Dr. Simon
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PhD in biotechnology. Sharing insights about health, nutrition, vitamin D, permaculture, and COVID madness.

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At this point, I believe in every conspiracy theory. If the Zionists can make the richest man on this planet obey, they control every damn aspect of our lives.
Guys. I need a name for my upcoming podcast series. My studio is halfway done. I hope I can launch in March. :)

Any ideas? :)
Why I Believe Academia is Dead: A Personal Story

When I was a postdoc at @wur, I supervised a PhD student who participated in a sandwich PhD program in Brazil and the Netherlands. She was married to a man who was also pursuing his PhD at both universities. Their conduct was utterly immoral - they included each other as co-authors in every publication they wrote. Additionally, their Brazilian supervisor coerced other PhD students into adding the woman's name as a co-author, thereby boosting her chances of advancing her career.

What matters in science is the so-called 'h-index'. My h-index means that in the last five years, I have had 24 publications with more than 24 citations each. Many universities and research institutes view this h-index as a key measure of a researcher's impact. And this is where the problem begins.

As a conscientious scientist, I was disturbed by the ethics of my PhD student and brought this up internally at the beginning of 2021. I was told that while it was morally incorrect, it was not a clear violation and that I should not talk about it. Soon after, my contract was terminated because I had publicly criticized the peer review process of Christian Drosten's PCR protocol, which did not occur, contradicting fundamental scientific principles.

Instead of supporting those who advocate for transparent and honest science, the system ultimately rewards those who are corrupt, deceitful, lie, and even shy away from the truth if it benefits their career.

Ultimately, I have concluded that science is nothing more than intellectual prostitution. One serves those who pay, ensuring that research findings align with what the funders most want to hear. Critical thinking and honesty, once the cornerstones of science, now belong to the past.

Therefore, I said: Goodbye academia, hello common sense.

False Friends

This article is highly concerning and shows why one cannot trust Dr. David Martin, and why 'The Wellness Company' (TWC) does not have good intentions.

Link to the article: https://mestuff.substack.com/p/excuse-me

I have been in some private chat groups with the brother of Dr. David Martin's friend and the co-owner of TWC, Daniel Lopez, and have since been blackmailed (with private statements about Malone, etc.) for writing critical posts about the company.

TWC Attack #1: https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1740932413075656862?s=46&t=MY6gbYtZwtL6TbnPbNeE-Q (Daniel Lopez)

TWC Attack #2: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/the-vitamin-wars (Naomi Wolf)

TWC Attack #3: https://palexander.substack.com/p/naomi-wolf-is-being-attacked-by-malone?publication_id=579356&post_id=140793126&isFreemail=true&r=1rfqgx&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email (Paul Alexander)

All those people are owned by Foster Coulson, the liberal CEO of TWC. They are on his payroll. Also Zelenko was owned by him and unfortunately also cared more about money than about your health (I got some interesting archived conversations with respect to his potentially harmful Z-Stack formulation).

I consider all of them, at the very least, to be controlled opposition. It's highly concerning that globalists and agenda pushers are perceived as freedom fighters by many people. And those who were on the right side of history for a very long time are being bought up by Coulson and Lopez one by one (Dr. Drew, Vigilant Fox, etc.).

Fun fact, I contacted some podcasts to run some ads for my genuine @sunfluencer supplements, and literally all of them are already sponsored by that company. Money is power. Money deceives. Money can buy almost everything and everyone (they’ll never be able to buy me though).

The enemy is from within. It's sickening and I’m losing my energy to be active on social media as we are on the losing streak.

Let me answer this question: First of all, Z-Stack comes without Vitamin K2, which, in the long term, could lead to the calcification of arteries. Also, the zinc content is much too high, which could also lead to adverse effects over time. Last but not least, the product does not contain magnesium, which is essential for vitamin D synthesis, and instead has high levels of quercetin, which in the long term could damage your intestinal mucosa. Everyone who has studied medicine should be aware of these metabolic effects. But it seems that Zelenko eventually wasn’t really in charge, but the CEO of The Wellness Company, Foster Coulson, was—which is no excuse for that bad product though.

On the other hand, their flawed product and their unwillingness to change the product's composition motivated me to found @sunfluencer. If they had listened to my advice instead of attacking me, I would never have started my journey to turn my words into actions and to design a product that I'm willing to put into my body every single day.

Simon @Goddek
Character Assassination

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with this situation. Once again, 'The Wellness Company' is attempting to tarnish my reputation. I would prefer to ignore it, but many people are forwarding me this screenshot, so I feel compelled to address it.

The individual who shared this is Daniel Lopez, who is the brother of Dave Lopez, the co-owner of The Wellness Company and their so-called watchdog. An anonymous account named 'Vigilant Fox', which is also owned by them, added Daniel Lopez to one of my X groups. In that group, just like in other groups, he took screenshots of everything, intending to use them for blackmail if people who are parts of these groups won’t comply with their agenda.

I am among those who refuse to succumb to their mafia-like tactics and their efforts to undermine the freedom movement. This includes the actions of the liberal douche and TWC owner, Foster Coulson, who is also a buddy of Justin Trudeau. Coulson has been buying off individuals such as McCullough, Naomi Wolf, Vigilant Fox, Dr. Drew, Trump Jr., and even Rumble. As I've mentioned before, they don’t care about your health but purely about money.

As a scientist, I feel compelled to denounce their practices and potentially dangerous products, just as I have spoken out against gene therapies. These individuals are no better than Pfizer and Co.!

However, their tactics are even more despicable! They engage in character assassination, release messages from private chats, blackmail, etc. Similar to Big Pharma, they are also supported by billions of dollars, a force I cannot contend with as an individual.

Ultimately, I would like to put the screenshot in context. The group discusses the Twitter algorithm, where I and others theorize about how the algorithm functions. My post was commenting on the rapid accumulation of likes on Dr. Loupis's posts, a fact Daniel Lopez was aware of, yet he still attempts to publicly frame me as an antisemite. The situation is so appalling, it's beyond belief.

Best regards,
This is the ALT Text of Biden’s last post. What is the intern who apparently has access to his account trying to tell us?
🇦🇺 This is nothing but child abuse. Doctors who carry out such ‘gender affirmations’ belong in jail.

No sooner had the far-right politician Navalny, who had referred to Muslims as cockroaches that must be exterminated, died in a Russian prison, than all the warmongering politicians began speaking out, demanding revenge.

▪️Where were they when Gonzalo Lira died in a Ukrainian prison?

▪️ Where were they over the last 15 years when Julian Assange was deprived of his freedom for publishing the truth?

▪️ Where were they when we were told that Epstein had killed himself?

These politicians are not interested in the truth. They want a Third World War against Russia, accusing it of the very actions they have engaged in for decades: waging wars of aggression, election fraud, suppressing the opposition, committing war crimes, and orchestrating assassinations.

Please open Telegram to view this post
Did you know that a toilet seat has 50 bacteria per square inch, while a kitchen sponge has 10 million bacteria per square inch?
WAIT... WHAT???????

What I post on social media is 100% my personal conviction, and I embrace all other users who express their opinions here, whether I agree with them or not.

However, what I despise are mouthpieces whose opinions are for sale. And unfortunately, there are many of them—on all sides.

🇩🇪 The German government agency Robert Koch Institut, responsible for disease control, was legally compelled to publish its COVID protocols.

These protocols, which formed the basis for infringements on basic rights, were made available to the public and mostly looked as follows.

How many more reasons will they come up with before they finally discover the elephant in the room?


Imagine a country where the fate of every citizen is in the hands of one person. Imagine that this person can decide about your entire life, whether you will be imprisoned or not, whether you can have a bank account or not, whether you can access the internet or not.

This person is not the head of the executive or the legislative branch, nor are they the Chief Justice of the country's Supreme Court. But their command is enough. Their decisions do not need to be justified; they are secret and inaccessible. And all these actions are defended by people who claim to be for the good of democracy and against fascism. Well, this place is called Brazil.

In light of this, one is reminded of a statement from one of the greatest jurists this country has ever had, "The worst dictatorship is the dictatorship of the Judiciary. There is no one to appeal to against it." The famous phrase uttered by Dr. Ruy Barbosa, the patron of Brazilian law, remains to this day the most modern statement ever made on Brazilian soil.

The recent decisions made by the current minister of the STF and president of the Superior Electoral Tribunal, in addition to completely distorting the Brazilian constitution, restrict all the freedoms won by the San José pact of Costa Rica and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In the democracy of Alexandre de Moraes, there is no Due Process of Law. He himself is the president of the police inquiry, the public prosecutor, and the adjudicating body. His targets range from YouTubers (Monark was banned from all social networks without access to the process that condemned him by Alexandre de Moraes) to 70-year-old ladies with a Bible in hand and a rosary asking for God's protection (some ladies received sentences of more than 8 years for the events of January 8th, astonishingly!).

Among other actions, the one that stands out the most is the recent inclusion of Elon Musk, officially, without the request of the Federal Prosecutor and Police Chief, arbitrarily violating the Due Process of Law, in the fake news inquiry, simply for questioning the censorship in Brazil committed by Alexandre de Moraes.

Given this fact, we see a country kneeling before a man who was not democratically elected, who commands and dictates all spheres of national powers, going beyond his competence and making no effort to keep even those non-nationals with significant financial power on their knees. Who will stop Moraes?

This is the new Bolivarian Republic of Brazil 2024.
🇳🇱 I have confronted the Dutch virologist Marion Koopmans many times regarding her involvement in the fraudulent Covid PCR protocol, scientific corruption, and her links to the Chinese Communist Party and the Wuhan Lab. She has NEVER replied to any well-documented accusation.

But when I called her a WITCH for supporting the global pandemic agreement today, she felt compelled to reply. What a despicable bottom feeder.

Link to my post: https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1778470566938210748


Thx to Official 1984 for letting me put his name on my memes so I won’t be arrested in Brazil for making them. 😂
What would you ask xit?
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