COVID-19 Vaccination - HPA
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Latest updates on COVID-19 by Health Protection Agency
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Vice President Mr.Faisal Naseem co-chaired the Health Emergency Coordination Committee meeting and discussed ways to address and strengthen measures to control current surge in cases @MoHmv @presidencymv
⭕️ Cleaning and disinfecting with bleach solution can help to stay safe from COVID-19

It helps kill viruses and bacteria and prevents spread of diseases through surfaces.
HEOC’s press conference tonight at 10:00pm
hpa_mv (Twitter)
✳️ COVID-19 : Case Updates
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination Updates


Number of people who have received the first dose -
Greater Malé Area: 245
Atolls: 766

Number of people who have received the second dose -
Greater Malé Area: 597
Atolls: 4,681
ކޯވިޑް-19 ގެ ހާލަތުން ރައްކާތެރިވުމަށް އަޅަމުންދާ ފިޔަވަޅުތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން، 6 މެއި 2021 ގައި މާލެ ސަރަޙައްދުގައި (މާލެ، ހުޅުމާލެ، ވިލިމާލެ) ރޭގަނޑު 9:00 ން ފަތިހު 4:00 އަށް ކާފިއު ހިންގުމަށްވަނީ ނިންމާފަ. (1/2)
މި ވަގުތުތަކުގައި ހިނގާބިނގާވެ އުޅުމާއި ދުއްވާ އެއްޗެހި ދުއްވުމަކީ މަނާކަމެއް. އަދި ޟަރޫރީ ބޭނުމަށާއި ޑެލިވަރީގެ ޙިދުމަތްތަކަށް ފުލުހުން ހުއްދަ ދޫކުރަމުން ގެންދާނެ. (2/2)
In our efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19, a curfew will be imposed in the Greater Malé Area (Malé, Hulhumalé, Villimalé) from 9 p.m. to 4.a.m. starting today (May 6, 2021). Police will continue to issue permits for delivery services and other essential needs.
hpa_mv (Twitter)
މާލެ ސަރަޙައްދުގައި މަގުމައްޗާއި އާންމު ތަންތަނަށް ނުކުމެއުޅުމާއި އެއްގަމު އުޅަނދުފަހަރު ދުއްވުން މަނާ ވަގުތު ކަނޑައަޅުން:
In order to restrict movement, exercise classes will be halted, gyms, cinemas & salons will be temporarily closed effective from 7th May 2021.

(Notice: 36/2021)
*️⃣Vaccination centers in greater Male’ area will be closed today (6 May 2021)
hpa_mv (Twitter)
Check your PCR test results online at
hpa_mv (Twitter)
✳️ COVID-19 : Case Updates
*️⃣ COVID-19 : Vaccination Updates


Number of people who have received the first dose -
Greater Malé Area: 325
Atolls: 457

Number of people who have received the second dose -
Greater Malé Area: 488
Atolls: 3,575
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions