Mark Collett
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This article left out a description of the attacker, instead focusing on telling women to be 'aware of their surroundings'.
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Migrants smash up Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris in an effort to stop another migrant from getting deported.
Forwarded from Magna Polonia
Laura Melia: Mogą zablokować twoje konto bez powodu! [WYWIAD]

Mogą zablokować twoje konto bez powodu!

Kilka tygodni temu dowiedzieliśmy się, że sąd w Wielkiej Brytanii skazał na dwa lata więzienia, patriotę, zatroskanego o przyszłość swojego kraju. Podstawą aresztowania były naklejki, które Sam Melia produkował i rozklejał, skazanie nastąpiło natomiast, ze względu (jak to określił sędzia), intencję jaką miał Sam Melia. Sprawę opisywaliśmy TUTAJ

Forwarded from Laura Towler
My interview with James Delingpole is available to watch now on his Substack page. It will be made public early next month but if you want to support James, you can do so on the below link and watch it straight away.

I will say it was a very refreshing interview to do. James didn’t wince away from any topics and I found him to be very open minded and honest. I don’t think we agree on everything but it was good to have a mature conversation and lay our cards on the table.

Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think!
The archive of this week's episode of Patriotic Weekly Review with Warren Balogh can be found on Odysee and BitChute - please support my work on those platforms as they contain a full archive of all my previous videos:
Media is too big
Police have issued a Section 34 dispersal order in Milton Keynes after a large scale gang fight involving as many as 300 'youths'.
Demographics is destiny - diversity didn't build Britain, diversity has been forced upon Britain in order to destroy it.
I wonder why they now allowing full beards in the army?
Only kidding, it's clearly another change aimed at enticing certain ethnic minorities into military service.
Forwarded from KVLTGAMES
called it once again when designing the achievements
Forwarded from KVLTGAMES
So the Steam storepage can't be opened if you have a German Steam account. Once again, banned in Germany lol

You can still buy our non-woke indie game on Steam here if you are not from Germany (currently still at 99% positive reviews):

Or on GOG here:
Forwarded from White Papers
"Standing Up To Westminster: Scotland Can Control Migration"

The Scottish government may not have the ability to issue or revoke visas, deport foreigners, or prevent migration through direct means, but that does not mean that the Scottish are powerless.

The devolved administration in Holyrood has a raft of powers which could be used to keep non-Britons out of Scotland:

Tax, housing, property, and health policies are just a few of the ways in which the Scots could make it significantly harder for migrants, both legal or illegal, to settle in the country.

Demographic policy comes in many forms, and the the devolved administrations could stand up to Westminster's immigration policies if they so chose.

Read the full piece about how the White (native) Scottish can take back control here on our Substack:
VIDEO: Who was REALLY Behind the Moscow Terror Attack
The recent terror attack in Moscow was quickly claimed by ISIS and the mainstream media have been quick to claim it was the work of jihadists. However, the evidence doesn’t point in that direction, could this be state sponsored terrorism, orchestrated by another nation? Find out who stands to gain the most from the slaughter of innocent Russians.
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Why have the media blanked out of the faces of the 'youths' involved in yesterday's riot? Even GB News did this!
They would have probably done more to find him if he had put up stickers...
Forwarded from JamesWindsorGI
I sure hope Counter Terrorism arrested the organisers of this event on Wednesday for fly posting…
Forwarded from Blair Cottrell
Lift steel, resemble steel.
There’s something very esoteric about this, that the more heavy & hard the objects we lift the heavier and harder our bodies must become.

It’s for this reason that a man’s body says at least as much about him as any of the words he could speak.

Steel and suffering are the ultimate perspective-givers. Words detract from physical realities, form the basis for excuses and abstract ‘mental health’ copes, which only complicates what is actually very clear and obvious.

There is nothing ‘logical’, ‘scientific’ or even remotely interesting about the written copes of weak, lazy people.

We should only be giving our attention to the words of physically established men.
We live in a country where criminals like this are let back onto the streets in order to commit murders whilst patriots are jailed for putting up stickers.
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
🇺🇲 Biden proclaims this Easter Sunday as a "Transgender Day of Visibility" in the United States.
Forwarded from No Chance
I'll be live tonight on James Goddards Twitter with @MarkACollett at 7pm.

It should be a good conversation.
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