COVID-19 Vaccination - HPA
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RT @KRHmv: Minister of State for Health at @MoHmv launches the Measles-Rubella Campaign of @HPA_MV during the Migrant Health Camp collaboratively organized by @HPA_MV @mmwmaldives @SHE_Maldives @pilcmv. The campaign aims to close the vaccination gap. @governmentmv @presidencymv
RT @KRHmv: State Minister Ahmed Gasim accompanied by Financial Executive of @MoHmv Chief Accounts Executive, Ahmed Eman visits Kulhudhuffushi City in an official capacity as we celebrate World Aids Day 2023 activities. The delegation was welcomed by the Acting Head of KRH, Financial Executive, Mohamed Moosa, and Senior officials from @HPA_MV and KRH. @governmentmv @presidencymv
Try these home remedies to ease symptoms and boost your recovery.
ނަފްސާނީ ދުޅަހެޔޮކަމަށް މަސައްކަތް ކުރެވޭނީ ތިބާއާއި އެހެންމީހުންގެ ނަފްސާނީ ސިއްޙަތަށް އިޙްތިރާމް ކޮށްގެން. #Kihineh #OnMyMind
މީސްލްސް އަދި ރުބެއްލާ (އެމްއާރް) ވެކްސިން ކެމްޕެއިންގެ ދަށުން ވެކްސިން ދިނުމާއި ގުޅޭ.
މާލެ ސަރަޙައްދުގައި މީސްލްސް އަދި ރުބެއްލާ (އެމްއާރް) ވެކްސިންދޭ ގަޑިތަކާއި މަރުކަޒުތައް
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