. Z shares critical information that could save your 💝Life.

‼️🇺🇸 Medical Murder: ‼️

How "Covid Protocols" Are Being Used For Eugenics - Left A Downs Syndrome Kid To Die‼️‼️‼️

See full 📽https://tinyurl.com/ybvrmzqf

UPDATE: See her Father speaking out!

☠️DEPOPULATION☠️ right into your Face...👊

🇺🇸"The New York meeting of billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others was described by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as an informal gathering aimed at encouraging philanthropy.

"Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority," the article said, adding that "this could result in a challenge to some Third World politicians who believe contraception and female education weaken traditional values."
Such a stand wouldn't be surprising. Mssrs. Gates, Buffett and Turner have been quietly worrying about Malthusian population problems for years. Mr. Gates in February outlined a plan to try to cap the world's population at 8.3 billion people, rather than the projected 9.3 billion at which the population is expected to peak..

Some are raising the specter of eugenics."

🌎 A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction

Earlier, in 1946, Huxley noted in his vision for UNESCO that it was essential that “the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable,” an astounding statement to make so soon after the end of World War II. Thanks in large part to the Welcome Trust and its influence on both policy and medical research over the course of several decades, Huxley’s dream of rehabilitating eugenics-infused science in the post–World War II era could soon become reality. Unsurprisingly, the Welcome Trust hosts the archive of the formerly Huxley-led Eugenics Society and still boasts close ties to its successor organization, the Galton Institute.
The over-riding question is: Will we allow ourselves to continue to be manipulated into allowing transhumanism and eugenics to be openly pursued and normalized, including through initiatives like those of Welcome Leap that seek to use babies and toddlers as test subjects to advance their nightmarish vision for humanity? If well-crafted advertising slogans and media campaigns painting visions of utopia such as “a world without disease” are all that is needed to convince us to give up our future and our children’s future to military operatives, corporate executives, and eugenicists, then there is little left of our humanity to surrender”.

🇩🇪/🇨🇭/🌎 Bei 777 Mitarbeitern der Universitätsklinik Basel wurden drei Tage nach der Booster-Impfung der Troponinwert gemessen. 40 Personen zeigten erhöhte Spiegel, wofür in 18 Fällen andere Ursachen vorlagen.
Die verbliebenen 22 Fälle entsprachen einer Inzidenz von 2,8 Prozent. Die Inzidenz bei Frauen betrug 3,7 Prozent und bei Männern lediglich 0,8 Prozent. „Die Studie bestätigt die Hypothese, dass die Inzidenz akuter🫀Herzbeteiligungen höher ist als gedacht, mit 2,8 Prozent war sie 800 Mal höher als in passiven Beobachtungsstudien. Aber da wir jetzt jährliche Boosterimpfungen brauchen, könnte es zu vielen impfbedingten Herzbeteiligungen kommen“, so Professor Christian Eugen Müller von der Universitätsklinik Basel.

☠️DEPOPULATION☠️ right into your Face...👊

Who is the IHME?

The IHME is the non-profit organization funded into existence by $384M in donations from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This is the same organization that predicted wildly inaccurate COVID deaths in the US, used by governors to lockdown children and seniors...so that 5G towers could be erected in every state without even so much as an environmental or health impact study.

This is the same organization that receives donations through the University of Washington even though they are not affiliated with the university. This is what is known as money laundering btw.

The IHME is now being cited as a credible source for information by ABC News and they are predicting something Bill Gates and the WEF wants very much...dramatic population reduction...especially when they can profit from murder.

Welcome to Logan's Run (Crazy Eugenics Sci-Fi Movie From the Late 70's).

There’s another international model of population growth, published by the health data research group the IHME, which forecasts an earlier population peak and a faster decline.

“The major reason that we forecast a different global population in the last third of the century comes from how we are modelling fertility,” senior research manager Amanda Smith says.

“Our model suggests that we expect fertility to continue to decline through the end of the century in many countries, and that’s contributing to a larger and a faster global population decline than the United Nations projections.”
End Quote☝️

With the shots and 5G and trans humanism and Gates owning the WHO and stolen elections...how many of you think there' nothing to see here?

1/2 The following came from a prolonged exchange with a thoughtful scientist (who understandably doesn’t wish to be identified).

There has been a catastrophic drop in birth rates in most if not all countries with a high coverage of mRNA vaccines amongst people of fertile age. This article describes drop in birth rates in Sweden that coincided with the roll out of the mRNA shots.


It is unknown what the effect will be going forwards and if the potential effects of mRNA vaccines on birth rate and fertility are temporary, or long lasting. Also the effect on children that have been vaccinated and if this will affect their ability to have children in the future is completely unknown.

The WHO and other globalist ‘health’ organisations have long been seeking a contraceptive vaccine - to reduce fertility and manage the global population. For example, here is a report from a WHO-led meeting 1992 on the status of fertility regulating vaccines.


This report goes in to great detail about vaccines targeting human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and human trials to test this. However, as described in the documentary 'Infertility - a diabolical agenda’, little did we know that the WHO, later in conjunction with The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted live trails on African girls without their knowledge, by hiding hCG in tetanus vaccines - rendering the girls that received them infertile.

Hence, the idea that the WHO, in conjunction with The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are also involved in deploying anti-fertility mRNA vaccines on the global population in response to perceived overpopulation, is not a novel concept.

Gates has publicly stated his aim of shrinking the world population, and this follows in his fathers footsteps. Gates after was director of the organisation Planned Parenthood, which has similar aims in the area of eugenics and population control. However, the billionaires idea of population control isn’t exactly equitable - its you they want to control - not them (Gates is the father of three children).


BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸 Planned Parenthood, an organization which KILL-Bill Gate$’ father headed, was previously called the American Eugenics Society, which itself was budded off from a U.K. organization of similar name.

Both realised that the name “
Eugenics” wouldn’t fly after the Nazis.

The very existence of such societies, founded by the “liberal elites” in the late nineteenth century, came about because those entitled people genuinely believed they were natural rulers and most people were a waste of food. Nice people, eh?

Many think of Aldous Huxley as sending a prescient warning. Others realise the Huxley’s were up to their waists in this evil philosophy. Julian, Aldous’ brother, was the first head of the UN environmental, societal and cultural organizations (UNESCO). They hit upon a formula whereby they could pop up anywhere and declare places “world heritage sites”, banning the little people from ever visiting them and carving out chunks of planet earth that they controlled. We never voted for the bodies pendant to the UN, such as the IPCC, WHO and others.

Make no mistake: these eugenics societies were not very well disguised fronts for justifying the exclusion and murder of those they judged undesirable.

Nothing has changed. Imagine growing up with table talk of the kind such a role implies?

Rumble | Odysee
☠️DEPOPULATION☠️ [right into your Face...👊]

🌎 The US food supply has been flooded with depopulation drugs with the intention of quietly and deceitfully sterilizing the majority of the human race, according to a Gates Foundation insider who has admitted that KILL-Bill Gate$mRNA💉vaccines, 🦟 mosquitos and food production are part of a multi-pronged eugenics attack on the human race.

This evil plan has been in the works for years, and now we are seeing it play out before our very eyes in all its psychopathic detail.

Rumble | Odysee
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