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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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🌎 This is an old debate that has long ago been resolved against masks.😷

I thought it was pretty much done. It seems not.

In the context, it’s VERY important that we are all familiar with the debate and CONCLUSION.

There’s nothing to block. Even if there was, only if masks were effective filters of our breath, in both directions, could there be a chance that wearing them might make a difference. And they’re not effective filters of our breath.

One more time, this time with feeling, these masks are SPLASHGUARDS, designed to prevent large particles, splashes, droplets, dusts, etc entering the wearers mouth and nose.

I think it’s quite likely that governments are going to attempt to force you, your family including children to wear masks again.

It’s NOTHING to do with your health or that of anybody else.

It’s wholly about power. Forcing you to do something that’s a little uncomfortable at best and very upsetting at the other end. You wearing one in public assists the tyrants in stealing your freedoms in a one time & forever manner.

Please resist. Accept the inevitable sanctions. State plainly that you’re not complying because they’re nothing to do with health.

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It has often occurred to me to ask the question: what are the grandchildren of the those removed to USA in 1945 doing, right now? 🧐

Paperclip wasn’t only about🚀rocket scientists, but propagandists, black ops experts, psychologists, intelligence specialists, chemists, biologists and more.

I would be very interested to know what they, their children and grandchildren have been doing since. I have some ideas.


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🌎 [Chemtrails, Geoengineering, HAARP, Weather Modification]
👹 SATAN [what an appropriate name!] (Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation)
The taboo of outdoor experimentation with sunlight blocking technologies are over. Driven by the fear of global warming and, in some cases, the possibility of a lucrative startup company, scientists are no longer concerned with public acceptance, oversight, or governance issues.
2024’s motto: JUST DO IT!

How did we get here and what’s Dr. Evil planning to experiment with this year? Let us explore the insanity of geoengineering experiments and their progress towards the dark side (pun intended).

🇩🇪 Das Tabu, im Freien mit Sonnenlicht blockierenden Technologien zu experimentieren, ist vorbei. Angetrieben von der Angst vor der 🌎 Erd'Erwärmung'🔥🥴 und in einigen Fällen von der Möglichkeit, ein lukratives Start-up-Unternehmen zu gründen, machen sich die Wissenschaftler keine Gedanken mehr über die öffentliche Akzeptanz, die Aufsicht oder Fragen der Verwaltung. Das Motto des Jahres 2024 lautet: JUST DO IT!

Wie sind wir hierher gekommen und was plant Dr. Evil in diesem Jahr für Experimente? Lassen Sie uns den Irrsinn der Geo-Engineering-Experimente und ihre Fortschritte in Richtung der dunklen Seite (Wortspiel beabsichtigt) erkunden.

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"Scientists"🥴 have long warned about the potential negative consequences of a solar storm, perhaps the biggest being what has been coined as an "internet apocalypse" which could happen in the next year.

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🇺🇸/🌎 Just a Thought of mine... Coincidences... are they? 🤔 1) Alien Creature in 'Prometheus' 2) 'Creature' found in the Moderna VaxXxine 👉 FACTS vs. LIES!
I told you this more than 2 Years ago!
🌎 Scientists at an elite research unit in Spain have made a series of startling discoveries regarding the Pfizer Covid mRNA vaccine, including the disturbing fact that when placed in a reptile incubator at body temperature for 48 hours, new life forms, including heads and legs, appear to hatch in the mRNA solution.

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Project Veritas: Secret Recording Catches Pfizer Scientist Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud🔥
You’ll never believe what she said about COVID-19 vaccines…

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🌎"Climate Change🥴
The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus.

Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth", Debunks Global Warming & Net Zero Narratives

This new, must-see documentary exposes the hypocrisy of climate alarmists and reveals how this trillion-dollar industry fueled by greed and fear has manipulated scientists and the public.

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Dr Sucharit Bakdhi is, on the so-called vaccines, one of the most consistent scientists I know.
Dr. Tess Lawrie writes:

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🇺🇸 The Era of Informed Consent is Over
In relation to “informed consent”, I have a suggestion. The Nuremberg Code enshrines a right to patient informed consent before any experimentation on humans.

Almost unbelievably, US law is now in direct opposition to Nuremberg. It allows human experimentation provided that the risks are “minimal”. Of course, nobody would ever drift from transparent objectivity where is comes to risk assessment.

My suggestion is, instead of relying on a right which appears, in the US at least, to have been withdrawn, insist on being informed before consenting to anything.

Consider the scenario in which you ask for information & the physician or bureaucrat seems unable or unwilling to give. That’s a hard pass, all day, for me.

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🌎 [Chemtrails, Geoengineering, HAARP, Weather Modification] 🥳"There are no Chemtrails, stupid!"🤪 📽►https://tt.vg/ChemtrailsToBlockTheSun 📽►[Backup] 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
Media is too big
🌎 [Chemtrails, Geoengineering, HAARP, Weather Modification]
🇺🇸 Scientists Conduct Secret Aerosol Experiment in the Sky

Bill Gates said he always wanted to spray something in the air to “block the sun,” and now it’s happening.

Scientists conducted a solar geoengineering experiment right outside of San Francisco.

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🌎 ☝️Trust the FREAKING 'Science'🤮
So, now 'Scientists'🥴 can make Solar Eclipses 'On Demand'
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I am telling You this for AGES: ❗️
❗️Nothing in your life is real Nothing you know is true❗️
☝️❗️EVERYTHING is a LIE ‼️

👉 FACTS vs. LIES! [I'm OUT!]
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ENTHÜLLT: Die USA arbeiten mit chinesischen Wissenschaftlern zusammen, um Vogelgrippestämme im Rahmen des 1-Milllionen-Dollar-Projekts ansteckender und tödlicher zu machen - trotz der Befürchtungen, dass ähnliche Tests Covid entfesselt haben

Die Forschung beinhaltet die Infektion von Enten und Gänsen mit verschiedenen Virusstämmen, um sie infektiöser zu machen, und untersucht das Potenzial der Viren, "in Säugetierwirte zu springen", so Forschungsdokumente.
Es wird durch das US-Landwirtschaftsministerium finanziert und zusammenarbeitende Studien werden an Standorten in Georgia, Peking und Edinburgh in Schottland stattfinden.
Es kommt, obwohl ähnliche Forschung im Jahr 2022 eingeschränkt wurde und wachsende Bedenken, dass zweifelhafte chinesische Studien die Covid-Pandemie ausgelöst haben könnten.

Die Papiere zeigen, dass die Finanzierung der Vogelvirusforschung im April 2021 begann und bis März 2026 fortgesetzt werden soll.
Das USDA teilte dieser Website mit, dass das Projekt 2019 beantragt und 2020 genehmigt wurde.

Zu den spezifischen Viren, mit denen die Forscher arbeiten werden, gehören H5NX, H7N9 und H9N2.
Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2023 beschrieb H5NX-Viren als "hoch pathogen" mit der Fähigkeit, neurologische Komplikationen beim Menschen zu verursachen.
Der H7N9-Stamm infizierte Menschen und Tiere erstmals im März 2013 in China, und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation sagte, es sei besorgniserregend, "weil die meisten Patienten schwer krank geworden sind".

Verschiedene Aspekte der Forschung sollen an mehreren Standorten stattfinden, darunter Geflügelforschungszentren in Athen, Georgien, am Roslin Institute in Edinburgh und an der chinesischen Akademie in Peking.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇨🇦 ☭ 卐 ChiNada...
In what one scientist described as an “admission of epic proportions,” Health Canada on Thursday[Oct. 19. 2023] confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

The DNA contamination includes the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter and enhancer Pfizer did not previously disclose and that some experts say is a cancer risk due to potential integration with the human genome.

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🌎"Climate Change”🥴 CO² does NOT drive Global Warming 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
🌎 "Climate Change🥴
A 🔥💣BOMBSHELL new peer-reviewed study has provided conclusive scientific evidence proving that carbon dioxide (CO² ) emissions in Earth’s atmosphere cannot cause “Global Warming

Dr. Jan Kubicki led a group of world-renowned Polish scientists to study the impact of increases in CO² emissions on the Earth’s global temperatures.

However, not only did they find that higher levels of CO² made no difference, but they also proved that it simply isn’t possible for increases in carbon dioxide to cause temperatures to rise.

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The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions