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Forwarded from Blair Cottrell
Media is too big
All awards, status & validations handed out by this system are insipid and meaningless. You’d have to be corrupt or stupid to accept it.
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"I believe in the death & destruction of white people, each & every one of them."
A black leader talks openly about the need to kill white children, yet the media tells us that those who say 'White Lives Matter' are the greatest threat to democracy & national security!
Forwarded from White Papers
"Future Food"

Food is a financial commodity first, and life sustaining nourishment second. In the modern finance-driven-capitalist system, the neoliberal system, agricultural land and food itself have become financial commodities which are traded by banks and hedgefunds such as Goldmann Sachs and Blackrock.

In Europe pension funds invest billions of Euros of retirees money into the agriculture market which results in increased prices for food and agricultural products. These very price increases, which the pension funds profit from, then effect the pensioners who are inveriably told the fund simply "cannot afford" to increase their benefits.

The financialisation of the agriculture and food commodities markets has already contributed to one major crisis, the 2008 food price crisis, which saw investors hold onto billions of tonnes of agricultural products as they watched prices increase and their profits shoot through the roof.

Speculative capital ran riot with the global food supply.

The food we eat, particularly here in the West and in the developing world, is held hostage by rapacious, often Jewish, middlemen who chase profit for themselves at the expense of both farmer and the population.

Middlemen more concerned with "shareholder value" than with an agricultural sector focused on feeding the nation and providing income for family and medium sized farmers.

The middleman must be cut out, financialisation must be brought under control and the exchanges, which have existed for hundreds of years, restored to their core function which is to ensure profits for farmers, stable prices, and food on the shelves for the population.
Can't afford to heat your home because of the Conservative Government's disastrous policies?
Well, don't use a wood burner, as the Conservatives are criminalising them.
The Conservatives would clearly rather you freeze to death in your own home.
Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE at 7pm UK time (2pm EST) with special guests Emily Youcis & Laura Towler.
- Black cops kill a black man & 'racism' is to blame
- Real world activism in the UK & the US
- Pensioner has her throat slit by migrant that she housed
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:
Everyone involved in this anti-white discrimination will get away with it, because the system itself is anti-white.
If any other racial group had faced such discrimination there would be an enquiry, people would lose their jobs and politicians would line up to call for change.
This is Shahin Darvish-Narenjbon, a failed asylum seeker who murdered an 87-year-old pensioner in an act of 'appalling brutality' after she took him into her home & treated him 'like a grandson'. Despite his crimes & failed asylum application, he will NOT be deported.
The irony of today's industrial action is that many of those striking due to rising fuel costs, inflation & falling wages support the establishment position on the Ukraine war, open borders & the restrictive climate change policies that have caused the cost of living crisis.
This is Tedi Fanta, an Etriean migrant who was settled in Swansea. He armed himself with a knife and travelled to London, where he carried out a frenized attack on a random victim. At the time of the attack he was on police bail for carrying a weapon.
Open borders destroy lives.
Mood of the Nation is live tonight on Odysee at 6pm UK time (1pm EST). Tonight, I will be talking about the upcoming demo this Sunday.

See you then, troops.


These 'refugees' have lost everything, including their women and children. Luckily, they managed to save their smartphones and cigarettes.
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Zelensky calls for preemptive nuclear strikes on Moscow, an act that would lead to nuclear war & billions dying.
This is the man that the mainstream media & Western politicians are calling a 'hero'.
Forwarded from Vincent James
Jordan Peterson starts working for Ben Shapiro and all of a sudden starts advocating for a regime change war in Iran.

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A large black boy rains down blows on a small white girl on a school bus in a vicious beating.
Remember, if the races were reversed, this would be front page news & politicians would be lining up asking for answers.
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Poland protects its borders. By protecting its borders Poland protects its people, its culture, its heritage and its future.
Yesterday, 10 activists from the South East did another double banner drop on a bridge over the M25.

We started the day with a short hike which acted as a great icebreaker for all the newcomers who came from as far as the Isle of Wight. Despite the grey clouds, we were blessed with crisp winter air and perfect wind for the flags and banners.

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Forwarded from Laura Towler
LIVESTREAM: Patriotic Alternative January Update - with Laura Towler and special guest hosts Kenny Smith and Sam Melia

Join us at 7pm GMT as we report on Patriotic Alternative’s January activism, our migrant hotel protests and our future plans!




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