COVID-19 Vaccination - HPA
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Latest updates on COVID-19 by Health Protection Agency
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New categories have been added to the Pfizer vaccine eligibility criteria.

For registration:

Pfizer vaccination will begin on 11th April, by appointment only for registered individuals.
"Registration for Pfizer vaccine is open.

For more details:
For registration:" - Health Protection Agency
✳️ COVID-19 : Case Updates
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination Updates

09.04.2021, 06:00 PM

Number of people who have received the first dose -
Greater Malé Area: 0
Atolls: 2,560

Number of people who have received the second dose -
Greater Malé Area: 0
Atolls: 180
People travelling to their registered islands for LCE must adhere to the guidelines set in place for the safety of everyone.

For more details:

COVID-19 can spread easily. We advice everyone to practice all precautions.
Take precautions
COVID-19 can spread easily.

Remember to wear your mask, keep 3ft distancing and wash or sanitize your hands frequently.

Take all necessary precautions to keep yourself and people around you safe.
People in quarantine and isolation must follow the following guidelines when attending LCE.

For more details:

We advice everyone to practice all precautions, for your safety and for the safety of those around you.
Tomorrow, the second dose of vaccination (Covishield) open for:

▫️People who received first dose between 1-11 Feb.

▫️People who received first dose 8 weeks prior.

▫️People who need to travel overseas after 4 weeks from receiving first dose (travel itinerary required)
Vaccine Centers & timings:

❗️Social Center will be closed for vaccination tomorrow
Tomorrow, the second dose of vaccination (Covishield) open for:

▫️People who received first dose between 1-14 Feb.

▫️People who received first dose 8 weeks prior.

▫️People who need to travel overseas after 4 weeks from receiving first dose (travel itinerary required)
Vaccine Centers & timings:

❗️Social Center will be closed for vaccination tomorrow
*️⃣ Vaccination Centers & timing for Sinopharm (first dose):
‘ފައިޒަރ’ ވެކްސިން ދިނުން މާދަމާ ފެށޭއިރު މި ވެކްސިން ޖެހުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައިވަނީ ރެޖިސްޓްރީ ކުރައްވާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް. ލިބިފައިވަނީ ފައިޒަރ ވެކްސިންގެ މަދު އަދަދެއްގެ ސްޓޮކެެއް. ވެކްސިން ޖެއްސެވުމަށްޓަކައި ކަނޑައެޅިފައިވާ ކެޓަގަރީތަކުގައި ހިމެނޭ ބޭފުޅުން އަވަހަށް ރަޖިސްޓްރީ ކުރައްވާ.
އިތުރު މަޢުލޫމާތަށް:

ރަޖިސްޓްރީ ކުރުމަށް:
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination Updates

10.04.2021, 06:00 PM

Number of people who have received the first dose -
Greater Malé Area: 0
Atolls: 664

Number of people who have received the second dose -
Greater Malé Area: 0
Atolls: 163
Vaccination is open for:

▫️1st dose (Sinopharm) for people between 18-60 who have not been vaccinated
▫️2nd dose (Covishield) for people who received their first dose between 1-14 February
▫️First dose (Pfizer) for pre-registered people by appointment only

Vaccine checklist
How to Cut in iMovie