Keith Woods
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Forwarded from Laura Towler
Never forget that Konstantin Kisin (Jewish) told a White victim of child rape and sexual abuse that she couldn’t collectivise with her people to defend herself because of what happened to his people during the Holocaust
My interview with National Party leader Justin Barrett is back up on YouTube. Really enjoyed this one!
Forwarded from Nicholas J. Fuentes
Forwarded from Joel Davis
Leather Apron Club will join me on youtube and cozy 10am tomorrow Australian Eastern time (8pm tonight US Eastern time) to discuss how the conservative opinion-media sphere is reacting to the radical dialectic of "wokeness" and white identity politics. We'll see you then, and feel free to send me a superchat if you want to ask us a question on air.
Conservatives celebrating that the Super Mario movie is making money and wasn't pozzed really shows how low the bar is
Keith Woods
What are you doing to support the spread of your political beliefs?
According to this poll one third of you contribute nothing. I don't get how you can be redpilled and it not translate into enough conviction to even make a twitter or contribute the price of a coffee. Just passively consuming content while your civilization burns.

I get not everyone can get involved irl but anyone can do at least one thing on that list.
Forwarded from 🌐
One of the great things about moving on TikTok/Instagram/YouTube shorts using condensed but informative short-form content is that we are moving out of the echo chamber we have been stuck in for several years now.

You see, since mass censorship began after our 2016 ideological and real life victories we have been further and further confined into platforms which are only inhabited by people who already know the truth.

Due to our demonstrably correct truths about "the great replacement", the financial system or overrepresented Jewish power being BANNED by mainstream platforms over this time, this has lead to very normal opinions from even 20+ years now being seen as "extreme" or "far-right", when in reality it is the elite's power structures that are determining the goalposts.

From my perspective this had led to somewhat stagnated viewing numbers/livestream engagement because you can only listen to the same talking points over and over again before becoming bored and frustrated, as you are hearing the truth but not seeing real life positive change.

One of the best things about producing content is seeing that other people agree with you, or say they enjoyed the work that you produced. When you are confined to a lesser space and long-term engagement and growth dries out, you eventually become demoralised with more effort constituting lower reward, resulting in so-called "burnout".

By producing short form, fun & engaging content on these popular platforms we are now accessing yet again our fair and rightful place within the mainstream. You will find on TikTok ordinary working people are loving content that is shared around Telegram echo chambers, but simply spliced and edited to appeal to their attention spans.

Teenagers are now getting redpilled on TikTok like most of us got redpilled on YouTube in 2015-17 before censorship on that platform really started taking off..

Some videos of Mark Collett on the platform have nearly 1 million views with over 30,000 likes... Can the BBC or Sky News pull in these sorts of numbers when they are criticising our talking points? They'll be lucky to even get a positive like/dislike ratio!

Furthermore, you would be surprised at how lacklustre the censorship is if you PLAY THE GAME.. Don't be stupid when publishing titles or slurs etc. because you will be banned, but if you are subtle you can get videos through that resonate with MILLIONS, thus reaffirming our rightful place within the mainstream.

If you get banned.. so what? Just make a new account or 3 and keep uploading the exact same reels with different titles and hashtags. They can't ban all of us.. If every nationalist made an effort to clip up content using very cheap and easy to use editing apps such as or CapCut we could take the internet by storm again thus reigniting the crazy energy we all felt during the 2016 Trump Election or Nick Fuentes' 2019 Groyper Wars.

If you produce good content, it is IMPOSSIBLE not to go viral.. There are no excuses for not participating in this.

You can follow me on TikTok here as this is where the majority of my future work will be:

Thank you for subbing.

Could we be witnessing a "second wave" of mass political awakening to the right similar to 2015/16? Some factors:

- Growth of short form content favouring anti-woke messaging (Tate, Whatever podcast etc.)

- Elon Twitter relaxing censorship

- Growth of a presence on alt-tech/more competitive alt-tech platforms like Rumble and Telegram

- Left making the unpopular trans issue central to their platform

- Uninterrupted Democrat rule in the US: alt-right came after 8 years of Obama. Democrats will win again in 24.

- General fatigue over black crime (Scott Adams effect)
Banned off TikTok already 😐
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