COVID-19 Vaccination - HPA
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Latest updates on COVID-19 by Health Protection Agency
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We will have a press conference at 10:00pm tonight with:

▫️Ahmed Nasir, Director, Public Health Inspectorate section, HPA

▫️Athiya Naseer, Minister of State for Education

▫️Superintendent of Police Hussain Sameer, Head of Traffic Management Department

Live on all TV channels.
✳️ COVID-19 : Case Updates

As of 13.02.2021, 06:00 PM

Malé area: 101
Inhabited islands: 15
Operational Resorts: 6
Non-operational Resorts: 0
Live aboard: 14
Islands under development: 0
Industrial islands: 73

Total number of cases: 209
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination updates
*️⃣ Tomorrow #COVID19 vaccination starts for all aged 50 & above and for high-risk groups between the age of 18 to 50.
ކޯވިޑް-19 ފެތުރުން ހުއްޓުވުމަށް އަންނަނިވި ހާލަތްތަކަށް ހުށަހެޅުނަ ނުދިނުން:

🚫 ގިނަ މީހުން އެއްވެ އުޅޭ ތަންތަން

🚫 ކައިރި ކައިރީގައި ތިބެގެން މުއާމަލާތް ކުރުން

🚫 ވައި ދައުރުނުވާ ގޮތަށް ބަންދުވެފައި ހުންނަ ތަންތަން

ތިމާގެ ކޮންޓެކްޓް ބަބުލް ކުޑަކުރުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރޭ
In tonight’s HEOC press conference at 10:00pm:

▫️Dr Ibrahim Afzal, Epidemiologist, HPA

▫️Fathimath Himya, Secretary General, Maldivian Red Crescent.
✳️ COVID-19 : Case Updates

As of 14.02.2021, 06:00 PM

Malé area: 81
Inhabited islands: 11
Operational Resorts: 14
Non-operational Resorts: 0
Live aboard: 0
Islands under development: 1
Industrial islands: 5

Total number of cases: 112
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination updates
Why must ALL elderly & high-risk people get #COVID19 vaccine?

It decreases severity of disease by 100%

*️⃣ Visit the following vaccination centers :
Our #COVID19 hotline, 1676 is currently experiencing technical difficulties.

We will be resuming calls as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Our #COVID19 hotline, 1676 has resumed services.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
📣 މިހާރުން ފަށައިގެން ކޯވިޑް-19 ވެކްސިން އުމުރުން 45 އަހަރުން މަތީގެ

އެންމެންނަށް ލިބޭނެ.

18އާއި 45 އަހަރު ދެމެދު އުމުރުފުރައިގެ މީހުންގެ ތެރެއިން ދިގު މުއްދަތަށް

ބޭސްފަރުވާ ކުރާ މީހުންނަށް ވެކްސިން ދިނުން ކުރިއަށް ގެންދެވޭނެ.
In tonight’s HEOC press conference at 10:00pm:

▫️Ahmed Nasir, Director, Health Protection Agency

▫️Mohamed Hamzath, Vaccine Operations
✳️ COVID-19 : Case Updates

As of 15.02.2021, 06:00 PM

Malé area: 104
Inhabited islands: 14
Operational Resorts: 6
Non-operational Resorts: 0
Live aboard: 0
Islands under development: 0
Industrial islands: 1

Total number of cases: 125
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination updates
*️⃣ Vaccination open for:

- Everyone over 45 years of age.

- High risk groups between 18-45 years.
*️⃣ Vaccination open for:

- Everyone over 45 years of age.

- High risk groups between 18-45 years.

Vaccination in Villimale’ till 1pm.
🔹Dhamanaveshi Mobile Team (DMT) has started to vaccinate bed-ridden patients in Male’.

🔸 Provide contact information through 1676 for this service.
Participate in voluntary sampling.

Identifying your status protects others around you, including those at high risk 💖
✳️ 2 ފެބްރުވަރީ 2021 ގައި އަންގާފައިވާ ނަންބަރު 2/2021 އެންގުމުގެ
ދަށުން ކޯވިޑް-19 އިން ރައްކައުތެރިވުމަށް މާލެ ސަރައްހަދުގައި އަޅާފައިވާ
ފިޔަވަޅުތައް އިތުރު 14 ދުވަހުގެ މުއްދަތަށް އިތުރުކުރަން ނިންމުން
ނަންބަރު 8/2021)

އިތުރު މަޢުލޫމާތު:
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