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Forwarded from Nicholas J. Fuentes
Censorship is so central to the "anatomy" of our political problems— for platforms like Twitter and Rumble to be "liberated" and give streaming, video, and short-form content capability back to independent, "dissenting" creators is a watershed development since internet censorship began in ~2017.
Forwarded from Joel Davis
Before we can flex serious political power as a movement we must first generate cultural power over political discourse, this is why activism (both in real life and online) strategically directed towards interfacing with the mass political mainstream needs to be our primary focus right now. We need to push right-wing political consciousness into incompatibility with centre-right party politics, this is how we generate a climate in which radical-right party politics will gain traction.
Elon said he supports legal immigration, so get ready for the geniuses to start patting themselves on the back for bravely holding the line and reminding everyone he's not a national socialist when others enjoyed his 13/50 posting
Forwarded from Joel Davis
What does this even mean? Musk drew attention to something which is good to draw attention to, we enjoyed it, somehow we were "played" because this caused us to ???
I really don't get how someone can argue "the masses are already redpilled" and just waiting for a nationalist electoral option:

81 percent of Americans disapprove of racial profiling by police

Majority of Americans say society is "racist"

81% of Americans considered the use of force against George Floyd unjustified

93% of British people think you don't need to be white to be British. 89% would support their child race mixing.

76% of Americans say racial discrimination is a "big problem" in America today

94% approval for racial intermarriage

There are plenty of competent nationalist parties in Europe with the right messaging who cannot make a dent electorally. Mark Collett recently did a series of posts showing how badly patriotic parties got wiped out in the UK in local elections. The Irish National Party have ideal messaging and optics but that hasn't translated until any electoral success yet because of where the public is.

Learning inconvenient facts about race and crime might seem like old hat to people like us but that doesn't mean the public is also taking it for granted. Twitter used to ban people for talking about the demographics of crime and now the richest man in the world and almost every big conservative influence is willing to discuss it. Acknowledging that's a positive development and still pushing our other talking points isn't 'falling for" anything.
It's not just an issue of exposure. Most British people knew about the BNP by 2010 but they never got more than 2 percent of the vote. At their peak, Golden Dawn never polled over 10 percent. The Slovakian People's Party got 8 percent of the vote in the last national election which is admirable but still a long way off supporting what Striker suggests, and that's in a country that hasn't had decades of the civil rights regime and anglophone media brainwashing.

The mass of polling data shows quite clearly that the masses hold egalitarian racial views and oppose things like racial profiling. I understand arguing people are just answering this way for fear of having the wrong answer, but do we really think the public hasn't moved massively towards egalitarian attitudes since the civil rights era? If the masses are redpilled how could 'same sex marriage' get 62 percent approval in a referendum in Ireland?
How were Golden Dawn ascendant in Greece? They peaked in support in 2014 and in the national election in 2019 they polled under 3 percent and lost all of their seats in the Greek parliament. Maybe you can argue this for Kotleba, but again, public attitudes are radically different in the anglophone world from Slovakia.
Edit: I should add Golden Dawn were already facing a lot of state repression prior to 2019, nevertheless they never achieved more than 10 percent support and their later iterations were blown out.

As for the media attacks on the BNP, this mostly consisted of calling them racist and associating them with Nazism. If the masses were redpilled in the way Striker is suggesting this should have helped their popularity!

Obviously I support the rest of what Striker says as far as getting our message directly to people, but we have to be honest about the fact that the majority of white people are still a long way from rejecting liberalism and racial egalitarianism. Things like normalising discussing the demographics of crime is a big stepping stone.
"Whatever strategy they are pursuing by fanning Elon's balls"

Who is doing that? All I've seen is our guys saying "hey, isn't it cool that Musk is putting attention on some of our talking points?"

"Honestly, at this point you should just adopt our takes if for no other reason than not looking dumb and losing clout online"

I don't think people that are happy about seeing some of our talking points mainstreamed are saying it for clout. If anything it's the anons who were celebrating it as a neat little development while the e-celebs were all tripping over themselves to point out Elon isn't going to save us and he's going to say something cringe, as if it took any foresight to "call" either of those things.

I would suggest that the people obsessed with their own clout are more likely to be staying in their corner of the internet pointing out how everything isn't pure enough for them than be leaning into trends trying to force the basics of our worldview into public discourse.

I think Mike and the rest of TRS got burned from hanging onto Trumpism too long and now they project this onto everything. Ultimately no one got burned from Elon endorsing immigration. He's not a politician, no one is putting aside their activism trusting Elon to handle things. No one told anyone Elon had a secret plan to close the border. Literally no one is or was ever under the illusion that Elon is a secret national socialist, so this whole thing is directed against a strawman. Like what is even the argument here? Elon isn't a nationalist so no one can say it's a positive development if he helps normalise discussions of race and crime?
Me sitting down to write a heavily sourced Telegram effort post disagreeing with an e-celeb on the minutia of political strategy
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RTE segment on hate speech legislation. Covers and Elon Musk and Trump jr.'s response to my tweet, and the thought crime aspect of the bill that my tweet brought attention to.
Forwarded from Pox Populi
Keith is right here.

The online right seems to have Hannibal Barca Syndrome. It is incapable of seizing opportunities and taking advantage of victories, preferring instead to linger in the provinces of hot takes, theoryceldom, and most concerning of all, entertainment.

I understand and agree with those who warn against getting too excited about or putting too much faith in public figures.

At the same time, we should also be a bit more discerning and be capable of recognising genuine positives and opportunities, and capitalising on them.
"The fact that this argument contains within it an admission that Elon Musk's twitter does in fact censor grants our point. Musk's twitter is not a free speech zone."

This is a strawman. No one on our side argued that Musk is a free speech hero or our guy. I've brought attention to the ongoing censorship on my own account.

"They already understand racial issues and are desperate for representation on them."

I just fundamentally disagree with this take that "the masses are already redpilled". We have no reason to believe conservatives who parrot talking points from conservative media are secret WNs. The claim that the only reason a nationalist party hasn't achieved power yet is lack of awareness of their existence is implausible in the extreme to me.

I think this is the foundation of the disagreement here. If you think the masses already share our worldview I understand why you would see overton window shifting events as meaningless and downplay the value of being in the fight on these platforms.

"I may be wrong about what Musk's specific agenda is, and if you think so fine, but at least address the actual argument. We can discuss it"

What argument specifically? In the post of yours that I responded to, you said it was a gigantic blow to everyone's clout who thought it was a good thing Musk was highlighting black crime statistics because he then posted something approving of immigration. No one ever explained why that is the case. How am I being played if I think him drawing attention to that issue is a good thing while being aware that he is a libertarian? If the argument you want addressed now is just that Musk censors people, who said otherwise?

"The strategic value of adapting to that, meaning neutering yourself to stay online, is not even an argument I am having. It's not about being savvy enough to detect conservative red lines and stay within them."

No one made this argument either. Joel wasn't arguing that it's proof you're ineffective if you got banned or telling you to moderate your rhetoric, he was arguing our guys should be making alt accounts and working at ways to circumvent censorship instead of just complaining about it. And to be fair, considering I've been months encouraging my audience to stay in the fight and be on the big platforms pushing our talking points, I think it's fair to expect full time activists to do the same.

While Elon Twitter is censoring orgs like NJP and PA, Joel is correct that the day to day censorship of posts and ban evasion is more lenient. Before I got my old account back I was there for months on an alt and I never held back on my talking points.

I don't know why people are acting like anyone was arguing Elon is some sort of a saviour figure or that we have somehow embraced conservatism because we're happy about some of our talking points entering the conversation. I also don't understand why NJP representatives think this disagreement is so serious that they are now sharing gutter hitpieces directed at myself and Joel.
I don't think there is an innocent explanation for the ongoing censorship at Twitter and have never defended it. The Musk regime has relaxed general censorship while targeting nationalist activists. This is better than the previous regime, when we were all banned, but it is still a failure by Musk to deliver on his promise of a free Twitter.

And is Warren Balogh no longer a representative of NJP? He shared a gutter hitpiece on his channel today.
When I say "day to day" censorship I mean less people are catching bans for specific posts. People that used to get banned regularly on alt accounts have lasted months under Musk. If you want a more specific analysis on the state of twitter right now here's how I would break it down:

- URL censorship of specific orgs including your own
- Specific white advocates banned for their ideology, such as Kevin MacDonald. Many others not restored (though this isn't any worse than the previous regime)

- Seems to be no shadow banning on our guys now
- Many nationalist accounts reinstated
- Less censorship on Tweets generally (what I meant by day to day censorship)
- Community notes feature fact-checking liberal media narratives and posts about race

Overall there has been a climate where more counter-regime narratives and posts trend than before. An example was after the Jordan Neely thing Twitter was full of posts blowing up about rates of black crime.
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Communists from the Revolutionary Housing League are trying to get migrants to squat in derelict houses in working class areas

Watch what happens when locals show up
This doesn't sound promising
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