COVID-19 Vaccination - HPA
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Latest updates on COVID-19 by Health Protection Agency
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✳️ ޑރ. ޢަބްދުއްޞަމަދު މެމޯރިއަލް ހޮސްޕިޓަލްގައި ފަރުވާދެމުން ދިޔަ ގދ. ގައްދޫއަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ 93 އަހަރުގެ ފިރިހެންމީހާ ނިޔާވުމާ ގުޅޭ:
✳️ 12 ފެބުރުވަރީ 2021 ގައި އަންގާފައިވާ ނަންބަރު
6/2021 އެންގުމުގެ ދަށުން ކޯވިޑް-19 އިން ރައްކައުތެރިވުމަށް ފުވައްމުލައް ސިޓީގައި އަޅާފައިވާ ޚާއްޞަ ފިޔަވަޅުތައް އިތުރު 7 ދުވަހުގެ މުއްދަތަށް އިތުރުކުރަން ނިންމުން (އިޢުލާން ނަންބަރު:
އިތުރު މަޢުލޫމާތު:
Organizations and companies can register their members and staff by contacting the relevant authorities to set up appointments for group vaccinations
*️⃣ Vaccination continues for:

- Everyone over 35 years of age.

- High risk groups between 18-35 years.

You will get your 2nd dose of COVISHIELD after 8 weeks from receiving the 1st dose.
*️⃣ Vaccination continues for:

- Everyone over 35 years of age.

- High risk groups between 18-35 years.

You will get your 2nd dose of COVISHIELD after 8 weeks from receiving the 1st dose.
Last night at 01:04am, a 63-year-old Maldivian female admitted in DH11 has passed away.

This is the 59th COVID-19 death in the Maldives

Our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved family. May Allah grant her soul eternal peace in heaven
Today at 10:28am, a 67-year-old Maldivian male admitted in DH11 has passed away.

This is the 60th COVID-19 death in the Maldives

Our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved family. May Allah grant his soul eternal peace in heaven
RT @mrc_mlb:

#COVID19 Vaccination Registration for Migrant Workers Announcement in Hindi & Tamil for circulation.

Workers without a valid work permit can register with Maldivian Red Crescent.

To get an appointment for registration, please call 3307665.
RT @mrc_mlb:

#COVID19 Vaccination Registration for Migrant Workers Announcement in Bangla for circulation.

Workers without a valid work permit can register with @maldivianrc

To get an appointment for registration, please call 3307665.
In tonight’s HEOC press conference at 10:00pm:

▫️Ahmed Nasir, Director, Health Protection Agency

▫️Dr Nazla Musthafa, Chairperson, Adverse Events Following Immunization Committee
✳️ COVID-19 : Case Updates

As of 20.02.2021, 06:00 PM

Malé area: 89
Inhabited islands: 22
Operational Resorts: 32
Non-operational Resorts: 0
Live aboard: 2
Islands under development: 0
Industrial islands: 0

Total number of cases: 145
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination updates
*️⃣ Vaccination continues for:

- Everyone over 35 years of age.

- High risk groups between 18-35 years.

Migrant workers without documentation can register with Maldivian Red Crescent for #COVID19 vaccination.


Call center open from 10am - 5pm, Sat to Thurs
މިވަގުތުން ފަށައިގެން ކޯވިޑް-19 ވެކްސިން އުމުރުން 30 އަހަރުން މަތީގެ އެންމެންނަށް ލިބޭނެ.

18އާއި 30 އަހަރު ދެމެދު އުމުރުފުރައިގެ މީހުންގެ ތެރެއިން ދިގު މުއްދަތަށް ބޭސްފަރުވާ ކުރާ މީހުންނަށް ވެކްސިން ދިނުން ކުރިއަށް ގެންދެވޭނެ.
In tonight’s HEOC press conference at 10:00pm:

▫️Dr. Fathimath Nazla Rafeeg, Spokesperson

▫️Dr Ahmed Faisal, Chairperson, Maldives Technical Advisory Group on Immunization
މިވަގުތު މާލެ ސަރަހައްދުގައި ދިރިއުޅޭ އުމުރުން ދުވަސްވީ މީހުންނާއި ބައްޔެއް ނުވަތަ ނުކުޅުދުންތެރިކަމެއްގެ ސަބަބުން އެނދުމަތިކުރެވިފައިވާ މީހުން ބެލެހެއްޓުމުގައި އުޅޭ މީހުން ކޯވިޑް-19 ވެކްސިން ޖެހުން
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